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Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which refers to presenting a topic clearly, truthfully and saying what is only relevant?
a. restriction c. turn – taking
b. nomination d. topic control
2. Which of the following is a constraining the response/reaction within a set of categories?
a. restriction c. turn – taking
b. nomination d. topic control
3. What do you call the recognizing when and how to speak because it is one’s turn?
a. restriction c. turn – taking
b. nomination d. topic control
4. Refers to keeping the interaction going by asking question and eliciting a response?
a. restriction c. turn – taking
b. nomination d. topic control
5. Which refers to introducing a new topic followed by the continuation of the previous topic?
a. topic shifting c. repair
b. repeating d. termination
6. Which of the following has the purpose to end the interaction/communication?
a. topic shifting c. repair
b. repeating d. termination
7. It includes requesting clarification, or not acknowledging?
a. topic shifting c. repair
b. repeating d. termination
8. Which is a good way of correcting oneself and gives the speaker time to do just that?
a. topic shifting c. repair
b. repeating d. termination
9. These are the plans/ways/means of sharing information which are adopted to achieve a particular
a. Principles of Speech Writing c. Communicative Strategies
b. Principles of Speech Delivery d. None of the Above
10. May I have the floor Sir? This statement is an example of?
a. turn – taking c. termination
b. topic shifting d. repair
11. You as a speaker has the purpose to disseminate ideas about Ebola virus, which type of speech are you
going to use?
a. exploratory / informative c. entertainment
b. persuasive d. none of the above
12. When you have the topic “WE SHOULD PREPARE FOR ANOTHER TYPHOON YOLANDA”, which of
the following type of speech is best to serve?
a. Exploratory / informative c. Entertainment
b. Persuasive d. none of the above
13. Which of the following is best to use when you have the purpose to provide amusement with the
a. exploratory c. entertainment
b. persuasive d. none of the above
14. Which of the following is NOT a purpose in writing?
a. exploratory / informative c. entertainment
b. persuasive d. none of the above
15. Which of the following is the purpose in writing?
a. exploratory / informative c. entertainment
b. persuasive d. all of the above
16. Which is NOT included in the process of writing?
a. Selecting a Topic c. Outlining
b. Gathering the Data d. Practicing
17. Which of the following is not a power principle in speech editing?
a. edit for focus c. edit for impact
b. edit for harmony d. edit for beauty
18. Which refers to the stage in speech writing when a writer chooses a structure for his/her speech?
a. Data gathering c. Choosing a writing pattern
b. Outlining d. Rehearsing
19. In which part of writing process, wherein you are going to restate the main idea of your speech?
a. editing / revising c. rehearsing
b. conclusion d. outlining
20. In this manner, you are given the opportunity to identify what works and doesn’t for you and for your
target audience?
a. editing / revising c. rehearsing
b. conclusion d. outlining
21. Which of the following is not an effective strategy in writing a speech?
a. Avoid jargon. c. Gather irrelevant data.
b. Be sensitive to your audience. d. Keep your words short and simple.
22. Which serves as the foundation of your speech?
a. outline c. introduction
b. body of speech d. conclusion
23. In which part of writing process can be done by visiting the library, browsing the web, or conducting an
interview or survey?
a. data gathering c. topic
b. writing patterns d. narrowing down a topic
24. Which of the following supports this statement “MAKE YOUR IDEA MORE SPECIFIC AND FOCUSED”?
a. data gathering c. topic
b. writing patterns d. narrowing down a topic
25. Which of the following will help you to organize the ideas related to your topic?
a. data gathering c. topic
b. writing patterns d. narrowing down a topic
26. It is the most popular type of speech according to delivery where speakers are guided by notes or outline
and it’s delivered conversationally.
a. Memorized speech c. Extemporaneous speech
b. Manuscript speech d. Impromptu speech
27. A type of speech according to delivery which involves speaking without advanced preparation.
a. Memorized speech c. Extemporaneous speech
b. Manuscript speech d. Impromptu speech
28. A type of speech according to delivery which involves committing the speech to memory and delivering
it without notes.
a. Memorized speech c. Extemporaneous speech
b. Manuscript speech d. Impromptu speech
29. These are expressions that substitute actual words in your speech, such as like, uhm, or ahh.
a. filler words c. non – verbal communication
b. sign posts d. expressions
30. When a speaker gives a speech without prior planning or preparation, it is called ____________.
a. Memorized speech c. Extemporaneous speech
b. Manuscript speech d. Impromptu speech
a. filler words c. non – verbal communication
b. sign posts d. expressions
32. Which of the following is one of the strategies in doing impromptu speech?
a. opening – rule of three – clincher c. past – present – done
b. word – solution – conclusion d. none of the above
33. Assess the given statement.
In an impromptu speech, your audiences do not care about your transitions anymore.
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. None of the above
34. To identify questions, you have to answer on extemporaneous speech, which step is not included in
studying your topic?
a. question of fact c. question of value
b. question of policy d. none of the above
35. What do you call personalities that are usually constrained by a hectic schedule and sometimes require
speechwriters to write a speech on their behalf, using manuscript speech?
a. Public figures c. Spokespersons
b. Media personalities d. All of the above
36. The topic should be ________, meaning in existence at the present time.
a. timely c. central theme
b. casting jokes d. interesting
37. The topic is the _____ of your presentation.
a. timely c. central theme
b. casting jokes d. interesting
38. The topic should be ______ to you.
a. timely c. central theme
b. casting jokes d. interesting
39. They are one of the major factors that determines the uniqueness of the speech.
a. speech c. information
b. audience d. speech content
40. Principle of writing which involves seeking out the available means for finding materials to support the
a. Sourcing of information c. Choosing the topic
b. Outlining and Organizing the content d. Analyzing the audience
41. Principle of writing which involves sorting out the information gathered.
a. Sourcing of information c. Choosing the topic
b. Outlining and Organizing the content d. Analyzing the audience
42. In this principle of speech writing, you have to configure who are your listeners.
a. Sourcing of information c. Choosing the topic
b. Outlining and Organizing the content d. Analyzing the audience
43. In this principle of writing, you have to consider the demographic profile of your listener.
a. Sourcing of information c. Choosing the topic
b. Outlining and Organizing the content d. Analyzing the audience
44. In this principle of writing of writing it will be easier for you to know which supporting material to use.
a. Sourcing of information c. Choosing the topic
b. Outlining and Organizing the content d. Analyzing the audience
45. Principle of writing wherein, considering the relevant ideas regarding your topic is a must.
a. Sourcing of information c. Choosing the topic
b. Outlining and Organizing the content d. Analyzing the audience
46. One of the principles of delivery, pertaining to the proper pronouncing word with a clear diction
a. articulation c. stage presence
b. modulation d. stage fright
47. Refers to being able to fill the space and project his/her personality to the audience.
a. articulation c. stage presence
b. modulation d. stage fright
48. Refers to the capability to adjust or manipulate the timbre and resonance of the vocal tone.
a. articulation c. stage presence
b. modulation d. stage fright
49. Refers to the message of any speech with the use of non – verbal communication.
a. articulation c. facial expressions, gestures, ad
b. modulation movement
d. audience rapport
50. Refers to the establishing connection to the audience.
a. articulation c. facial expressions, gestures, ad
b. modulation movement
d. audience rapport

Prepared by:


Teacher II

Signature of Parents and Guardian
Date: _________________

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