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Definition of Leader

According to Business Dictionary, a leader define as a person that hold dominant or superior
position in organization, they are able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over
others (Business Dictionary, 2017). Mark Graybill state that a leader need to always interact with
follower in organization by being good listener to them, from followers perspective, they want a
leader to listen and give motivation, in same meaning, follower will denied a leader that just
want to control them (Mark Graybill, 2018). Marc R. Summerfield concludes that definition of
leader contains more than one of attractive element which is democratic component, collegial
component and enhancement component (Summerfield, 2014).

Leader with democratic element will always work to achieve a common goal. While collegial
element means leader influence rather than dictates throughout the process, imparting a
respectful and unifying approach. Lastly for enhancements component are conveying that the
result represent conveying that the results represent an improved current star.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Will Kenton reviewed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as individual that have highest ranking
executive in a company, main responsibilities of CEO commonly making major corporate
decision, managing and monitor overall operation and resources that owned by company, acting
role as main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations and
being the public figure representative of the company (Will Kenton, 2019). Susan M. Heathfield
describes CEO as highest-ranking position of executive manager in an organization and bears
responsibility for the overall success of the organization, and act as ultimate decision-maker,
while the daily tasks of each Chief Executive are vary and depends on organization needed, the
overall vision of the position are provides the framework for the functionality of all departments.

Roles and Responsibilities

The CEO is responsible for leading the development and long term strategies
implementation with the main goal is to maximize shareholder value holder. The roles and
responsibilities of a CEO are different depends on company requirement, usually depending on
the organizational structure and size of company. As example, CEO of smaller companies will
make lower business decisions such as hiring of staff for company. Compare to CEO of large
companies, usually their only deals with high level corporate strategy and make decision in
major company decisions.

According to Corporate Finance Institution Education Incorporation, there is no standardized list

of the roles and specific responsibilities for chief executive officer. As overall, the typical duties,
responsibilities and job description of a CEO include (CFI Education Incorporation, 2015):

i. Communicating on behalf of the company with shareholders, government entities, and

the public.
ii. Leading the development of the company short term and long term strategy.
iii. Creating and implementing the company or organization vision and mission.
iv. Evaluating the work of other executive leaders within the company, including directors,
vice presidents, and presidents.
v. Maintaining awareness of the competitive market landscape, expansion opportunities,
industry developments and others.
vi. Ensuring that the company maintains high social responsibility wherever it does business.
vii. Assessing risks to the company and ensuring they are monitored and minimized.
viii. Setting strategic goals and making sure they are measurable and describable.

Meaning of Conglomerate Company

Conglomerates are the combination of two or more corporations operating in different field of
industries and manage by one corporate group, usually management of conglomerates company
involving a parent company and more than one subsidiaries. Frequently, a conglomerate is a
multi-industry company and usually owned large size of company known as multinational
company (Wikipedia, 2017).

The First 30 Days

First impressions are important for new CEO because it will lead to company destined for a huge
success. It is a great opportunity for new CEO to take advantages from the first 30 days by
observes management of company. Hence, they must be careful during the first 30 days in office.
The concept of the first 30 days in office is widely applied by most of new CEO and it is also
known as honeymoon period because their still have not been able to carry out full tasks as CEO.

Workplace Observation

Michael Watkins state that observation is most important key for new CEO to evaluate the real
ability of company and to gain perception into employee performance (Michael Watkins, 2015).
Without applied observation strategy, CEO unable to understanding management of company
thus failed to identify employee performance. This strategy may also be used for other purposes,
such as loss prevention and observation method are relevant to conglomerate company.
Observation process will begin with setup goals and continues with making observations as
result we will acquire feedback and appraising performance. As CEO, we may seek to make
observations more complete by getting input from the employee and pervious management team.

Develop Work Plan

Result from observation and employee feedback will help new CEO to construct effective work
plan. According to Zack Bodner, a detail work plan will guide to organize proper framework and
ensure all planning are on the right track (Zack Bodner, 2016). These methods are useful for
most of new CEO to reduce potential difficulties and identify new opportunity for company. As a
result, when we success to build proper and detail plan, all project will runs smoothly and
multiple tasks can be handled more efficiency. Main function of work plan are to help us to
clarifies the objective of company, it brings CEO and all team member together collaborate
organized way of doing work that gives good qualitative and cover milestone of work that help
us straight to completion (Drutas, 2018). Most important, a clear work plan will guide to
accomplish short and long term company planning. In addition, company will have more
potential to gain some new ideas and method that can be evaluated and implemented in proper

Build Team

The most important element of company success is built the right team in the right place. When
forming strong team, it is important to recruit a few trustworthy people who will be able help to
make modification the company culture and create a sense of urgency situation. Employee carry
the memory establish of company, they have years of experience and they well known about
management of company. Because of that, as new CEO make some research and review each
potential employee with the head of human resources, study about employee performance and
previous contribution, after that arrange simple interviews. According to the Harvard Business
Review, potential employees can contribute for an average of 5% of any company workforce
(Justin Reynolds, 2017). As new CEO indirectly become team leader to employee, it is important
to build a strong team because we need to capitalizing on their strengths and engaging team
members effectively. As good CEO, identify potential and abilities of employee, specify rightly
placed with their roles and responsibilities to maximize leverage their strengths.


