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October 21, 2019

To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to recommend Ashley Sova as a music educator. I have not witnessed

Ashley’s teaching, but I can recommend her based on her musicianship and character.
Ashley studied private voice lessons with me in spring of 2019 in preparation for her
Senior senior recital. As an honor’s student, Ashley was responsible, intelligent,
conscientious and well-spoken. She has a genuine enthusiasm for music and musical
education and I am confident that she would be a dynamic teacher in the classroom. As
a musician, she has a lovely soprano voice and is comfortable in both classical and
musical theatre styles. Her strong musicianship skills and work ethic ensured that she
was always prepared for her lessons and consistently performed at the highest level. I
also found her to be honest, highly organized, thoughtful and creative. She was always
on top of deadlines, sought out opportunities and made the most out of her education.
In my opinion, these traits speak well to how she would function as a young colleague. I
am confident that Ashley would rise to the challenge. She would put the time in to
ensure a quality result and her students would have fun along the way.
I hope that you will strongly consider this young, talented educator.

If you have further questions regarding this fine applicant, please feel free to contact
me. I would be happy to offer further support.

Warmest Regards,

Kristin Dauphinais, DMA

Chair of Vocal Studies
Associate Professor
Fred Fox School of Music
The University of Arizona
P.O. Box 210004
Tucson, AZ 85721-0004

Office: Music Building, Room 205

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