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Video Documentary

The title of the documentary that I choose is “Maganda Ako, Period”
directed by Joshua Alcantara. This documentary is all about self; it’s about
believing on yourself and believing that you are unique on your own
way. The issue that talks in the documentation are fitted in today’s
generation because many people in this generation set a standard when it
comes to beauty. For them, beauty is all about your physical feature and
many people are being bullied because of that. But with the help of this
documentation, I think that it will open the eyes, mind and heart of us that
the true beauty is not about having a white skin, pointed nose and having a
perfect body but, beauty is all about believing on your own, people says
that “love yourself first and you will be loved by others.”
Base on what I saw in the documentary, I agree on what they say
especially in the part of using a whitening product. I have the same opinion
of that, because nowadays many people use a whitening product to achieve
a whiter skin or to have a perfect body color for us to be stand out and of
course to look pretty. It’s not bad to use a cosmetic product or other things
to make you feel beautiful, it is another way on taking care of yourself, but
if you did this because you want others to accept you? You should stop it
because you are setting your life depending on others opinion and
judgment, you should always think on yourself first before the other. And I
wish that this documentation will be shown in other schools, because the
discrimination and bullying happens in every school and this documentary
will serve as an eye opener for them and also in the society to break the
standard of beauty.
If will rate this documentary I'll give 4 out of 5, because while
watching the documentary I felt that there’s one thing that is missing. I think
it is the connection to the audience because on my own opinion the issue is
common, so they must put some effects or something that will catch their
audience attention, they should put something new that their audience will
ask, what it's all about. Make your audience curious so that they will watch
it up to the last with an excitement and fulfillment.

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