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P: patients

I: intervention

C: Comparisons

O: Outcomes


P: post MI patients

I: echocardiography

C: nuclear imaging

O: assessing the function of myocardium

Misalnya kalau di dalam studi diagnostik, p itu pasien mana yang mau kau periksa, I itu kau mau periksa
pake apa, c itu gold standarnya, o itu apa yang mau kau nilai dalam pemeriksaan

Misalnya kalo pasien batu empedu, I nya itu yang usg semalam, c nya itu ercp, o itu ada ato engganya
batu di dalam kantung empedu

Jadi pas kau baca jurnalnya pertama, kau jelasin piconya

Contoh. This journal is for the patients diagnosed with CBD stone, to compare Trans abdominal
ultrasound with the ercp as gold standard in assessing the existence of the CBD stone

Gitu lo debo

Baru setelah kau tau jurnalnya untuk apa baru kau baca via nya

For the validity, we need to determine if the patients is admitted randomly, then we need to determine
if there is a comparison between index testing and gold standard and whether both the examinations
are examined blindly to each other

Ini validity

Next we need to know the reliability of the diagnostic study. We need to determine the sensitivity, the
specificity, ppv and npv of the diagnostic tools.

For the applicability, if we use the diagnostic tool in Indonesia, it is available in most of type b hospitals,
and not very costly

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