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A New Method To Estimate Modulus Of Elasticity And Modulus Of Rupture

Of Glulam IJoist
Effendi Tri Bahtiar, Naresworo Nugroho, Muh. Yusram Massijaya, Han Roliandi, Rentry Augusti N. et al.

Citation: AIP Conf. Proc. 1325, 319 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3537940

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A New Method To Estimate Modulus Of Elasticity And
Modulus Of Rupture Of Glulam I-Joist
Effendi Tri Bahtiar1,#, Naresworo Nugroho1, Muh. Yusram Massijaya1, Han
Roliandi2, Rentry Augusti N.1, Adi Satriawan1
Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University. Bogor, Indonesia
Research and Development Center Ministry of Forestry, Bogor, Indonesia
Corresponding author. E-mail:

Abstract. Glulam consists of laminaes and each laminae influences glulam’s strength. Transformed cross section (TCS)
method is a well known method to calculate the modulus of elasticity (E) and modulus of rupture (SR) of glulam.
However, the TCS does not follow the principles due to its assumption that the material properties depend on its shape
and size. Therefore, a new calculation method is required. This paper discusses the formulation of a new method to
determine E and SR of glulam. It was found that E and SR calculated by the TCS and new methods are the same. The
new method confirms the independencies of E and SR which could not be fulfilled by the TCS one. Therefore, the TCS
method could be replaced by the new method.
Keywords: Glulam I-joist, Modulus of elasticity, Modulus of rupture, Transformed cross section.
PACS: 02.40.Yy

Wood as construction material has dimensional
limitation problems. Following the demand of large This research utilized rubber wood (Hevea
size of wood for construction purposes, engineered brasiliensis) as a raw material and phenol resorcinol
wood products are developed; one of them is glulam formaldehyde (PRF) as adhesive. Those woods were
with I-shape (Glulam I-Joist). Glulam consists of cut in rectangular shape for the size of 2 cm x 4 cm x
laminaes that are bundled and glued together. Each 300 cm, 2 cm x 6 cm x 300 cm, and 2 cm x 8 cm x 300
laminae affects the strength of glulam to resist the cm. One end side of each laminae was cut for small
bending load hence glulam’s strength could be specimen test based on BS-373:1957. The dimension
predicted from its laminae characteristics. for small specimen was 2 cm x 2 cm x 30 cm [1].
Transformed cross section (TCS) method has been
previously used to determine modulus of elasticity (E) Type1 Type 2
and modulus of rupture (SR) of layered systems (e.g.
glulam). However, the TCS does not follow the 7.5c 7.5
2 m 2
principles due to its contrary assumption related with 2 3.3c 2 1.8 1.8
the reduction of material’s plane area for laminae with 1.7 m 5
lower E value and the extension of its plane area for
laminae with higher E value. In fact, E is a material 2 2
2 2
property which is independent of the size and shape of
FIGURE 1. Glulam I-joist shape.
material, therefore it will not be relevant to change the
material’s plane area based on E of laminaes. Each laminae was arranged to become glulam I-
Based on the above description, a new method to joist, then bending tests were conducted with two point
calculate E and SR value of glulam is required. This loading configuration based on ASTM D-198 [2].
research aims to develop a new method to calculate E There were two types of glulam I-joist with different
and SR of glulam based on mechanical and geometrical types of web arrangement: as vertical web and as
analyses. horizontal web (Fig. 1). Some laminaes must be made

CP1325, The 4th Asian Physics Symposium – An International Event

edited by Khairurrijal, M. Abdullah, W. Srigutomo, S. Viridi, and Novitrian
© 2010 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0880-7/10/$30.00