New CEO will put forward fresh ideas and suggestion to new company, they will keep
wondering what contribution can change the organization. In addition, new CEO will come out
with new vision for organization. They will have potential to help organization imagine superior
ways to remain relevant and flourish in the future. Daniel Forrester and James Williams agreed
that new vision that create by new CEO will convey them to make a successful transition in
company. As new CEO, we need to well organized visions by focus on current company
situation, we will together discuss with employees what is most important to not change, look
forward to changing and what will make that change difficult. A vision is what we seek to
implement and translate it into reality with team so that they can understand, appreciate,
internalize and commit to give the best effort to achieve (Daniel Forrester, 2018)

As new CEO, I will identify the priority areas to improve and create an action plan, for current
vision, I decide to separate company goals into short term vision and long term vision. As new
CEO, my long term vision are to maintain company revenue, minimum cost of sales and
operating expense. I will focus on financial position of company, financial statement represent
immense role in making decision, planning strategies, determining success and estimating
failure. By refer to latest financial report of company, I can monitoring the financial health and
review potential level of company. In addition, it is particularly helpful to determining company
risk such as liquidity risk, credit risks and business risks, financial report will help to identify
relationship and trends which indicative of potential problems or areas for further improvement.
Next, short-term goals are important because they help to overcome the action of delaying or
postponing. Short term vision are specific objective that company aims to reach over several
weeks, or month but not more than one year (Allison Tanner, 2015). As a newly appointed CEO,
a short-term vision is very helpful to adapt new environment of company. This is because, to
understand and review a large company requires a very long time. Short term vision also act as
specific guidelines and to keep us on track to achieving long term vision. For short term vision, I
put focus on building better relationships with employees and customers, empowering employees
to make decisions at all levels of the hierarchy. Once in place, both new CEO and employee will
play roles to generate commitment of employees and customers and puts the short term and the
quarter in context as the immediate building blocks to longer-term goals.

Vision will lays out an outcomes, based on vision it will guides us to arrange strategy and
strategy will lead to implement of action and finally action will escort to company success. In
those moments of action, having clear direction is crucial for building huge momentum. If your
organization is like most, you spent weeks debating every word crafting your vision, mission,
strategy, and goals. But no matter how lofty, if they aren’t created in a way that provides
direction, those statements are little more than high-priced indulgences.



Oxford living dictionaries define credibility as the individual that have the quality of being
trusted and believed in, credibility also bring definition as the quality of being convincing or
believable (Oxford Living Dictionaries, 2016). As a CEO, one of foundation that must have and
continuously improve by time to time are credibility skills. Stephen Covey had introduce a great
concept that called as "the speed of trust." A person's credibility builds trust, and when you fully
trust someone, it enables you to work with them much more efficiently and productively and if
we are constantly worrying about them and assessing their abilities. In short, trust is a positive
business difference maker (Stephen Covey, 2018). This statement have been support by Victor
Lipman, he agreed that credibility element is a main key component of trust, it is important
component of effective leadership, CEO position are most important position in organization and
credibility must built with well-prepared because as a leader, I want my future team seen my
character, ability and potential as an asset, a valuable team player and be someone that employee
willing to cooperate with confident together to sustain company position.


According to Karen Cacciattolo communication in organizational activities cannot be

coordinated without communication among the various departments or parts of the organization
(Karen Cacciattolo, 2015). Communication is the most essential skill that should be polished
since all situation and all collaboration achieves at work and socially result through effective
communication. A leader with poor communicate ability will failed and incapable of motivating
their followers in company. Severe communication will wasted time and contribute to
misleading action and misunderstandings information resulting from their bad communication
technique, the company will also suffer the diminution of innumerable opportunities for
organization success. This statement supported by Neil Kokemuller, communication affect an
organization management, lacking in communication expertise will limits company ability to
optimize performance and failed to indicate actual potential. Specific negative effects of
communication problems include mistrust in organization culture, contribute to employee
restricted engagement, doubtfulness and incapable interaction with customer, investor and board
of director (Neil Kokemuller, 2019).

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