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1. People in almost every part of the world have had their problems with water.

and developing counties alike are now talking about a water crisis. However, fortunately,
the water problem is being tackled.
2. Specialists in many countries are developing methods to improve supply and protect the
quality of water, and a number of ambitious programs are have been started. Good
forecasting- including predictions of snow, rain, river levels and soil loss can help
scientists prevent, or at least cope with floods. Canals can ease one of the major water –
related problems: drought.
3. Research into removing salt from seawater also continues along with inventing new and
improving existing desalination methods although no method can yet promise truly low-
cost fresh water. Fossil water- underground water dating from the ice age – could be
drilled for in some areas, but supplies are non- renewable. Work continues in all these
areas. It is obvious that a lot of time, money and research are going into finding solutions
for some of the problems.
4. However, worldwide, the ugly fact remains that something likes 250 million new cases of
water- borne diseases are discovered every year-and 25,000 people die from them every
day. Pollution continues to affect us- all of us. Whether polluted by industrial waste,
sewage or other pollution, water supplies can allow deadly water-borne diseases develop
when safety and purification methods are poor.
5. The water crisis will continue to become worse as people continue to pollute the
waterways and as the demand for clean water increases. Although some of the solutions
are currently in place and others may be coming in the near future, most are costly and
may be only partly effective. They also mainly deal with the effects and not the causes of
the crisis.
6. To solve the problem, we also need to reduce the waste that go into our rivers and lakes
and reduce the pollution that goes into the air, which can cause acid rain and erratic
weather patterns. Only with a wide range of solutions can the crisis be solved.

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