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Central Asia is known to have a rich history as a birthplace of higher mathematics

and modern medicine. Scientists, legal scholars, historians and poets of medieval
period from central Asia were among the greatest in the world.

Central Asia saw one of the worst environmental disaster made by humans on the
planet is the shrinking Aral Sea, which was actually a lake fed by two rivers and
bordering Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
Central Asia has the third largest oil and gas reserve on the planet. Kazakhstan
and Turkmenistan are major exporters of oil and gas.

Five stans Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan that makes

Central Asia are sandwiched between China, Russia and Europe. Thus they make
something of a geographical crossroads.
Buzkhashi – A Central Asian horse game

Buzkashi which literally means “goat dragging” in Persian is the Central Asian
sport in which horse-mounted players attempt to drag a goat or calf carcass toward
a goal. It is the national sport of Afghanistan.

The game consists of two main forms: Tudabarai and Qarajai. Tudabarai is simpler
form of the game. In this version, in order to score rider must obtain the
possession of the carcass and then take it away from the other players in any
In Qarajai, players must carry the carcass around a flag or marker at one end of
the field, then throw it into a scoring circle known as “Circle of Justice” at the
other end.
In Uzbekistan the game is called ‘Kokboru’, in Kazakhstan it is called ‘Kokpar’ and
in Kyrgyzstan it is known more by the name ‘ Ulak Tyrtysh’. Buzkashi games are
often played for special occasions like weddings and religious events.
Buzkhashi started with Turkic Mongol people but it is played in all five Central
Asian countries Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. It
is national sport of Afghanistan today
A player in the game of Buzkhashi is called Chapandaz.

The Great Game – A Historical Preview

Throughout the 19th century Central Asian countries was major interest land for
Russia and Britain. It was a strong strategic move by both the countries to
establish their power in the region. This effort by both the countries referred to
as Classic Great Game ran from early 19th century to early 20th century.

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