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Home Management Session: Time Managers

Time management is a big concern for mothers these days. Between kids’ activities,
household responsibilities and, for many, the demands of a stressful workplace, many mothers
have given up on the fight to find time for themselves and are just trying to get everything done.
The following time management tips can be used by busy moms everywhere to take some of the
stress out of life, and create more time for fun times with children, quality time with their partner,
or even that coveted and nearly forgotten alone time.

Be Organized
- Organize in advance all your works’ responsibility.
- First thing first. Priorities those are necessary.
- Use checklist of the things you need to do for a day, and things you need to accomplish
for a month, and things you want to gain in a year.

- Mothers are not superhuman. Mothers have limitation.
- Better involve children in house hold chores. In that way, you train your children and you
keep all things done.

Multitask—but Only When Appropriate

- Multitasking is good but not at all time.
- Example folding new washed clothes while cooking rice.

Learn When to Say No

- There are some activities we need to decline specially if there is something most
important you need to do. Example reunion, alumni, or other gathering that you think

Take Shortcuts
- Example: when doing market instead of cutting meat, vegetables or fish at home buy
ready to cook ingredients meaning buy ready-cut raw food.

Have a Routine

- Make your household chores a routine so that you maybe become master of it.
- As well as your quality time with your husband and children. When do you spend time
with them? Set schedules of your menu and buying groceries.

Be Flexible

- Sometimes we made some schedule yet sudden important things came up so you need to
be flexible enough to adjust things.
- Always make plan A and B for your activities.

Take Care of Yourself, Too!

- The most important thing of all is to give time for yourself too. You cannot spend a lot of
time with your children or husband if you are sickly.

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