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The ingredients and preparation:

The ingredients for cook suadero are:

 1 kilogram of suadero met

 15 lemons
 1 bottle of beer (356ml)
 Sauce Worcestershire
 Ground Black Pepper
 1 Kilogram of tortilla

1. Pour the suadero in a bowl.

2. Mix it with the lemons, Sauce Worcestershire, the beer, the Ground Black Pepper and left it rest
for 3hours minimum.

3. Then simmer the suadero for two hours.

4. Finally fry the suadero for 20 minutes in a pan.

5. Time to make your own tacos mixing the suadero in a tortilla (add sauce if you like).

What do you like about it?

Actually this is one of the most tradicional foods of the central part of México, in each corner of
for example Mexico City, you can find a street food stand of it. The combinations of different
elements of its preparation, is the principal part that I like of it. Suadero takes an infinity of flavor’s
as it depend of the ingredients used by the chef.

Where you can buy it

In general all the ingredients can be buy in a local market (if you can to prepair your own food).

In grand part of the corners of Mexico City.

The best time to eat:

Tacos of suadero doesn’t have a special hour to eat, at all hours will be a nice time; in the morning
before go to work, at evening at the lunch hour, or at night after a long working day.
Anything else:

Also is important to highlight the fact that the sauce plays an important role in the tasting of a
good taco.

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