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On november 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, I was not yet born,
17 days later
2. When Pablo Escobar died I was already born, I was 3 years
3. That same year they approved the law 100 that collapsed the
health in Colombia
4. When I was 9 years old and I was finishing elementary school,
the earthquake in the eje cafetero
5. In the year 2000, the new millennium began, I had started high
6. On the day of the september 11 attack, I remember going to
the doctor, I was sick
7. In 2003, the war for oil against Iraq began, that year he had
studied very hard
8. In 2006 Saddam Hussein dies, the year I met the mother of my
only son
9. In 2013 the particicle of god is discovered, year in which he
was thinking that he would start to study
10. In 2016 I finish the elective stage in sena that same year
would be chosen Donald trump like president of the USA.

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