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Threat Perceptions and its severity &


Threat Perceptions and its severity & intensity

Something or a situation that poses a risk or a likelihood of danger or
jeopardy to the safety of Civil Aviation – is a Threat.

Types of Threats to Civil Aviation:-

1.Sabotage of aircraft/airport
2.Unlawful seizure of aircraft
3.Destruction of airport facilities, NAV Aids
4.Communication of false information in order to jeopardize the safety
of civil aviation
5.Use of aircraft in service to cause death or destruction to property
and facilities
6.Cyber threats
7.Insider threats
Threat perception:-
Threat perception is defined as a deep sense of vulnerability that is
assumed to be negative,likely to result in loss , and largely out of ones
From terrorist attacks to geopolitical posturing, if there is one industry
that tends to find itself dragged onto the frontline of global security and
cyber risks, it is aviation.
While flying has always been one of the safest way to travel. aviation
incidents have an outsize impact on the public consciousness.Emerging
technologies, the changing character of war, a widening cast of actors
and growing reliance on cyber are changing the nature of the threats –
creating pressure on the industry to make sure it maintains its safety
level, with the number of air travellers projected to nearly double in the
next 20 years.

Perception of Insider Threat

A malicious threat to civil aviation that comes from within the industry,
airport or airline etc. stakeholders, such as employees, former
employees, contractors or business associates, who have inside
information concerning the organization's security practices, data and
ICT systems.
Potential Candidates of Insider Threat
1.Airport staff
2.Stakeholder Airport Based Employees
3.Security Officers/screeners
4.Law Enforcement Agents
5.Aircraft Crew Members
6.Disgruntled dismissed employees


•Proactive approach to reporting suspicious activities

•Pre-employment background checks to make sure your employees do
not damage the integrity of your business.
•Practical vetting techniques
•Risk management for your workforce

Severity and intensity

The United States Congress created TSA just two months after the
tragedy of September 11, 2001. The Aviation and Transportation
Security Act (ATSA) makes TSA responsible for security in all modes
of transportation, and requires that TSA assess threats to transportation,
enforce security-related regulations and requirements, and ensure the
adequacy of security measures at airports and other transportation
Factors that create severity:-

1.PTSD – Post Trauma Stress Disorder

2.Benefit of doubt for authorised personnel
3.Identity theft
4.Vastness of airport
5.Advancement in Technology
Example of OR Tambo Intl Airport:-
->1,000 airport employees
->27,000 stakeholder airport based employees
-16,300 parking bays

How to reduce severity and intensity:-

1. Too much compliance can be a bad thing. There is still a tendency to
focus safety efforts on compliance with existing regulations. However,
as regulations tend to take time to reflect awareness of new
vulnerabilities, this can lead to evolving threats being overlooked,
impairing preparedness.

2. Companies should think like attackers, not defenders. The best way to
prepare for tomorrow’s attacks, rather than merely prevent a repeat of
yesterday’s, is to think like an attacker.
In the cyber domain, much of the industry could still do much more to
work with “white hackers”, who can help them identify and re-frame
their understanding of vulnerabilities.

3. Cooperation on security concerns, in the physical and cyber domain,

makes everyone stronger. Individual companies need to avoid seeing
their own resilience against attacks as a source of comparative
advantage: that creates the potential for individuals with malicious intent
to shop around for the weakest link, and any successful attack
undermines the sector as a whole.

While aviation players are typically aware of the need to share their
discoveries on previously unknown vulnerabilities and best practices for
dealing with them, especially in the cyber domain, there is nonetheless a
need for better mechanisms to facilitate this collaboration.

4. We need to rethink border security for the digital age. Although

attacks can increasingly be mounted remotely, aviation safety is still
improved by better knowledge about passengers – and the current
approach to cross-border movement is decidedly 20th century.

The travel industry overall, and the aviation industry in particular, is at a

crossroad. With security concerns intensifying, the security of flying
increasingly depends on cross-industry and multistakeholder dialogues
and collaboration to tackle new and shared vulnerabilities.


Since TSA’s creation, there have been many changes in the screening
technologies over time. Additional threats have evolved over the years,
and we’ve had to rely on our technologies to mitigate these additional
threats. One of the first technologies deployed was the walk through
metal detector. Since then, TSA has moved to the Advanced Imaging
Technology, or AIT, machines that detect more than metallic threats.
This change was a major step forward in closing gaps for passenger-
based threats. As the name implies, metal detectors only detect metal.
Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT)
Advanced Technology X-ray (AT-2)
Explosives Trace Detection (ETD)
Explosives Detection System


New technologies for improving efficiency and security of the aviation
security space, those on the forefront of research and development can
help identify unique and advanced methods to combat terrorism. It
drives the development of future technology investments that can
address an evolving adversary and aviation threat.

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