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from two or three pieces of timbers because of
dimension limitation. In that case, finger joint was Before glulam production, each laminae was cut
applied for end joint. Average of E and SR (weighted into small specimen for bending test. Bending test of
by its length ratio) was chosen as E and SR for each small specimen was conducted with center point
laminae. After that, E and SR of glulam I-joist were loading configuration based on BS-373:1957. The
calculated by theoretical methods. tests gave average E and SR values of 8566 and 77
Theoretical calculation method was done in two MPa, respectively, for small specimen (Table 2).
ways: transformed cross section (TCS) and a new Based on the properties, rubber wood could be
developed method. Meanwhile, empirical values of E classified into grade III-II of wood strength
and SR were gained from bending testing results based classification according to Peraturan Konstruksi Kayu
on ASTM D-198 and were calculated by employing Indonesia (PKKI) NI-5 1961.
Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively.
TABLE 2. E and SR of laminae
3 Glulam E (MPa) SR (MPa)
23 PL ,
E= (1) Code Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
108 ∆bh 3 G11 3130 11800 9096 26.6 99.9 79.4
G12 5310 12200 8577 19.6 101.8 69.9
G13 4490 11040 8461 49.2 91.3 79.5
Pmaks L3 . G21 4520 11630 8992 53.1 106.7 76.7
SR = (2)
G22 2760 11360 7391 32.4 984.0 73.0
bh 2
G23 1055 14188 8878 19.8 118.7 83.4
Average 8566 Average 77.0
E and SR formulas for the TCS method are given by
Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively. Application of TCS Method
I xc( tcs ) The transformed cross section (TCS) method needs
E= E( ref ) , (3)
I xc a reference laminae as a standard width while the
width of another laminae would be shortened or
I tcs S Ri . elongated based on its modulus of elasticity. The
S R = bref c MIN (4) width of laminae which has lower E than the reference
I act bi( tcs ) yi laminae would be shortened, and laminae width which
has higher E would be elongated.
Derivation of E and SR formula for the new method On the TCS method, there are 6 (six) steps to
was conducted with mechanics, calculus and calculate the E and SR of glulam, namely:
geometry. 1. Identifying the actual size and E of each laminae.
2. Transforming the width of each laminae based on
3. Calculating neutral axis and moment inertia of
Many researchers [3-6] reported that physical transformed glulam plane.
properties such as density and moisture content (MC) 4. Calculating neutral axis and moment inertia of
affect mechanical properties of wood. In glulam, glulam for empirical testing based on actual glulam
physical properties of each laminae affect glulam plane.
properties. So it is important to report the physical 5. Calculating E of glulam using Eq. 3.
properties of each sample. The physical properties of 6. Calculating SR of glulam using Eq. 4.
laminae and glulam which were used in this research
are shown in Table 1. Density was measured based on In this research, the TCS was applied twice: (1)
air dry, meanwhile specific gravity was on oven dry. face laminae chosen as a reference, and (2) back
laminae chosen as a reference. The TCS gives
TABLE 1. Physical properties of laminae and glulam identical results when face or back laminae is taken as
Sample MC (%) Density (g/cm³) Specific Gravity a reference. The result is reported in Table 3. It
Code Laminae Glulam Laminae Glulam Laminae Glulam proved Bodig and Jayne (1993) and other reseachers
G11 12.99 11.72 0.70 0.66 0.62 0.59 [9-11] statements that the TCS method will give
G12 13.15 11.27 0.69 0.68 0.61 0.61
G13 12.85 11.92 0.66 0.68 0.59 0.61 identical result of E and SR of layer system no matter
G21 13.09 11.65 0.68 0.67 0.60 0.60 which reference laminae is chosen. On the contrary,
G22 12.84 11.66 0.68 0.77 0.61 0.69 another researcher [12] reported different E of glulam
G23 13.14 11.47 0.68 0.65 0.60 0.58 if the back or face laminae was chosen as a reference.
Mean 13.01 11.62 0.68 0.69 0.61 0.61
Therefore, a piece of glulam will have different E as


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many as its laminae. It is confusing if a piece of n   n  2  n−1  2 
∑  
material has many E values. Ei i  ∑ hi  −  ∑ hi 
  i =1   i =1   (9)
i =1
 
 n 
Application of New Method 2 ∑ Ei hi bi 
 i=1 
Although the TCS is well known already as a
standard method to calculate E and SR of layer system, 3. Calculating moment of inertia (Ixc) of each laminae
it has a fatal weakness because of its inconsistency based on glulam theoretical neutral axis, using
with basic science. E and SR are material properties parallel axis theory.
which is independent of its shape and size. This 4. Calculating neutral axis and moment inertia of
condition could not be fulfilled by the TCS because glulam for empirical testing based on actual glulam
the method changes the size (width) of plane of plane.
laminae, depending on its E. This is why it is 5. Calculating E of glulam by Eq. (5) for vertical
important to develop a new method which more glulam, and Eq. (6) for horizontal glulam.
consistent with basic science. 6. Calculating SR of glulam by Eq. (7) for vertical
The formula derivation of the new method to glulam and Eq. (8) for horizontal glulam.
calculate the E and SR of glulam has been conducted
by mechanics, calculus and geometric analyses. The TABLE 3. Theoretical E and SR of Glulam calculated by TCS
formulas for calculating the E and SR of vertical and New Method
Glulam E (MPa) SR (MPa)
glulam are given by Eqs. (5) and (6), respectively. Type
Code TCS New Method TCS New Method
1 G11 7982 7982 84 84
n G12 10222 10222 103 103
∑E b
i =1
i i
, (5)
G13 7363 7363 77 77
E= n
Average 8522 8522 88.0 88.0
2 G21 7406 7406 79 79
i =1
i G22 7403 7403 79 79
G23 7406 7406 94 94
Average 7330 7330 83.8 83.8
S R = MIN S Ri , ( ) (6)
As seen in Table 3, the new method gives identical
Equation (6) implies that SR of vertical glulam is results with those obtained by using the TCS.
similar to the weakest laminae, which has lowest SR. Theoretical E and SR calculated by the TCS or new
It is consistent with the weakest link theory that the method give identical results. It means that the new
sequence of events or objects is dependent on the method could replace the TCS method to calculate E
support of the whole. The whole is only as reliable as of layer system because they result in identical value,
the weakest member or link [7, 8]. Equations (7) and and all of its steps confirm the independency of
(8) are suitable for horizontal glulam. More complex material properties from its size and shape.
layer system could be solved by the combination of
these equations.

∑E I
i =1
i i
A new method along with the transformed cross
E= , (7)
I section (TCS) method have been formulated and used
to calculate the modulus of elasticity (E) and modulus
 S Ri  . of rupture (SR) for layer system could replace the
S R = Ec MIN  (8) transformed cross section (TCS) method. It has been
 Ei yi  shown that both methods give identical results. Since
only the new method is proved by mechanical and
On the new method, there are 6 (six) steps to geometrical analyses and consistent with the
calculate the E of glulam, namely: independency of material properties, the new method
1. Identifying the actual size and E of each laminae. could replace the TCS one.
2. Calculating the theoretical neutral axis of glulam
using Eq. (9). REFERENCES
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specimens of timber”, BS 373:1957.


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