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I come from a house I’ve lived in my whole life.

A house on the same street in the same

neighborhood, going to the same school district with the same people. A house that only has 3
bedrooms for 4 siblings, so I always shared a room with my sister. A house that is always loud,
but is somewhat empty now with my sisters at college.

I come from a big family. A family that gave me 3 siblings and too many cousins to count. A
family that is so close that we are best friends. A family that knows how to laugh hard and love
harder. A family that always comes together for holidays and knows how to have a good time.

I come from a line of athletes. Athletes like my mom and sisters, who taught me everything I
know. Athletes that have become my biggest role models. Athletes that taught me what hard
work is. Athletes that have become part of the reason why I love my sports.

I come from an amazing team. A team that has helped me build some of the best friendships. A
team that knows how to play together and play for each other. A team with the strongest bond
and trust. A team that always lifts each other up.

I come from the beach. A beach that allows my family to all be together. A beach that lets us
relax and do nothing for once. A beach that is such a simple vacation, but everyone in my family
loves it and we can always find something to do. We don’t ever travel anywhere exotic, just our
favorite beach.

I am going in the right direction. I am going to a good college. I am going to do a job that I love. I
am going to have a family. I am going to make a difference. I am going to live a happy life.

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