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Organization Structure:

The proposed organization structure is a horizontal structure. Unlike vertical and matrix
organizational structures, a horizontal organizational structure has fewer layers, normally two
or three. It doesn’t have many chains of command. The top position of the structure is the
owner of the business. The second layer contains managers or team leaders who report to the
business owner. The third layers are team members supervised by the managers or team
leaders in the second layer. The horizontal org chart has eliminated many middle management
levels, thus can be considered as an employee-centered with emphasis on teamwork and
collaboration. Without going through complicated hierarchies, employees have more contact
with managers and even business owner.
A horizontal organizational structure is an employee-centered approach that employees have a
big part to play. They get more satisfaction due to the greater freedom and autonomy. The
cross-functional structure makes optimum utilization of resources across different teams. It’s
cost-saving since they can save a great amount of money from hiring the middle management.
Last but not least, the structure is quite flexible; business managers could easily adjust the
priorities based on different tasks.
The proposed Organization structure starts with the CEO of the company who has the great
responsibility to implement the vision of the Board of Directors and achieve the financial
success of the company. Below the CEO there is the deputy CEO who has more operational role
than the CEO and he is also responsible for taking important decisions in absence of the CEO to
ensure the flow of work.
The following level consists of the managers of different functions of the company and they are
as follows:

 Research and Development (R&D) Manager: This department is very important for the
pharmaceutical industry to try to improve the existing products and find new products
that is needed by the market. If the company succeeded to develop a new product, it
could improve the position of the company among the competitors.

 Quality Control (QC) Manager: Since the company is working in the pharmaceutical
products, Quality of the product is very important as it might affect the health of the
human beings.

 Financial Manager: Financial Manager responsible for managing the team responsible
for financial issues related to the company and also responsible for preparing financial
reports for the board of directors.

 Sales and Marketing Manager: This department is responsible for generating the
revenue through marketing different products and finalizing deals with customers.
 IT Manager: IT Department is very important support function that support the who
organization functions.

 Human resource (HR) Manager: HR department is responsible for the efforts related to
the personnel working in the company in addition to hiring new employees to make
sure that the organizational objectives are achieved.

 Supply Chain Manager: The supply chain department is responsible for handling all the
issues related to the raw materials and supply of the company to make sure that the
materials are available on time, with a good quality and reasonable cost.

 Plant Manager: The plant manager is responsible for managing the factory that is
producing the products the company is selling. He is making sure that the production
flow is working in the best way to supply the quantities needed with the required
quality. He is also responsible for the maintenance of the equipment that is used in the
production in coordination with the maintenance manager. Finally he must make sure
that the production doesn’t affect the health of the workers involved in the production
activities in addition to making sure that the production activities don’t affect the
Board of


Deputy CEO

Sales &
Financial Supply Chain
R&D Manager QC Manager Marketing IT Manager HR Manager Plant Manager
Manager Manager



HSE Manager

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