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Oratio Imperata

Almighty Father, we raise our hearts to You in gratitude

for the wonders of creation of which we are part,
for Your providence that sustains us in our needs, and
for Your wisdom that guides the course of the universe.

We acknowledge our sins against You and the rest of creation.

We have not been good stewards of Nature.
We have confused Your command to subdue the earth.

The environment is made to suffer by our wrongdoing,

and now we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference.
Global warming is upon us. Typhoons, heavy rains, floods,
drought , volcanic eruption, and other natural calamities
occur in increasing number and intensity.

We turn to You, our loving Father, and beg forgiveness for our sins.
We ask that we, our loved ones and hard-earned possessions
be spared from the threat of calamities, natural and man-made.
We beseech You to inspire us all to grow into
responsible stewards of Your creation,
and generous neighbours to those in need.
Through Christ, our Lord.
Prayer in Time of Bad Temper

O God, I know that my temper is far too quick.

I know well how liable

I am to

flare up, and to say things for

which afterwards I am heartily sorry.

I know that sometimes in anger

I do things which I would never have done.

I know that my temper upsets

things at home that it makes me

difficult to work with, that it

makes me cause and become the

source of trouble.

O God, help me to think before I speak.

When I feel that I am going to blaze out, help me to keep

Quiet just for a moment or two,

Until I get grip of myself again.

Help me to remember that you

Are listening to everything I say, and seeing everything I do.

O God, control me and my temper too.

This I ask for your love’s sake. Amen.

Dear God, today I bring you my life, my hopes, my dreams, my
deepest yearnings ... You know me intimately. You knew me even
before I was formed in the womb. You called me into this world to
do good and live the life I was uniquely and specifically created
for. I ask for Courage and Wisdom to live this life--the life of my
dreams. Show me where to start and help me be open to hearing
your Voice today. I ask for a greater consciousness of your
Presence, today and every day of my life. Amen.

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