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IUD with a picture showing a hormone releasing IUS, the

other showing both the multiload and the copper T IUD,

Describe the items, what r the indications , the absolute
contraindications, side effects, role in emergency

A picture showing a molar pregnancy, the examiner will

mention a case scenario consistent with the Dx and u will
be asked about the Dx, the DDx, how would u investigate,
the management, the follow up, what kind of contraception
would u advice for such pt,

A station describing a clinical scenario of a PTL, define

PTL, PROM, what r the investigations for each, the
management , the maternal and fetal complications of

A paper with picture of every single type of prolapse

including: cystocele, rectocele, eneterocele, uterine
prolapse, along with a ring pessary,
The questions are describe the abnormality in each
picture, u will be asked about the clinical presentation, the
management, the role of pessary, the indications, if u r
good u will be asked more operative details, including the
Manchester operation.

A picture of fibroid, what is clinical picture, the diagnosis,

management if she wants to conceive, Rx if not, what the
indications of observation, what is the medical
management, what if a patient has a submucous fibroid
and want it to be removed and yet doesn't want a
A female "not so good looking by the way" with hirsutism,
What is the diagnosis "PCOS" mention 2 hormone
elevated in such case, how to confirm Dx " LH/FSH, u/s",
how would u Rx if she wants to conceive, what if she
doesn't want to conceive, mention one effective medical
therapy, what medical conditions this patient is prone to.

Breech picture showing the 3 types, what are those 3

types, what is the incidence, 2 maternal and 2 fetal risk
factors, management options antenataly, indications for
CS in such case,

A case of PPHrge, what is the Dx, the Causes, the first

step u will do, next 4 steps including investigations,
mention 3 drugs that can be given, 3 risk factors.

A station about labor, definitions of : labor, lie, position,

presentation, what is the presenting diameter in vertex
presentation "name and in measurement", the reference
point in each type" face-mentum, cephalic, occiput, and so

differentiation between omphalocele

and gasroschisis

shoulder dystocia and the manauvers


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