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Resignation Letter Template (Courtesy af igMedical; Date ‘You Boss's Name ‘Your Employer's cress Chiy Sate 2 Dior Boss's Name Please aosept thls ser "2006, suit lst ay boi signatory positon at My decision resign was ade after long and eureful considertivn, Vx sincere ratte farm rewal express my cemployttest experience with sna wi you fenovaly Tis decnion te pasos ser opporety os a a any ana Het ns he High forme atsictime a Ewock omard fling ny onal and poisson geal My effoms wnt my end date ill be 19 wrap up my projeets here axl tn over ry resooribilies ax smeely as posible, Please le me know what you expect 30 this proces is sompltod to your satisfastion, ‘Nasi, thank you oral support an undersaring si rely. Your Name

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