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Inflammation, dysregulated metabolism and aromatase

in obesity and breast cancer
Heba Zahid1,2,4, Evan R Simpson3,4 and Kristy A Brown1,4

Obesity is associated with an increased risk of estrogen- Obesity affects the production of these factors and is
dependent breast cancer after menopause. Adipose tissue associated with a chronic state of low-grade inflammation,
undergoes important changes in obesity due to excess storage having profound effects on tumor development and pro-
of lipids, leading to adipocyte cell death and the recruitment of gression.
macrophages. The resultant state of chronic low-grade
inflammation is associated with the activation of NFkB According to the World Health Organization, 55% of
signaling and elevated levels of aromatase, the rate-limiting women worldwide are overweight or obese [2]. Higher
enzyme in estrogen biosynthesis. This occurs not only in the obesity rates are associated with an increased prevalence
visceral and subcutaneous fat, but also in the breast fat. The of obesity-associated diseases, such as cardiovascular dis-
regulation of aromatase in the breast adipose stromal cell in ease, diabetes and number of cancers, including breast
response to inflammatory mediators is under the control of cancer [3,4,5]. Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer
complex signaling pathways, including metabolic pathways in women in developed and developing countries. In the
involving LKB1/AMPK, p53, HIF1a and PKM2. Interventions United States, one in eight women will be diagnosed with
aimed at modifying weight, including diet and exercise, are breast cancer during their lifetime. Of these, two-thirds
associated with changes in adipose tissue inflammation and will develop estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) tumors
estrogen production that are likely to impact breast cancer risk. that depend on estrogens for growth [6]. The main source
This review will present an overview of these topics. of estrogen in premenopausal women is the ovaries, while
in postmenopausal women, it is the adipose tissue [7].
Centre for Cancer Research, Hudson Institute of Medical Research,
Clayton, Victoria, Australia In postmenopausal women, obesity and weight gain have
Faculty of Applied Medical Science, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi been associated with significantly higher risk of ER+/
Arabia progesterone receptor-positive (PR+) breast cancer
Centre for Endocrinology and Metabolism, Hudson Institute for Medical
Research, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
(Table 1; [8–10]), attributable in part to increased local
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia estrogen production from the breast adipose tissue. In
ER+ breast cancer survivors, a 10% increase in body
Corresponding author: Brown, Kristy A ( weight is also associated with increased risk of recurrence
after 5 years [11]. Additionally, higher BMI is associated
Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2016, 31:90–96 with poor prognosis and worse overall survival and breast
cancer-specific survival in women with ER+/PR+/human
This review comes from a themed issue on Endocrine and metabolic
diseases epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) negative
breast cancers [12,13]. In premenopausal women, al-
Edited by Sebastiano Andò
though no significant effect of BMI on breast cancer risk
is observed [14], higher body mass index (BMI) is associ-
ated with larger tumors, higher incidence of lymph node
metastases and higher histological grade [15,16]. In pre
and postmenopausal women, obesity has been found to
1471-4892/# 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
be positively associated with breast cancer-specific mor-
tality [17,18] (Figure 1).

This review will discuss the role of obesity-associated

inflammation in driving the local expression of aromatase,
the rate-limiting enzyme in estrogen biosynthesis, via
Obesity and breast cancer
effects on metabolic pathways.
Adipose tissue is the largest endocrine organ in the body
and plays an important role in maintaining energy ho-
meostasis. Understanding the underlying biology of adi- Obesity and adipose tissue inflammation
pose tissue is important for understanding how obesity Adipose tissue is composed of multiple cell types, includ-
contributes to tumor development. It is well known that ing adipocytes and cells of the stromal vascular fraction
obesity is associated with excess storage of lipids [1]. In (e.g. preadipocytes, immune and endothelial cells). In
addition to lipid storage, adipose tissue also produces adipocytes, a positive energy balance leads to the storage
adipokines and steroid hormones, including estrogens. of excess calories as triglycerides, causing their expansion.

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2016, 31:90–96

Inflammation, dysregulated metabolism and aromatase Zahid, Simpson and Brown 91

Table 1

Effect of BMI on breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women.

