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Selection is characterized as the process of differentiating among applicants to identify those with a higher likelihood of job
success. Selection is simply the selection of a candidate from (a pool of applicants) who has the necessary experience and
expertise to do the job. The size of the labor market, the company's profile, the place of posting, the nature of the job, the
compensation package and a host of other factors are likely to react to the company's recruitment efforts. The organization
seeks to find prospective employees through the recruitment process and allows them to apply for positions at different
levels. Recruiting also offers a choice pool of applicants. Selection is the mechanism by which the applicants choose the most
appropriate candidate. The candidates are divided into two parts in the selection process–the ones that are suitable for work
and the ones that are not. This includes rejecting those candidates who are not fit for the job and therefore something that is
defined as' negative process'. The Selection process involves screening methods (with each step having a negative effect on
the number of candidates) to ensure that a suitable candidate eligible for the position is chosen. Depending on two factors,
choice varies from hiring. Two, recruiting is related to finding prospective employees for a job, while selection is a method of
selecting an employee for a job from prospective employees. Second, hiring attracts as many applicants as possible as
candidates are chosen to identify the best applicant for a position. The main criteria of a selection system are KSA (Knowledge
Skills Abilities). Definition: "Selection is the method of choosing people who are qualified to fill jobs in an organization. The
basic purpose is to choose the person from the pool of qualified applicants who can perform the job most effectively."
IMPORTANCE OF SELECTION Selecting the right employees is important for three main reasons: • Performance • Costs • Legal
obligations. • Performance: At first, part of our own subordinates depends on our own performance. Employees with the right
skills are going to do a better job for any company and the manager. Employees without the necessary skills or abrasive
abilities would not perform effectively and the performance of the company would suffer greatly. There is also time to screen
out undesirables and select the best and ideal candidate that can contribute effectively to the success of the company. • Cost:
Additionally, it is crucial because it is costly to find and hire employees so that the cost-benefit ratio has to be taken into
account when recruiting employees in order to avoid unnecessary waste of money and valuable resources. The overall cost of
hiring a director can potentially be 10 times higher than when you add recruitment fees, interview time, reference testing and
travel and moving expenses. • Legal Obligations: Thirdly, due to the two legal implications of incompetent recruitment, it is
necessary. Next, for selected classes, equal employment law requires non-discriminatory hiring procedures. Third, courts may
hold the company responsible if workers with criminal records or other problems use access to the homes of consumers to
commit crimes. Lawyers advocate for unethical recruitment of staff with such histories, without adequate protections. The
incompetent recruiting, therefore, stresses the need to think through what the human needs of the work are. Therefore, in
order to avoid the idea of incompetent recruitment, a concerted attempt must be made to collect relevant information about
the candidate and check all documents. ESSENTIALS OF SELECTION (1) The choice of individuals with relevant qualifications. (2)
To match the job requirements with the candidate profile. (3) Finding the most suitable candidate using various tools and
techniques. (4) To excel in the job. ROLE OF SELECTION For at least two factors, the role of choice in the effectiveness of an
organization is crucial; first, work performance depends on individuals. Hiring people with the skills and willingness to work is
the best way to improve results. Bad or inappropriate selection from the employee's point of view can demoralize the person
concerned (who finds him or herself in the wrong job) and de-motivate the rest of the workforce. Consequently, active choice
assumes greater importance. Second, the expense of recruiting and retaining employees speaks of the recruitment volumes.
False selection costs are higher. PURPOSE OF SELECTION The recruitment aim is to pick up the most suitable candidate who
best fits the job requirements in an organisation, and find out which job applicant will be successful if hired. To achieve this
goal, the employer obtains and analyses applicant data in terms of age, credentials, abilities, experience, etc. The work
goal, the employer obtains and analyses applicant data in terms of age, credentials, abilities, experience, etc. The work
requirements are linked to the employee profile. Upon rejecting unsuitable candidates, the most appropriate candidate is
then picked up through successive selection stages. It is very important how well an employee is assigned to a job because it
directly affects the amount and quality of the work of the worker. Any inconsistency in this regard can cost an organization a
lot of money, time and difficulty, particularly in terms of training and operating costs. The worker can find the job frustrating
in the course of time and quit in frustration. He may even spread' hot news' and juicy bits of negative company information,
resulting in incalculable long-term damage to the company. Therefore, successful election requires constant monitoring of
the' fit' between the workplace people.

Sources Similarity
Why careful selection is important?Compare text
selecting the right employees is important for three main reasons: performance, costs, and legal obligations. performance: first your
own performance always depends in part on your subordinates. employees with the right skills will do a better job for you and the 5%

Project of Recruitment and Selection | Recruitment | Job HuntingCompare text

The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the requirements of the job in an organization
best, to find out which job applicant will be successful, if hired.RECRUITMENT Recruitment is hiring of employees from outside. 3%

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