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Nama:Siti Khodijah

NIM: 1011418196

Kelas :G

On April 17, 2019 in Indonesia there will be an election, this is the first time I have
participated in this election. Impressions and messages that are very diverse and fun. Because
I did not vote in my hometown, I was a migrant from Central Sulawesi who decided to study
in college at Gororntalo State University. This year's election is very different from the
election before because it was carried out simultaneously. So many opinions about the
candidates they chose, various kinds of opinions were channeled by the Indonesian people to
this election. Including friends from campus and friends around where I live, there are even
people who want to do abstentions because they are still confused and don't really understand
the vision and mission of the presidential candidates most of them still don't care about the

In this year's election which will be chosen are the president and vice president,
members of the DPR-RI, members of the provincial DPRD, members of the Regency / City
DPRD, DPD members. Except the city / regency DPRD. In addition, the five ballot papers
also have different colors. Gray ballot paper to elect president and vice president, Yellow:
ballot paper to elect members of the Republic of Indonesia Parliament, Red: Ballot paper to
elect RI DPD members, Blue: Ballot paper to elect Provincial DPRD members, Green: Ballot
paper to elect city DPRD /Districts

I admit that I am still a little nervous about holding elections because this is my first
experience, I want to choose the best president who can conquer corruption, reduce poverty
and make Indonesia even more powerful and I expect leaders who not only continue but also
change towards a better and become an intelligent, dashing and trustworthy leader, but
whoever the president will be chosen is not just making promises, hopefully this election can
bring a better leader in Indonesia.

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