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 1 can of condensed milk

 2 cups of milk poder
 2 cups of powdered sugar
 2 tablespoons almond essence
 pastry glycerin (optional)
 vegetable dyes


1. In a bowl mix the powdered milk with the powdered sugar

2. Pour the condensed milk and the almond essence stirring until you
get a thick and consistent dough. You can use your hands and allow
several people to help knead the Marzipan dough. Place a few drops of
glycerin to add shine and softness to the dough
3. Divide the dough into different portions and then add the dyes

We made pumpkin-shaped marzipan for the season. If you also want

to know how, follow the steps below

1. With the dough already done, make orange balls

2. With the help of a toothpick make the pumpkin's endures and then
on a flat surface the upper part of the pumpkin perches to shape
3. Decorated with green leaves and enjoy the pumpkin marzipan
Marzipan origin

It is said that the marzipan was invented by the Arabs who

later took them to Spain. When the Spaniards conquered
America they also brought us this dessert.

However, the Italians argue that they were the ones who
invented it.

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