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Driver Risk Assessment

Who undergoes this assessment?

The Driver Risk Assessment is taken by experienced drivers who regularly drive for their work.

What does the assessment measure?

The assessment helps to determine the personal factors and behavioural factors of the driver that indicate a
high, medium or low risk of an accident. The questions that are asked have an established link to accident
risk. There are also a number of control questions asked. These questions measure the tendency of the
participant to give socially desirable answers.

What is its purpose?

The participant gains insight into the risk category that he has been attributed to as a result of the
assessment. He can also find out how much risk he runs according to specific factors.

What can you do with the results?

If they have prior approval from the participants, client organisations can obtain group reports from the
CitoDrive Assessment Portal. Based on these reports, they can decide if, and in what form, driver training is
advisable. In addition to the group reports, individual reports per participant contain training advice. If the
Situational Awareness test is also taken, these results are also taken into account in the training advice.
With these results, trainers gain insight into the pre-training level of the group of drivers and into the type of
training that can be given, especially in terms of what can be changed in their driver behaviour.

What do the candidates have to do during the assessment?

The Driver Risk Assessment is a digital questionnaire in which participants must answer all questions.
The questions refer to factors in the driver’s driving history and driving style which are necessary for
determining his/her risk level, such as accident involvement, fines, speed, drinking and driving,
concentration and distraction, and aggression.

Where is the test taken?

The Assessment is made available on CitoDrive’s internet-based assessment portal. It can therefore be
taken from any computer with an internet connection. It is advisable to take the test in a quiet place. The
assessment can be taken using the following internet browsers: Internet Explorer 7 and FireFox 3.

How long does the test take?

The assessment will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

How should the candidate prepare?

Candidates do not actually need to prepare for the Driver Risk Assessment. The questions refer to the
driver’s experience and can therefore be answered without any form of preparation.

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