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SQLCA - Structured Query Language Communication Area

2. What type of events you can define at the application object?
[A] Any event that is available in the event declaration dialog box.
[B] Only events that are not related to the user interactions.
[C] Only events that are related to the distributed processing.
[D] Only DDE events.
X[E] None of the above
3. SQLSA - Structured Query Language Dynamic Staging Area
4.Application's open has the following script:
int i=0
X[A] PowerBuilder stops the application as soon as the above script execution co
[B] Application keep waiting till it encounters Exit() function.
[C] Application keep waiting till 'Halt' or 'Halt with Close' statement.
[D] The above script is wrong. You can't write anything other than the Open() f
unction in the application's Open event.
5. SQLDA - Structured Query Language Dynamic Description Area
6. Which one of the following is faster?
X[A] Enabling and Disabling a menu item.
[B] Hiding and Displaying a menu item.
[C] Creating menu items dynamically as and when needed and destoring them when
[D] All of the above gives the same performance.
7. DDE stands for: Dynamic Data Exchange
8. Application Object ConnectionBegin is fired when the connection begin in:
X[A] Server Application Only
[B] Client Application Only
[C] In Both Client & Server Applications
[D] Depends on the Settings
[E] None of the above
9. OLE stands for: Object Linking and Embedding
10. Idle() function
[A] Makes the application idle and stops taking input from the user.
[B] Fires the Application object Idle event after the specified number of minut
X[C] Fires the Application object Idle event after the specified number of secon
[D] Checks whether the application is idle and returns True/False value.
[E] PowerBuilder doesn't have Idle() function.
11. MAPI Stands for: Messaging Application Programming Interface
12. SignalError() function
X[A] Fires Application SystemError event.
[B] Called from the SystemError event to indicate the error processing is about
to begin.
[C] Checks for any error signals.
[D] Populates the Error object and fires Application SystemError event.
[E] It is a wrong function. It should be ErrorSignal()
13. Which function changes the focus to a different column in a DataWindow?
14. A Datawindow is passed to a function as Read-Only. Can the code in the funct
ion assign another DataWindow to the parameter Datawindow?
[A] Yes
X[B] No
15. What is the function used to change the value of a column in a DataWindow?
16. When a general error occurs at run-time and the Application SystemError even
t has no script:
X[A] PowerBuilder displays error information and stops the application.
[B] PowerBuilder displays the error and allows the user to choose to continue/s
top the application.
[C] you can't run a PowerBuilder application without writing script to the Syst
emError event.
[D] logs the error informaton to a log file and continues application execution
without displaying the error.
[E] You can control error processing by calling SetErrorActionCode() function.
17. Which DataWindow function displays an icon to indicate the current row in a
18. You specify the start-up window name:
[A] by calling the Open() function in the Application Object Constructor event.
X[B] by calling the Open() function in the Application Object Open event.
[C] in the application object's properties dialogbox at the design-time.
[D] by turning the window's StartupWindow property on at run-time.
[E] Any of the above is correct.
19. What is the function used to display a window as a sheet in a MDI window?
OpenSheet or OpenSheetWithParm
20. Sorting can only be done at the client?
[A] True
X[B] False
21. When you open a window using OpenWithParm(), where the parameters are stored
Message Object
22. Which of the following is correct.
[A] You can inherit application object only once per application.
[B] You can limit the number of times an application can instantiate.
[C] You can declare only Public functions at the application object.
[D] Application Objects can be shared between different applications, when the
applications are developed in the 'PowerBuilder Enterprise edition'.
X[E] None of the above.
23. What is the event that is fired automatically when you close the window?
The CloseQuery event should be executed successfully and return zero in order to
fire the Close event and close the window. If the CloseQuery returns 1, then th
e window can not be closed.
24. Variables declared in the Application Object are:
[A] global by default.
[B] private to the application object.
X[C] local to the event in which the variable is declared.
[D] None of the above.
[E] Answer A and B are correct.
25. What is the pronoun used to refer to the ancestor from a descendent?
26. What events you can declare at the menu object?
[A] Only Menu related events.
[B] Only events that are not mapped to any event id.
[C] Only PowerBuilder custom events.
[D] There are no restrictions.
X[E] None of the above.
27. In the client application, after connecting to the DPB server, which functio
n you should call before firing any event/function on the proxy object?
28. Which one of the following attribute a Response window can't have?
X[A] Menu
[B] Border
[C] Control Menu
[D] Title
X[E] Maximize & Minimize buttons
29. A DataWindow control dw_1 has a composite DataWindow (has three DataWindows)
. How many times the SQLPreview() event is fired when you call dw_1.Retrieve()?
[A] Number of Rows in DW Object 1 + DW Object 2 + DW Object 3
[B] Number of rows in the first DW object specified.
[C] Number of rows from the DW Object that you specify as Main DW object.
X[D] Zero times.
[E] Total number of rows in all updatable DW objects in that DW.
DataWindow control with Composite presentation style DataWindow does not fire S
QLPreview event at all.
30. Disabling a menu item will:
[A] disable the associated toolbar icon.
[B] hide the associated toolbar icon.
X[C] not affect the toolbar icon.
[D] display 'X' symbol in red color on the toolbar icon.
31. What is the maximum number of letters an identifier in PowerBuilder can have
32. A menu item can have:
[A] two toolbar icons, one to display when the menu bar item is enabled, and an
other is when the menu bar item is disabled.
[B] two toolbar icons, one to display when the menu item is displayed, and anot
her is when the menu bar item is hidden.