Type of study Number of studies Years BMI (kg/m2) RR (95% CI) References
Meta-analysis 25 1997–2014 25 1.02 (0.98–1.06) [8]
30 1.12 (1.01–1.24)
35 1.26 (1.07–1.50)
Meta-analysis 11 1997–2011 Obese 1.25 (1.07–1.46) [9]
Meta-analysis 39 1980–2012 25–29.9 1.10 (1.06–1.13) [10]
30 1.18 (1.12–1.25)

With obesity, the unhealthy expansion of adipose tissue is inflammation, generate reactive oxygen species and re-
associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress, adipose lease cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFa)
tissue fibrosis and localized hypoxia [1]. This, in turn, and interleukin 6 (IL-6) [21]. Hypoxia inducible factor 1a
is associated with adipocyte cell death and initiation of an (HIF1a) is a key driver of this response, as loss of HIF1a
inflammatory response [19]. An increase in monocyte in adipocytes leads to the reduced expression of TNFa
chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), also known as and MCP-1 mRNA, resulting in reduced macrophage
CCL2, in adipose tissue contributes to the infiltration infiltration and attenuation of the pro-inflammatory mi-
of macrophages [20] and their accumulation around dead lieu [22]. The adipokine leptin, which is elevated with
or dying adipocytes, leading to the formation of a distinct obesity, also stimulates the production of TNFa, IL-6
histological structure referred to as ‘crown like structure’ and other cytokines, and promotes monocyte phagocytic
(CLS). In contrast to lean adipose tissue, which predomi- function (reviewed in [23]). Studies of CLS have been
nantly contains alternatively activated M2 macrophages, undertaken in mouse models of diet-induced and genet-
obese adipose tissue is characterized by the infiltration of ic-induced obesity, as well as in humans, where increased
classically activated M1 macrophages which promote weight has been shown to be associated with a greater

Figure 1

Epithelial Adipose stromal cell
Cell PGE2


Stromal Cell LKB1 Aha1
p p53
p HSP90
CRTC p53
Adipose Aha1
- p PKM2 CRTC p

p53 HIF1α CREB


Current Opinion in Pharmacology

Obesity, breast inflammation and the regulation of aromatase by metabolic pathways. Obesity is associated with increased breast white adipose
tissue inflammation, characterized by an increase in the presence of CLS-B. Inflammatory mediators, including PGE2, stimulate the expression of
aromatase in adipose stromal cells via effects on metabolic pathways involving LKB1/AMPK, CREB/CRTC, p53, HIF1a and PKM2. Aromatase
catalyzes the conversion of androgens into estrogens, known to drive the growth of obesity-related breast cancer cells. Large yellow cells
represent adipocytes; blue cells represent infiltrating macrophages forming CLS. CLS-B: crown-like structure of the breast; Arom: aromatase; E2:
estradiol; PGE2: prostaglandin E2; PKA: protein kinase A; LKB1: liver kinase B1; AMPK: AMP-activated protein kinase; CREB: cAMP response
element binding protein; CRTC: CREB-regulated transcription coactivator; HSP90: heat shock protein 90; Aha1: activator of heat shock 90 kDa
protein ATPase homolog 1; HIF1a: hypoxia inducible factor-1a; PKM2: protein kinase M2. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2016, 31:90–96

