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Speaker coordinator, my function within the deparment is to aproach

educational centers and to hold conferences on all topics based on sexual


To carry out lectures in which all the subjectsbased on the sexual education are
treated for alltype of public.

To create new strategies for each conference, inorder to be able to create a con
science in theaudience and to obtain a meaningful learning.

Within the conference talk about the new productreleased to the market, get ex
cellent results withthe strategies and didactic that are made withinthe conferenc
e and so the audience understandsthe importance of sexual jewish education ce
nterin our life and the product.
I have getting the audience interested report and motivate on the different
topics of sexual education
I have planned, organize, manage the activities to be xarried out within the
event nin order to achieve the objective of the conferenceto be held.
I have control and cuardicate the schedule of events in the educational centers,
in order to have total organization about the events that take place.
I have worked as team to coordinate the topics to be dealt with focusing an the
tyoes of audience to wich the conference is going to be held and also to touch
on the subject of the product that we are going to launch to the market.
In my time in this company, i have held more than 100 confeences an the
topics of sexual education to many types of audience such as children young
people an adults in wich each one has a didactic strategy for theme given in the
conference to be understood by the attendoes.
I will carry out cinferences with a different didactics, innovating ways toi talk
about the topics, integrating the audience doing play activities in wich all lainds
of assitant understand the topic tha is being discussed.

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