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WomeENitTE Womenite stemmed from an incessant and urgent need to address the ineptitude of a society which was not onlyfunctioning on a set of inherently flawed ideals, but seemingly thriving on them too.It is a youth-led youth-driven social initiative committed to bringing a change. Through education, love and empowerment we seek to create a society equal in it's norms of gender and appreciative of differences.A community built on passion and hope carrying around a desire to see the world transform underneath nurturing and en |G @)e=)> driven fingertips, we envision a better society for the generations to come. Actualising that dream is our responsibility, and so we call ourselves the changemakers; harbingers of change, not saviours but a wave heralding a do-over, Currently, we are conducting workshops on issues like Menstrual Health, Child Sexual Abuse, Gender Equality and various other topics of consequence in hopes of breaking stereotypes and bringing about tangible change. © Neem) OUR MISSION Fuelled by a set of commonly shared values and spurred on by our passion, our mission is an unwavering determination to the betterment of society. Being work orientated as we are, we believe in doing rather than the preaching of doing. We work tirelessly towards dissemination of information to raise awareness about issues of consequence and bring about a shift in widespread mentality. OUR VISION We envision a society based off of not only equality but the softer nuances of feminism. Our vision is helping create a world acceptive and appreciative of people because of who they are and not impose their ideas of gender, sexuality, ability, race, religion, class or caste on others. We believe in love and have faith in the power it exhibits. Womenite Womenite has been a recognised changemaker in events like the Global Action on poverty (GAP) 2016, FifthAction for India forum at IIT-D, Make room India programme 2016 in Bengaluru, the Vatican youth symposium 2016 in Vatican city and the road to rights international summit and peace 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.It was one of the winners at the world merit day 2016, an event spanning 50 countries and was also invited to the UN women's headquarters in New York to present their project as a part of the ‘Brown bag activity’. Womenite was also a runner-up for Queen's Young Leader Award chosen by HH Queen Elizabeth IT herself: Meeting TRH Prince Charles and The Duchess of Corn- It is the proud organiser of a first of its kind feminist fest- Darpan, at DCAC on the occasion of international women's day, 2017 and Aaghaz- "Meri beti Meri Taakat", another grand success of a fest in 2018. Consisting of a team of 100+ members, Womenite has conducted workshops and sessions in over 120 schools, colleges and other institutions thus establishing a reach of over 25,000 students. It has also constantly engaged in efforts to help give rise to a better world through campaigns, offline as well as online. Besides training sessions, some of the campaigns that womenite has organised/been a part of include a free hug campaign and a gender equality campaign held at Raahgiri, sale of handicrafts designed by underprivileged people, panel discussions with renowned personalities, movie screenings, slam poetry, street plays, feminist booths at various colleges, dance performances, open-mics and so much more Our founder, Mr Harshit Gupta at UN Women's headquarters @, Womenite Mr. Harshit Gupta, founder of Womenite, was awarded the National youth award at the National Youth Festival 2018 organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India. The event was inaugurated by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and the award was handed over by Chief Minister of UP, Shri Yogi Adityanath. He was the youngest award-recipient of all the Delhiites present there. What started from the library of his college 3 years ago is now being nationally and internationally appreciated and this award is proof that dedication and hard work in the right direction always pays off. Here's to hoping for even bigger and impactful change in the years to come and taking Womenite to new heights! Our team is a band of individuals equal in their ardour of witnessing the emergence of a new world. Vehemently working towards this goal and offering ready support and guidance to beginners, they are the backbone of this whole organisation and the shoulders we rest our colossal dreams of change upon. Womenite Womenite believes that child sexual abuse Can only be tackled when one is made aware of all the forms of its abuse and is well | informed about the basic facts. f4 . E%s i In order to spread awareness A regarding the same, we have been delivering several sessions on child sexual abuse in various schools and organisations in and around Delhi NCR. With a major focus on government MCD schools, these sessions witnessed the presence of children of 5-14 years. Economic researchers and surveys have proved that over the turn of the century the human productivity and results could have been two-folds only if different sexes would have been given equal opportunities in society. The persistent efforts of Womenite has always aimed towards ‘multiple goals’ leading to an ultimate goal that is 'Equality' in such a gender biased world. As a stepping stone towards the accomplishment of multiple goals, Womenite conducted various workshops focussing upon the key areas like ‘awareness related to the gender stereotypes’ , ‘elucidating how