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MARINHA DO BRASIL DIRETORIA DE ENSINO DA MARINHA CONCURSO PUBLICO DE ADMISSAO AO COLEGIO NAVAL CPACN/2019 NAO ESTA AUTORIZADA A UTILIZACAO DE MATERIAL EXTRA 1° Dia — Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 1 Coloque F (falso) ou V (verdadeiro) nas afirmativas abaixo, em relagdo aos numeros naturais, assinalando a seguir opgao correta, () Se dois ntimeros néo primos s8o primos entre si entéo, ao menos um deles é imper. () © produto de trés numeros naturais consecutivos € ‘um miltiplo de 6. () Assoma de trés numeros naturais consecutivos é um miltiplo de 3, (.) Onémero primo 13 divide @ expressao 2019"? ~ 2039, A MMMM) (B) MFYYV) (C) (F(VEXV) {D) (FV)(Y)V) (E) (PYF) QUESTAO 2 Seja y = mx? + (m—1)x— 16 um trinomio do 2° grau na varidvel ‘x' e com 'm’ pertencente aos conjuntos dos numeros reais. Sabendo-se que as ralzes 7, © r, de y S80 tais que 7, <1 <7, a soma dos possiveis valores inteiros @ distintos de ‘m' é: (A) 36 (B) 42 (c) 49 (0) 53 (E) 64 QUESTAO 3 Uma jovern I todos os dias, pela manh&, & tarde ou & noite, mas como é atarefada nunca consegue ler por tres tumos consecutivos. Como é muito dedicada, também cuida para nunca ficar trés tumos consecutivos sem sua leitura habitual. Seguindo essas regras, ela observou que © uitimo livro que terminou foi lido de tal forma que: — Foram necessarios 28 turos de leitura para finalizar esse livro; — Em 12 manhés, 7 tardes e 10 noites, ela ndo leu qualquer parte desse livro. Com base somente nesses dados, quantos dias essa jovem gastou com a leitura desse livro? (A) 19 (8) 17 (C) 15 (0) 13 ©) 11 Prova: Amarela 1° DIA - Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 4 Observe a figura a seguir. > Nela temos dois triangulos equilateros de lado 23 Sabe-se que o circulo no interior do primeito triangulo € 0 ‘quadrado no interior do segundo triangulo, tem as maiores reas possiveis, E correto afirmar, que a razéo entre os perimetros do circulo e do quadrado é igual a6 (V3 +3 (3-1 2 A) : w- 1 3. ay3-(3+2v3) © © mabs+e 36 8 ®) (Cc) y fe & QUESTAO 5 Observe a figura a seguir. d Nela, 0 arco AC, de centro em B, mede 90°. M é ponto médio do diémetro AB do semicirculo em preto. Essa figura representa 0 ponto de partida de um desenhista ‘grafico para a construgao do logotipo de uma empresa. AS reas das partes clara ¢ escura somadas so iguais a 4" Apés analise, ele resolve escurecer 30% da area clara e apronta 0 logotipo. Nessas novas condigdes ¢ correto afitmar que a porcentagem da area da parte clara’sobre @ rea total seré iguel 2: (A) 25% (8) 30% (C) 32% (0) 35% (E) 40% CPACN/2019 Pagina: 2/9 QUESTAO 6 Sejam ay; Az} G3} .}An—2} Gn—1} An 08 divisores do numero K = a x = , organizados em ordem crescente dos nimeros naturals. Considerando que a= 108 e b = V3, determine 0 algarismo de maior valor absoluto do numero T= ay +az+a3 e+ yg + Gyaa + dy © marque a opgao correta. (A) 5 (@) 6 (o) 7 (0) 8 €) 9 QUESTAO 7 Muttipicando os valores reais distintos que resolvem a equacao (x3 — 6x? + 12x — 4)? — 15(x9 — 6x? + 12x — 4) +36 = 0, encontra-se, como resultado: (a) 4 () 6 (c) 9 ©) 2 © 18 QUESTAO 8 Sele ABCD um quadrado de lado 1 © centro em ‘0 Considere a circunferéncia de centro em 0 e rato 2. area ‘s’ da regio externa ao circulo considerado e intema 20 quadrado é tal que: (A) ossx>z (B) x>y>2 (C) x>z>y (D) z>y>x (©) 2>x>y CPACN/2019 Pagina: 4/8 QUESTAO 18 A triste © imeparavel tragédia ocorrida com o Museu Nacional, situado na Quinta da Boa Vista em Sao Cristovao, Ru, em 02/09/2018, incentivou uma pesquisa com um grupo de estudantes, com ¢ intulto de saber quais museus cariocas j& visitaram. O resultado aparece a seguir: - Apenas quatro museus form mencionados: Museu Nacional (MIN), Museu do Amanha (MA), Centro Cultural Banco'do Brasil (CCBB) e Museu Histérico Nacional (MHN); — Todos os consultados afirmaram jé terem ido ao MA, sendo que 32 nunca estiveram em qualquer outro dos museus mencionados; - Dentre 50 dos estudantes que também j& foram no CCBB, 30 nunca foram aos outros dois museus mencionados; - Dente 40 estudantes que também J4 foram no MN, 22 nunca foram aos outros dois. museus mencionados; - _ Dentre 30 estudantes que também ja foram no MHN, 18 nunca foram aos outros dois. museus mencionados. = 10 dos estudantes afirmaram ja terem ido a todos os museus mencionados. Com base nessas informagbes, quantos estudantes 20 total responderam a essa pesquisa? (A) 148 (8) 136 (C) 122 (0) 117 (€) 105 QUESTAO 19 Observe a figura a seguir. x E at c D Ela apresenta o triéngulo equilétero ABC e 0 relangulo CDEF, Sabe-se que A, Ce D esto na mesma reta, AC CF e CD = 2DE, Com centro em C e raio CD traga-se o arco de circunferéncia que intersecta EF em G. Por F traga-se a reta FH // CG, de modo tal que D, G eH estejam sobre a mesma reta. Dado que a érea do triangulo CDG 6 36, 0 valor da soma das medidas das areas dos triéngulos CBF e FGH é: (A) 22 (8) 27 (c) 34 (0) 36 (E) 40 Prova: Amarela 4° DIA - Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 20 Analise as afirmagdes a seguir sobre os numeros racionais ein | Para ax b, existem infinitos nameros reais x tais que asxsb. lle Sempre existiraé uma solugéo para @ equago na variavel x dada por ax = b. Me Sea? 45% =0, entéo a IV- Sea QUESTAO 21 Read the extract from the text. “Ten minutes later you get to work and stop reading the moming paper.’ ‘Mark the option that can replace the expression get to. (A) drive to (8) goto {C) find (0) arrive at (E) come from Prova: Amarela 1° DIA - Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 22 Read the extract from the text ‘The year is 2020, and its 7:45 on a rainy Monday morning, (...) What's the correct question referring to the underlined information? (A) What's the weather? (8) What's the weather like? {C) Hows the weather? {D) How is the climate like? {E) What's the climate? QUESTAO 23 Read the extract from the text. ‘They offer many advantages.” The subject pronoun ‘they’ refers to: (A) Germany and the United States. (B) Volvo, GM, Nissan and BMW. (C) computers with radars. (D) drivetiess cars. (€) computer maps. QUESTAO 24 Read the sentence below. That is an intelligent car that works with a computer. ‘What's the plural form of the sentence? (A) These are inteligents cars that work with computers. (8) Those are intelligent cars that work with computers. (C) Those are intelligents cars that works with computers, (0) These are intelligent cars that works with computers. (©) Those are intelligent cars that works with computers. QUESTAO 25 Read the extract from the text ‘When the light turns green and there are no other cars in the intersection, (...)" Mark the option that can replace the underlined sentence. (A) there are some other cars (8) there aren't any other cars (C) there is another car (0) there are a few other cars (©) there aren't many cars, ‘CPACNI2019 Pagina: 6/9 QUESTAO 26 Mark the sentences that dees not represent an advantage of criverless cars, (A) Robotic cars will probably reduce the number of accidents. (8) People won't waste so much time in traffic jams. (C) Driverless cars will be cheaper than regular cars, {D) Driving licenses won't be necessary. (E) {twill be possible to relax in a robotic car. QUESTAO 27 ‘According to the text, a driveriess car is a car that (A) doesn't have any driver. (B) uses technology to move. {C) goes where it wants. {D) only goes to work or school. (E) drives and reads the papers. QUESTAO 28 The robotic car can: (A) read the moming paper. (B) tum right, left and green. (C) say a few words. {D) do your work for you. {E) test car companies. Read text II to do items 29 to 31. TEXT IL Pasewords to be replaced by Web Authentication It looks like login usernames and passwords are on i way out. No longer will we have to worry about the security of __( login credentials, They are set to be replaced by an infinitely more secure login system known as Web Authentication. Web Authentication has become an official standard for logging in at the main Internet standards body, the World Wide Web Consortium (WWWC). It is a system that will be universally used by web browsers and platforms for simpler and stronger authentication processes. It will allow website users to [og in securely to their online accounts using a digital device, biometrics (such as fingerprints and facial