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--How to Install----------------------

1.Insert the Data card in the USB socket of your PC.

2. Double-click on the CD ROM icon displayed on the desktop. Then copy the Linux
Folder from the directory displayed on clicking the the CD ROM icon.

Please uninstall modemmanager,because it interfere with normal operation of

# sudo apt-get remove modemmanager.

You can use the shell command:

"rm -rf /tmp/linux"

"cp /media/iBall\ Airway/linux/ /tmp/ -rf" or directly copy the folder"linux" in
the cdrom to /tmp folder.
Ubuntu12.04 later
"cd /media/ Look into the folder iBall\ Airway,if have copy the file ,cp iBall\
Airway/linux/ /tmp/ -rf" or directly copy the folder"linux" in the cdrom to /tmp

3.Change the "/tmp/linux/install_linux" file operate mode using the shell command:
"cd /tmp/linux"
"chmod a+x install_linux"
4. su as root and run "install_linux" in TERMINAL to install USBModem
"sudo -s"
input super user password, so now you are the supper user,run command
install_linux to install
"sudo ./install_linux".

5. If you have previously installed this software in your system, you will get a
prompt: "The software already exists, do you want overwrite? ([Y]/[N])", enter "Y"
to overwrites or "N" to exit.

6. If you have not installed this software in your system before, you will get a
prompt: "Please input the install path[/usr/local/iBall Airway 21.0MP-58]:". Then
you can input install path (full path), or you may use the default
path[/usr/local/iBall Airway 21.0MP-58] by pressing ENTER directly.

7. After installation is complete, plug out and then plug in the USB Modem again.

--How to run--------------------------
*(1) From Applications->Internet->iBall Airway 21.0MP-58

*(2) Run PhonePad in your install path

eg: # /usr/local/iBall Airway 21.0MP-58/USBModem

*(3) The prefered method is to plug in your device, it will run automatically (Not
supported in Xandros).

*(4) For ubuntu, you must login as root and run USBModem
eg: # sudo -s
input your root password
# /usr/local/iBall Airway 21.0MP-58/USBModem
# /usr/local/iBall Airway 21.0MP-58/

--How to Uninstall----------------------
*You need login as root*
Run UninstallUSBModem in TERMINAL to Uninstall USBModem
eg: # /usr/local/iBall Airway 21.0MP-58/UninstallUSBModem

--After connecting to the Internet why cannot I view websites via


Ans: Start firefox and check File->Work Offline checked or not,if checked then
uncheck it,you can view website immediately

--if you can not install in fedora with the error "gnome-
try to exit super user with command "exit",and re enter into root with command "su
- root" but not "su root"

--how to install software on ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 11.04 x86_64 12.04 x86_64-------
before installing the software, you must install dependent library that will be
used by the software.
1.add source in 13.10 x86_64 later
# sudo echo "deb raring main restricted universe
multiverse" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ia32-libs-raring.list
2.update apt source list
# sudo apt-get update
3.install libc lib
# sudo apt-get install g++-multilib
4.install X printing Extension (Xprint) client library
# sudo apt-get install libxp-dev
# sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
5.install libusb-dev ubuntu

--for improve software stability please upgrade linux library on ubuntu-------

1.update apt source list
# sudo apt-get update
2.upgrade all linux patches
# sudo apt-get upgrade

how to root in shell

$sudo -s
input super user password.

--how to support voice call-----------

udpate and install alsa about library.

--why I cannot open help document--------

$sudo apt-get install evince
Sometimes not open help, please execute the following command.
1.sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince /etc/apparmor.d/disable
2.sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor restart

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