92 Endocrine and metabolic diseases

number of CLS/cm2 [24,25]. Interestingly, menopause is activation of aromatase expression. The tumor suppressor
also a determinant of breast white adipose tissue inflam- p53, also a recently established regulator of metabolism
mation [26]. The presence of CLS is associated with [35], was also found to inhibit the expression of aromatase
activation of nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) and increased by binding to a p53 response element on the aromatase
levels of TNFa, IL-1b, IL-6, and cyclooxygenase-2 promoter and be repressed by PGE2. On the other hand,
(COX-2)-derived prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) [27]. the oncogene HIF1a, also a driver of metabolic changes
in cancer cells, was found to be a potent stimulator of
Obesity, inflammation and breast cancer: aromatase expression in breast adipose stromal cells and
aromatase, the missing link required for the PGE2-mediated expression of aromatase
Obesity and inflammation have been associated with [36]. Recently, a link between p53, HIF1a and the
higher levels of aromatase in mammary adipose tissue metabolic regulator protein kinase M2 (PKM2) was also
in both mice and humans [24,25,27,28]. Interestingly, the demonstrated in stromal cells from Li–Fraumeni Syn-
presence of CLS in the mammary gland and breast (CLS- drome patients who have elevated aromatase expression
B) appears to be more strongly correlated with aromatase [37,38]. It was demonstrated that loss of p53 leads to the
expression and activity than weight or BMI, highlighting stabilization of HIF1a and PKM2 via heat shock protein
an important role for inflammatory mediators in driving 90 (Hsp90) dependent mechanisms, stimulates their in-
aromatase expression and/or potential limitations in using teraction with the aromatase promoter, and leads to an
BMI to define metabolic health. increase in aromatase expression and activity. Women
with Li–Fraumeni Syndrome tend to develop ER+ breast
The main site of aromatase expression in the breast fat is cancer and observed increases in breast aromatase may
the adipose stromal cell, a precursor to lipid-laden adi- account, at least in part, for why this occurs. Collectively,
pocytes and often referred to as preadipocyte or fibroblast. these data suggest that dysregulated metabolism not only
The stimulatory effect of inflammatory mediators on occurs in adipocytes and cancer cells, but also in adipose
aromatase transcript expression in isolated adipose stro- stromal cells in response to inflammatory mediators,
mal cells has been described in numerous studies. In thereby providing a molecular link between obesity
particular, cytokines, including TNFa, IL-6, IL-11, leu- and breast cancer.
kemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and oncostatin M, as well as
PGE2, have been shown to be potent drivers of aromatase Lifestyle interventions, inflammation,
expression in breast adipose stromal cells [29,30]. The aromatase and breast cancer risk
mechanism of aromatase transcriptional regulation by Considering the prevalence of obesity in today’s society
these factors is complex (reviewed in [31]) and con- and the now established link between obesity and breast
tinues to be the focus of investigation. For the purposes of cancer development, it is imperative that strategies are
this review, we will present recent discoveries relating to identified to reduce the health and economic burden
the role of metabolic pathways as regulators of aromatase predicted to occur as this population ages. As the majority
in the breast, as these pathways have been shown to be of postmenopausal breast cancers are dependent on estro-
dysregulated in both obesity and cancer. gens for growth, it is predicted that lowering systemic and
local estrogen levels will reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Dysregulated cell metabolism and aromatase A number of studies have been undertaken to examine
regulation the effect of lifestyle interventions, including moderate
Dysregulated cell metabolism has long been known to physical activity and controlled diet, on breast inflamma-
occur in obesity and is now an accepted Hallmark of tion, estrogen levels and breast cancer risk (Table 2).
cancer [32]. The role of metabolic pathways in regulating
aromatase expression in breast adipose stromal cells has Weight loss in postmenopausal women is associated with
recently been explored. Initial studies examined the role a reduced risk of breast cancer, while weight gain is
of the metabolic sensor, 50 AMP-activated protein kinase positively associated with risk in these women [39].
(AMPK), and its upstream kinase liver kinase B1 (LKB1). Reducing fat intake and altering diet, including increased
AMPK is well-characterized for its ability to sense consumption of fruits and vegetables, has been shown to
decreases in cellular ATP leading to stimulation of path- lower the risk of relapse in women after 5 years breast
ways of energy production and inhibition of pathways of cancer treatment [40,41]. Human caloric reduction and
energy utilization [33]. LKB1/AMPK were shown to exercise studies have also showed improvement in weight
inhibit aromatase expression in isolated adipose stromal loss, fat reduction, overall life quality and long-term
cells by inhibiting the nuclear entry of the CREB-coacti- prognosis [42,43].
vator (cAMP response element binding protein), CRTC2
(CREB regulated transcription cofactor 2) [34]. The In relation to effects of diet and exercise on estrogen
obesity-associated inflammatory factor, PGE2, sup- levels, studies have found that physical activity, alone and
pressed the expression and activity of LKB1/AMPK in combination with improved diet, leads to a decrease in
leading to the nuclear translocation of CRTC2 and circulating estrogens in healthy women, independent of

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2016, 31:90–96

Inflammation, dysregulated metabolism and aromatase Zahid, Simpson and Brown 93

Table 2

Effect of lifestyle and pharmacological interventions on breast cancer risk, inflammatory factors and estrogen