X[C] two toolbar icons one icon is for default display and another is when the m
ouse button is depressed.
[D] You can't associate more than one toolbar icon to a menu item.
[E] You can associate any number of toolbar icons to a menu item and control wh
ich one to display in the script.
33. What is the function used to change the SQL statement of a DataWindow? (Othe
r than the Modify function).
34. When you declare an instance variable with public access at a menu, that var
iable can be accessed from:
[A] the parent window only.
[B] any open sheet in the MDI application.
[C] the parent window and the MDI window.
X[D] the menu and the active sheet.
[E] the menu only.
35. Which DataWindow function applies DataWindow changes to the Database?
36. The ITEM attribute of a menu:
[A] contains the menu item name.
X[B] is an array and contains one element for each of the menu bar item.
[C] is an array and contains all the menu bar items and menu items ( one elemen
t for each item).
[D] Menu doesn't have ITEM attribute. It has CONTROL attribute.
[E] None of the above.
37. Which DataWindow function applies EditControl buffer content to the DataWind
ow Primary buffer?
38. Which one of the following refers to the associated menu from the Window's A
ctivate event?
[A] ParentMenu
[B] This.Menu
X[C] This.MenuID
[D] This.MenuName
[E] None of the above
39. Which function refreshes the Datawindow automatically at a certain intervals
[A] DataWindow.Refresh(Interval)
[B] Return the refresh interval from the DatWindow RefreshTimer event
D[C] Set the DataWindow Timer property
[D] None of the above
40. Pronoun 'ParentWindow' and ParentWindow() refers to the samething.
[A] Yes
X[B] No
ParentWindow is a pronoun applies to the Menu object and refers to the window t
o which that menu is attached to, where as ParentWindow() is a window level func
tion which is typically used in MDI applications to get the MDI frame window.
41. The function name that is used to select/de-select a item in a ListBox.
42. Referring to 'This' from one of the Menu Item refers to:
[A] Menu bar item
X[B] The Menu item in which event the pronoun THIS is coded.
[C] The menu.
[D] THIS is not a valid pronoun in the menu.
43. Which function is used to change the SQL statement of a Datawindow, but rest
ricted to call from a single event.
44. Which one of the following is not a valid menu event?
[A] Clicked
[B] Selected
X[C] MouseButtonDown
45. Which function is used to re-select a row when the row is found as changed b
etween retrieval and update.
46. A window has three controls, one RadioButton, one CommandButton and one cust
om UserObject. That UserObject has four controls in it. UpperBound( This.Control
[] ) in the Window's Open event returns:
[A] Eight
[B] Four
[C] Seven
[D] Nine
X[E] Three
47. What is the equalant function for Window1.Visible = False
48. CloseQuery event is best described as:
[A] Fires automatically when the database query is completed.
[B] Trigger or Post this event to cancel the database query.
X[C] Fires before the window's 'Close' event.
[D] None of the above.
49. Which function sets the mask for the EditMask control.
50. WindowName.WorkSpaceHeight() returns:
[A] The total height of the specified window minus the total height of toolbar,
statusbar, and all the controls placed on the window.
X[B] The total height of the specified window minus the sum of border, toolbar,
menubar, statusbar, titlebar heght.
[C] The second option, but applies only for the MDI Frame/Help windows.
[D] The second option, but doesn't apply to a response window.
[E] There is no such function. The window has an attribute 'WorkSpaceheight' wh
ich you can refer directly.
51. Which function gives the unformatted data from a EditMask control.
52. Which one of the following statement is true?
[A] A window control can be dragged and dropped on another window.
[B] The above option is correct with once exception; it is applicable only amon
g sheets in a MDI frame window.
[C] You can drag any non-sheet window and drop it on the Operating System icons
such as Printer, Mailbox, etc.
[D] A Window control can be dragged and dropped only within the same window.
X[E] Option D is correct with one exception; It applies to only those controls t
hat are inherited from the DragObject object.
53. Which function returns the current row in the DataWindow.
54. HALT statement:
[A] Hangs the application.
X[B] Closes the application.
[C] Closes the application, but executes the Application Close event.
[D] There is no HALT statement in PowerBuilder. We have STOP statement.
[E] Stops taking input from the user till the specified time.
The full syntax is HALT WITH CLOSE and WITH CLOSE is the optional clause. When H
ALT is issued alone, it closes the applicaiton right away. If you issue the full
statement, i.e., HALT WITH CLOSE, then PowerBuilder executes Application Close
event before it stops the application.
55. Which function returns the reference handle of a child DropDownDataWindow?
56. In a SingleLineEdit control, the Modified event fires when:
[A] Every time user types something in the SingleLineEdit Control.
X[B] The user completes typing and press TAB or ENTER key or change the focus by
clicking on other control.
[C] The content of the control is emptied out.
[D] SingleLineEdit doesn't have Modified event. It has EditChanged event.
57. Which function inserts/appends a brand new record into a DataWindow?
58.Which of the following adds a new menu item to the existing menu?
[A] ADD MENUITEM 'ItemName' 'ItemText'
[B] APPEND MENUITEM 'ItemName' 'ItemText'
[C] MenuObjectName.NewMenuItem(...)
[D] Find the upperbound of the ITEM[] and add one more element to the ITEM[] ar
ray and populate value and call MenuObjectName.Refresh
X[E] None of the above.
59. Write the code in a single line to insert a row just before the current row.
Assume, there are few rows in the DataWindow dw_1 and the user clicked on one o
f the valid row.

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