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Welcome fellow seeker of knowledge,

we're pleasantly surprised by your inquisitiveness as we did not think anyone
would read these arcane files anymore.

We know you've come here for answers and we can provide some, but not all.

What should I do?

We can tell that you're on the right track already. Not everyone dares to look
into the belly of the beast that is known as README.txt. That is the right
spirit. You should continue on your journey to look for answers, find the the
truth and seek knowledge. It is out there. We know that it is sometimes
frustrating and hard, but such is the life of a knower.

Keyboard / mouse input

A,D - move left and right
W - fly
S - crouch, drink and eat

Mouse - aim
Left mouse button - use item
Mouse scroll - switch item
Numeric keys - switch item
I / TAB - open/close inventory
F - kick
E - interact
ESC - pause

Drag items outside the inventory grid (when the inventory is open) to throw them

Gamepad input (X360)

Left thumbstick - move left and right, crouch, drink and eat
Left trigger - fly

Right thumbstick - aim

Right trigger - use item
Shoulder buttons - switch item
Select - open/close inventory
B - kick
A - interact
Start - pause

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