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Life can get boring sometimes...

Why does it feel like you're just doing the same

things every day, going through the same routine, walking down the same path...
Sometimes you're working for many hours nonstop, not bothering to take a break,
perhaps not actually sure about whether you're making any progress. Other times
you're mindlessly scrolling down the screen, feeling kind of entertained, but not
really, not sure why you're even looking at what you're looking at. Life, well -
why do you always just want to get home, stay at home, and sit in the same spot,
not bothering to try new things and visit new places... It's almost as if you're
losing track of time, and time is just dripping away like a loose tap, and life is
no different today than it was months ago. Life is mundane, and monotonous, and

Which is why, every once in a while, we should look at the world around us, and
appreciate it for what it is. There are many beautiful things in this world, and
that's awesome. Wouldn't it be a shame not to enjoy the warm sunlight, let it shine
over you, and you know, walk around in the open space? Wouldn't it be pitiful, not
to get in touch with the beautiful beach shores, magical forests and majestic
cliffs? We were never meant to be this way - staying indoors, in the same place,
facing the same surroundings; doing the same chores, eyes glued to the same screen.
Instead of walking down the same path and living through the same day as any other
day tomorrow, see if you can go somewhere else. Go out into the world, and actively
seek natural beauty. Look around at the amazing things that we have, and appreciate
them, and I promise you, life will not be boring, mundane, and it will not be
ordinary. Go out there today and look for something different.

buncha music

MVDB - Lost

Blurred - Bojack

lano - pain

Ouse - farcry

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