recognition) or USB security keys. ‘The WWWC spoke about the days of passwords being numbered. A spokesperson said: "I's common knowiedge that passwords have outlived their efficacy. Not only are stolen, weak or default passwords behind 81 per cent of data breaches, they are a drain of time and resources.” It added: "Now is the time for web services and businesses to adopt Web Authentication to move beyond vulnerable passwords and help web users improve the security of their online experiences,” Web Authentication means users are at less risk of having their passwords and credentials, Prova: Amarela 1° DIA - Prova de Matemética e Inglés stolen. This is because login authentication is achieved via physical vices or biometries from our body. QUESTAO 29 Mark the option which is false about the text. (A) Login credentials might soon be replaced by Web Authentication. (8) Web Authentication makes use of biometrics. (C) The WWW Consortium suggested the use of passwords is nearing an end. (0) The WWW Consortium suggested passwords are @ waste of resources, {E) Web Authentication increases the risk of having passwords stolen. QUESTAO 30 ‘What two examples of biometrics did the article mention? (A) Facial recognition and DNA. (B) Fingerprints and facial recognition, {C) Ourretina and fingerprints. (0) DNA and fingerprints. (€) DNAand USB security keys, QUESTAO 31 Mark the option that fils in blanks | and il, respectively. (A) their / our (8) itfus (C) its sours (0) theirs / ours ©) its/us QUESTAO 32 Read the statements . The dog isn't sleeping but is listening to what they're talking about. Ie The boys are talking about mathematics. ilk The dog is worried about what they're talking about him. IV- The boys are solving mathematics problems about dogs, It's correct to say that only the (A) sentences | and IV are correct (B) sentence Ill is correct {C) sentence | is correct, {D) sentences Il and itl are correct. (E) sentence Il is correct. CPACN/2019 QUESTAO 33 Read the dialogue below. AHI, Annal B: Good morning, Suel A‘ Tell me, dear, you go to Theo's bday party last night? B: oh, yes, { It was great! | so much fun! But 1 you there! you there, sweetie? A No, | 1 at home. What time did you get home? Bit ‘about 11 p.m. when | got there! A: Allright then! See you around! B See yal Mark the option thet completes the dialogue correctly. (A) were / was / did / don't see /Was / not / went / was (8) did / did / had / didn’t see / Were / wasn't / stayed / was {C) will will am having / am not see Do / don't / am / is (D) were / were / did / saw / Were / weren't / were /is {E) did / did / was having / wasn't / Did / didn’t / stayed / got QUESTAO 34 Mark the sentence that is not true. (A) People often go to the hospital when they are healthy. (B) You can get a haircut at the barbershop. (C) When you need medicine, you go to the drugstore. (O) At the library you find calm atmosphere and many books, (©) Exercising at a sports center makes you stronger and fitter. QUESTAO 35 ‘Observe the city map. It’s correct to say that the (A) grocery store is in front of the high school. (8) library is behind the hospital. (C) drugstore is next to the café. (0) barbershop is across from the sports center. (E) the bank is between the shopping center. Prova: Amarela 1P DIA - Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 36 Read Garfield, a comic strip, by Jim Davis. It's correct to say that Garfield (A) Is always boring (B) is never bored at Jon. (C) gets bored when Jon talks. (0) has a boring life. (E) thinks Jon has a boring voles. QUESTAO 37 Match the questions and answers. How's Mary? Ie What does Cindy do? ile Whose daughter is Karen? IV- How much meat does your sister have on @ regular meal? V- Hou many fiends do Mark and Sue have on Facebook? ) Afew. } She's hers. } She's alt right ) Alte () She's a shop manager. Mark the option that shows the correct order of answers, (A) (GD tt) (IY) (vy (8) (Y) (lh aut (vy (C) (Y) ality 0). Y) D) (D) (IV) (0) (Illy (V) (II) CE) CY) (IV) (D(H, CPACN/2019 Pagina: 8/9 QUESTAO 38 ‘Complete the sentences using the correct verb tense for the verbs in brackets, Henna (Grive) down the road when she (Beeythe