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The Parts of application letter

Parts of the application letter Based on the letter

Address of writer Address: Jl. Saklawase No.13 jakarta
Address of the company Yth. Leaders of Personnel PT. Janaka Group J.
Pinter once No. 15 Yogyakarta

Directly person in change of hiring There is no

Opening paragraph I hereby wish to join the company the father
/mother you lead. Since I got the information
from the print media bahwasannya Update PT.
Janaka Group Marketing job opening section
And as consideration Mr / Ms I also attach.

Middle paragraph There is no

Closing paragraph the cover letter I created this work in truth.
Hopefully I will be received in the company of
Mr. Mrs. For the attention I say many thanks

Sign the application letter Best regards

Asri Tika

The correction

1. Should name of the sender and author's is at the top below the date.
2. Should the author, write directly the name of the person in charge of hiring.
3. the job applicant should write the middle paragraph Because the middle paragraph
can have a big effect.
4. Job applicants do not sign the application letter.

Name : Ufra Nengsi

Class : XII. MIPA 1

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