gender stereotype hampers one's growth’ and suggesting ways to map one's own gender neutrality so that one can improve and grow against such inequalities . Menstrual Hygiene Womenite aims to eradicate the ignorance, taboos and hush-hush related to menstruation, it's hygiene management. For that , various workshops as well as awareness campaigns were conducted by Womenite which aimed at educating girls and women through an interactive session. The workshop covered the key areas like ‘Menstruation process and hygiene’, ‘How to deal with menstruation’, ‘Health tips’, ‘Medical Issues and Myths related to menstruation ’. All these issues were elucidated through talks, pictures , videos , © We skits and one to one interaction with the audience. Nome The members of our organisation were guided and trained by a renowned group of leaders which included Ms. Sudha Shashwati , Ms. Asmita Sharma and Rahi Foundation. They guided and trained the members of our organisation to be able to conduct the sessions on issues like "child sexual harassment" etc. We were made aware of various laws and preventive measures along with their valuable suggestions on how one should be handling the questions put forth by students, while keeping in mind their tender age and thought process. On the occasion of International Women's Day, Womenite celebrated the spirit of Feminism through its major events "AAGHAAZ" and "NAARI KI CHAUPAL". Catering to the different forms of society the events were aimed at achieving a common goal. They started simultaneously, on 10th of March 2018 , District Magistrate Of North Delhi in association with Womenite hosted Aaghaaz at Japanese Park, Rohini themed "Meri Beti Meri Taakat". The event began on an energetic note with the international level gymnast, Ms. Dipa Karmakar being the welcome guest of honour. Followed by the exhilarating performances by the dance and dramatic societies ,the event saw participation by enthusiastic young college students in large number. Also,the special attraction of the event were STALLS by Female Entrepreneurs in different fields of business. On the other hand Naari Ki Chaupal , sessions were conducted in 17 villages of North Dethi. Addressing the dire need of our society for awareness regarding women's health and education, modules on "Menstrual Hygiene" and "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao" were being delivered to women of all age groups. Visual aids such as diagrams, posters and documentary were being used to interact with the Womenite audience. As a result the women were open to discussion and have been immensely focal about their struggles. Conclusively, it was overwhelming to see wide acceptance of such ideas which aims to create an equal society through education, love and empowerment! Womens We collected Raddi from people in NCR and from the money we got in exchange from the scrap dealer, we used it to buy gifts and accessories for people in Old Age Homes like Chesire Hone and NGOs namely Prayas, Vikalang Sahara Smiti, Bal Sahyog, etc. a a On the occasion of International Women's Day, Womenite organised two events: Darpan and Justajoo : of Sexuality and Choices. Darpan, a one of a kind feminist fest was held first on 10th of March, 2016, as a reflection of the feminist ideals of Womenite. Ittihaad Womenite, in collaboration with the Department of BA Programme of Indraprastha College for Women, DU, called renowned feminist poet, Ms Kamla Bhasin for their Annual Fest-IITIHAAD hel on 3rd April, 2017. Ms. Bhasin addressed an audience of over 600 people where she talked about feminism being the equality of the sexes and the need to get done with patriarchy. The talk was followed by a soul wrenching performance by team Womenite. Village development programme Womenite went to villages of NCR and took sessions on menstrual hygiene, child sexual abuse and gender equality and taught children there for 90 days. Ittihaad Womenite, in collaboration with the Department of BA Programme of Indraprastha College for Women, DU, called renowned feminist poet, Ms Kamla Bhasin for their Annual Fest-IITIHAAD hel on 3rd April, 2017. Ms. Bhasin addressed an audience of over 600 people where she talked about feminism being the equality of the sexes and the need to get done with patriarchy. The talk was followed by a soul wrenching performance by team Womenite. Village development programme Womenite went to villages of NCR and took sessions on menstrual hygiene, child sexual abuse and gender equality and taught children there for 90 days. Mr, Harshit Gupta Entrepreneurs don’t aim at making a million dollar, they aim at impacting the lives of a million people. I embarked upon this journey in 2015. My mother is my inspiration along with all the domestic engineers whom we call as housewives. We initially aimed at doing something for them, but soon we realised that under the umbrella of women empowerment there are many more issues untouched and need to be resolved. So we began by conducting workshops and felt as well as discovered that education is the most powerfull tool that can bring a change in this world. Womenite aims to create an egalitarian society through education, love and empowerment. India has got the largest population of youth and if their energy is channelised in the right direction, then it’s my belief that we can fight with any issue. poles Aen hes eae CONTACT US http:/ / Womenie [4] hitp:// Womenite http://www.instagram,com/Womenite @® Harshit Gupta - 9717973658 Tamanna Gupta - 9711110318

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