perfect wedding dress on a shop Window, Mark usually (leave) for work early, but today he's a littie late because he (have) problems ‘with his car. (be)fifteen years old, so she nse, Mark the sentence that shows the correct use of verb tenses. (A) drove / saw /is leaving / has / has / has {B) is driving / sees /eft /has /is hasn't (C) was driving / was seeing / leave /is having /is / have {D) drives / sees / leaves / was having / has / don't have (E) was driving / saw / leaves /is having /is / doesn't have QUESTAO 39 Read and complete the sentence below. I'm traveling to United States next month. | want to see__ Hawaii and Rocky Mountains (depending on ~~ money and imel). Mark the option which best completes the blanks respectively. (A) the 1X the /XIX. (B) X/the / the /the / the (C) X/the f the XIX {D) the / the /the / the / the (©) X/X/ the / the /X QUESTAO 40 Mark the right option to fill in the blanks in the cartoon, respectively. hitps:/ (A) amazes - spend (B) amazed - spend (C) amazed - spends (0) amazes - spends (E) amazed - spent Prova: Amarela 4° DIA- Prova de Matematica e inglés CPACNI2019 Pagina: 9/9 5s a r s = - 11 Procure re INSTRUGOES GERAIS AO CANDIDATO. esque se a prove reatitae a oa de espsts sto da mesma co: onsta no rodap de cada ha aco coesponterte)e se nfo aa quests ou gas, Esurevaeassine eaetaraneo eu none, clog osu ere Ge sari ig verfesdr (0) apenas ns las neaaoe ( tengo para a reaizaéo da prove ser de 08 (cinco) horas, incindo o tego necesso& marcagHo das resposias na Soha de resp, eno sr proregede, ‘6 nse a prow apts ser autsrzado elo Fiscal irtorompento sus eecutfo quando dterinado; Inada a prov, no haveré mals exclecmerics, O candi somente poder dear Soules, Cevdaene auizado pel Supenisaisal, pose rear cfntverere corsa Ge jrova cu, nos casos absinoespeicados, dendernenteaconpankoto por mir Gesigrad pa ess = atendinento médica ps pessoal desi rela MB, eae: vo de banbel, © cago de orga maior, compiovades ga superisto do ceca, sem que acortea sata da rea count area realzero de pve Em neu ds casos haved proopato do tempo desnad &eafaséo da prove em caso de trad dln do ei de prove esa serécoiga alé ‘onde fo sclucnad Use caneta slot prea ou azul para prsncher alo de respesias: Confira nas fles de queses es resposes que vock assnelou coro conta anes de marcas ra fla despots. Cuedo para ndo marc gues ‘apes pra uma mesma ques a toa de resoostas (aquest sex per), za rascuno, use os spams disponeis as foes de quests, as 56 seo carga as resposas mercaas a fa despots; (temp sana de perc ds cardeale n edna de aphcaao te proves & de 160 minutos. Sec elninasumsiameste do process sbivolconarsoe suas prov 0 se evades em crsiteraroo cada que: 28) derourecebe alo paraa execno de cuaqee pi 0) ular se de qualquer mate do autora, 6) desespetarquaque reson elaba a exeouo das proves, 4) escrevero nome ou rsnaua esc Wertcadras rab iar que noo determina pra ee fn ) crete a gave de nisin & 4) ccmparece ao focal de reaeapo da preva aps 0 hrs previo pao fechamenn dos panes, Insroedes prac preenchiner 6 aa de resposas 4) we canta estrapdtea al ouprei )_eseeva seu nome em ea de oma ra oa nc, ©} ass seu name noel iced |) no campo ins OV, este 0 seu mero Ge sco nos retinguos, ca esque para a diet, um sign om cada retigue, Escrea ego respondent to DY no dino eng ps cuba todo o efrtdo conespordenea cada ime, Néo anasto, dtr ou esque a cha Ge espoias sah pera de saree plo equpartent de tua ica 2 ©) $6 Sed prmica a roca foht do respostas a nico da ov, por moto de ero ro proenchneno fos campae ne, assntce © nie de Insrigo,sndo denier respansabidece do carla qualquer ro ou esurarareterda ha de respotas, ane il da ova, afola cam alengdo de aoa com exer abana: = (= GD ecscesttenme —_rmmnee Roberto Siva > Ome a 12. No ser pei leva arova aps sea resent. Ocarato esi atoizae a vansoe sis reposts, cento do hort destnad & sob ca roa, allen adel mareseo nov detsinsiuges pare poster conferécia cam ogabaroaue cera alco cia a agéo ce quaque CU pa pape para ancigdo do gato. [ANOTE SEU GABARITO PROVADE COR Ta es eee eee alae lee Bae) eal a ele es ee ee lela el ela Sele ee

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