Intervention Outcome References

Lifestyle Diet Reduced risk of invasive breast cancer [40,41,44,47]
Lower risk of relapse
Decreased levels of E1, E2, free E2 and T
Increased levels of SHBG
Decreased levels of hsCRP, SAA and IL-6
Exercise Fat loss, improved quality of life [43–45,46,47]
Decreased levels of E1, E2, free E2, A4, DHEA-S and adiposity markers
Increased levels of SHBG
Combination of Weight loss, fat reduction [42,44,47]
diet and exercise
Lowered leptin, cholesterol, saturated fat, blood pressure, hsCRP, SAA and
IL-6 Decreased levels of E1, E2, free E2 and T Increased levels of SHBG
Pharmacological Metformin Reduced cancer risk and breast cancer mortality [49–56]
Reduced PKB/Akt and ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and insulin and insulin
receptor levels
Pioglitazone Improved HDL cholesterol, biomarkers of lipid metabolism, b-cell function, [64,65]
activity of the visceral adipose tissue, and chronic systemic inflammation
Decreased total adipose macrophage number, mast cells, M1 macrophages
Increases number of M2 macrophages

E1: estrone; E2: estradiol; T: testosterone; SHBG: sex hormone binding globulin; hsCRP: C-reactive protein; SAA: serum amyloid A; IL-6: interleukin-
6; A4: androstenedione; DHEA-S: dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate; HDL: high density lipoprotein.

menopausal status [44,45,46]. Interestingly, these on tumor growth, although doses required to achieve
changes were dependent on loss of body fat, suggesting inhibitory effects on breast cancer cells in vitro suggest
that exercise reduces circulating estrogen levels originat- that effects observed clinically are likely to depend on
ing from the adipose tissue. Similarly, the effect of diet indirect effects of the drug. Metformin has also been
and exercise on adipose tissue inflammation has also been shown to inhibit adipose tissue inflammation in mouse
examined. Results suggest that diet alone or in combina- and rat models of diet-induced obesity [57–59], as well as
tion with exercise, leads to a reduction in systemic mar- in subcutaneous human adipose tissue [60]. Via effects on
kers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein and AMPK, metformin also inhibits aromatase transcript ex-
IL-6, while exercise alone did not [47]. These human pression in isolated breast adipose stromal cells [61,62].
studies suggest that chronic inflammation in obese wom- Despite being associated with weight gain, the peroxi-
en is reversible via combinations of controlled diet or/and some proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARg)
exercise. In mouse models, reducing caloric intake agonist and anti-diabetic drug pioglitazone, is associated
reverses elevations in adipose tissue inflammation and with a decrease in local and systemic inflammation in
aromatase associated with high fat feeding [48]. Specifi- humans when used alone or in combination with metfor-
cally, 30% caloric restriction is associated with more than min [63–65]. Interestingly, pioglitazone also causes a
75% reduction in mammary gland CLS, MCP-1 and decrease in the expression of aromatase in isolated human
aromatase. Additional studies are required to determine adipose stromal cells and mouse mammary gland [66].
whether observed decreases in inflammation in women
are also associated with a decrease in the local production Conclusions
of estrogens, and whether this will impact the develop- With a higher prevalence of obesity, it is expected that
ment and progression of breast cancers. the incidence of breast cancer will increase as the popu-
lation ages. Better understanding of the links, both phys-
Pharmacological interventions, inflammation, iological and molecular, will allow the identification of
aromatase and breast cancer new therapeutic strategies to break the linkage between
Weight-modulating drugs, in particular anti-diabetic obesity and breast cancer. There is a strong rationale for
drugs, have been examined for their effect on inflamma- targeting adipose tissue inflammation and the local pro-
tion, aromatase and breast cancer (Table 2). Several duction of estrogen in order to better treat and possibly
studies have described a beneficial effect of the anti- even prevent obesity-related postmenopausal breast can-
diabetic drug metformin on breast cancer risk, recurrence cers.
and cancer-associated mortality [49–56]. Multiple mech-
anisms have been proposed for the anti-cancer effects of Conflict of interest statement
metformin, including effects on insulin and direct effects Nothing declared. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2016, 31:90–96

94 Endocrine and metabolic diseases

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