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Accounting is the science of business calculation. Or many call it the language of business.

Because every level of any business must require a financial report that is based on accounting
calculations. So that accounting becomes part of the business itself. Along with the development of
technology, this work is getting easier, especially with the birth of computers and financial data
processing software. This technology product then takes over the 'traditional' tasks that previously
had to be done manually by accountants.

In Indonesia itself, accountants are needed in various fields of occupational professions. In

every line of society and government. Collectively the accountant profession as an auditor is much
needed, like housing if there is no security to guard it, the possibility of thieves and robbers will
come to power. The need for an accountant's independence was clearly wanted by various parties.
Large companies that have a stake in the national economy, certainly have a large tax obligation.
Tax collectors (the government) do not want to be defeated by them, because it will harm the
national economy, and do nothing but use credible and trustworthy accountants services other than
using government tax accountants.

Even many cases of corruption crimes have been found by financial audit institutions. Or if
there are legal issues, the accountant is involved. The right solution to employ accountants in
various fields is accounting progress in the modern era. Moreover, if international accounting
standards are applied, every country has the same standards and makes it easy to exchange financial
information globally.

Examples of professions that can be undertaken by undergraduate graduates or accounting

1. Head of the Accounting Department,
2. Public Accountant,
3. Head of Taxation,
4. Accounting Staff,
5. Educator Accountants,
6. Government Accountants (tax),
7. Corporate Secretary,
8. Financial Managers,
9. Accounting Information Systems Analyst,

It is undeniable, the accounting profession is relatively prospective in the eyes of business and
government. Because the details of their interests are above the realm of the world of work, it
becomes an important asset in choosing work. However, it is demanded to understand the true
nature of accounting. Professional, honest, fair, and free of KKN.

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