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Essentials of CV Writing

The CV is curriculum vitae or personal details or a

bio data of a person. The word CV is derived from
Latin word which means course of life. Curriculum
vitae are needed in jobs application. In CV our all
personal details are included like contact
information in which or full name, address, phone
number and emails are included. In Academic
History our all lists of schooling from primary
school till postdoctoral (if applicable), include the
title of degree you earned, the year you graduated
and name of the school are included. In
Professional Experience include the institution
where you worked, the job title; the dates were
employed and summary of your experience and
achievements. In Qualification and Skills list a
combination of hard and soft skills you have
developed throughout your career. In Awards and
Honors write award name it receiving year and
organization which gave you award. In Publications
provide it author name, written date, its summary,
volume, page and DOI number. In Presentations
provide its title, date and venue where you
presented. In Grants and Scholarships provide the
name of grant or scholarship, awarded date and
institution which gave you grant or scholarship. In
Licenses and Certificates include the name of
license or certificate, the date you earned it and
institution that awarded it. And there are three
types of CV format.

1st is Chronological, this is the most common type

of CV; in this list your academic history and
professional experience first after your contact
information. This type of CV focuses largely on your
academic and professional experience.
2nd is Functional, this CV focuses more on your
skills, awards and honors. If you are writing a
functional CV you should place your relevant skills
near the top under your contact information.

3rd is Combined, this CV type is a hybrid of

chronological and functional formats and it allows
space for details about your professional and
educational history as well as your skills with
accomplishments. The elements you first place in
your CV will depend on your experience, career
goals and what you believe is most relevant to the
types of positions you are seeking.

Written By
Doctor Shahbaz Ahmed Bughio
Village Karani Taluka Dokri
District Larkana

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