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variety is the spice of life

Definition of variety is the spice of life
—used to say that life is more interesting and enjoyable when it includes
many different things

What is the Meaning of “Variety

is the Spice of Life”?
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Spices are these little things mostly seed, fruit, root, bark which are used in nutritionally
insignificant quantities to pep up ones food. Their unique flavours enhance the food.
Spices also serve as a preservative by killing or preventing the growth of harmful
The phrase,” Variety is the spice of life” was probably coined to express how variety if
added in our lives could have the affect of a spice and enhance our everyday existence.
Variety does to our lives the same thing that spice does to food. It makes it more fun,
more interesting, more meaningful. Aid sometimes just likes a preservative it can cure
depression, and alleviate boredom.


Everyday life can get mundane. Variety is the spice of life means that life could be made
more interesting my making some significant changes. The message conveyed by this
phrase if taken seriously could change the course of our lives. It is good to try different

After all, a rolling stone gathers no moss. Besides, it serves to break the monotony of
our lives – one of the reasons for depression these days.
If one is used to having lentil and rice everyday for lunch for a change a biryani is very
welcome. A cook uses different spices, different garnishes; each rendering the same
dish a different taste.

Similarly if we make changes in our life we could challenge the sameness and lead
more meaningful lives. Variety in our lives does not necessarily mean that we go about
making drastic changes. That would be disastrous at best.


When children study a particular subject over a period of time they get bored. A good
way to keep the child’s interest up would be to introduce some variety. A picture book or
a game that teaches the child while he plays would be a good way to make him learn.

The youth are probably the most active. That is in part because at this stage in ones
development one is more open to change, more open to learn new things and more
open to experiment. Adults have a lesson to learn from the youth.

One might get old physically but if the heart is young then the body will follow and try to
keep pace with it. So what can keep the old, young at heart? The oldies should
engage ln new activities. Going for a walk day after day could get really boring. One would
see the same faces and the same surroundings. Instead one could go swimming, or join
a yoga class, maybe.
Many oldies who have joined dance classes have found that they have brought back the
missing zing in their lives. Learning a new activity is not just fun it gives you the
opportunity to make new friends.


Just like a spice could ruin food if it is used in excess similarly variety could ruin our
lives if we started applying it indiscriminately. Imagine a scenario where parents decide
that they are fed up with each other and want to try new partners.

Although this might sound interesting and exciting to them, it would be morally unethical
and would damage the fabric of their family’s existence. However that does not mean
that they must lead a lackluster life. They could introduce variety by making some
changes. Instead of eating dinner every day, day after day with the family they could opt
once in a way to go out for a candlelight dinner.

Instead of watching a movie with the family every Sunday they could go out for a small
excursion. Introducing variety in ones life does not have to be expensive. You just have
to put your mind to it. As a family if you put your heads together you will be amazed at
the suggestions your kids could come up with to make your weekends exciting. When
one leads an exciting life there will be no room for either depression or boredom.

You will wake up each morning looking forward to a different day. So live life to the
fullest. Experiment and innovate and you will find that variety can really spice up your

Variety Is the Spice of Life Essay

Posted on June 7th, 2019 Leave a comment

 Spices, imparting taste to food
 Freedom from dullness
 Variety’s definition abuses of a monotonous life

It is not enough that our food should be wholesome; it must be tasteful too. But what is that,
above all, which imparts taste, to food? The answer is ‘spices’. In fact, without spices our
food will become insipid, lacking in the essential quality of being palatable.

As with food, so with life. Nobody wants to live a dull and monotonous life. What is that
makes life free from dullness and monotony? What is it that leads joy and flavour to it? The
answer is variety. What spices do to food, variety does to life.

Variety means diversity or, in other words, absence of rigid uniformity. In every sphere of
life, major or minor, food, association and even place of residence, from time to time. Even
to hear the same song, however enchanting, or to read the same book, however enthralling,
would cause boredom before long. Hence out of an instinctive urge from within, man does
not like to be surrounded by the same things for a long time much less a life-time. His soul
needs contact with ever-changing joys and experiences. Else it dies. Life becomes
burdensome and uninspiring and death seems preferable to that state.

Man lives more by the mind than by the body. When, having fallen into a rut, the mind
becomes sick and weary; his health begins to give way. The advice for change of climate
given by wise doctors springs from the ultimate motive of affording the sick new
experiences, new sights and sounds, and new sources of delight because the old have lost
their appeal to his mind. Thus variety is also a great healer likewise, in every other sphere
of life, variety denied is the soul killed whereupon the body exists only to smart till death
steps in to relieve it of the intolerable burden of life.

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