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¿E = Hi Cris, how are you?

C = Hello Elizabet, I'm very good. How are you?
E = I'm fine thanks to God. What are you doing here?
C = I am shopping with my best friend, she buy a new SOFA; I am so excited, because she
just moved in the neighborhood.
E = Yeah? what is her name?
C = her name is Sofia, that have one dog firulais wich jump very high.
E = Umm.. She seems pretty friendly
C = She is an interesting woman who i can trust and very smart, who works in avianca as
air hostess, who like fly araound the world in great heights, she is a little bit strange
E = Yeah? How do you mean?
C = She decided to break up with his boyfriend, because they had long- distance
E = Yeah. The long- distance relationship did´t work out. Maybe she is sad and
disappointed and she is probably just a little lonely or something.
C = I guess that's sad. in my opinion, I wouldn´t like to go out someone that live in
another city or country, that would be hard. I´m just too busy right now with the
E = I agree, always your love long- distance turns out to be bad. If i had more free time, I
would go out and had relationship someone.
I wish i had more free time in my job.
C = me too Elizabet. I wish i could finish my degree this year. if i graduated this year, i
could get a job, and i could start go out someone.
E = it is a good idea. It is always better to wait for the moment to settle down with one
C = that´d be good. Excuse me Elizabet. Do you know if your laptop work properly?
E = Yeah, my laptop turn it on all the time, why? what is the problem?
C = Cris, My laptop is new and i don´t know turn it on. You know what i mean?
E = Yeah. You need to turn it on with this battery and Plug the power cable on the
switch box.
C = Umm Ok, now i will meet new people in social networks. Thanks cris.
E = On the other hand, You should be especially careful with the peoples in the web,
because they are not real friends, it is better meet people with real friends, face to face.
C = Ok thanks by the advice.
E = Ok Elizabet ,bye.

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