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Name : Siti Khodijah

Class : G

NIM : 1011418196

Many people ask me, "what do you want to do in law?"

at first, my first choice was not law school. I really want to be a nurse. I really like the
world of health graduated in law, even though at first I chose a law department just for additional
choices I never expected to enter law school, and it was true I was disappointed when I first
entered the law but later I thought maybe I had a more beautiful plan so slowly I could accept with
I wholeheartedly went well and with sincerity I underwent it turned out that I felt that in law
school was very pleasant and I felt proud to be in law school, even though our faculties were not as
good as other faculties but in law faculties could produce extraordinary student students. so for
younger siblings who are still uncertain why to choose this law department is the answer for you

Law is a study of law in Indonesia. The reason whay youshould chose the law is because
human lifeis always related to law. Believe it or not, this is true. We see in every field of
employment, for example, it must have something to do with the legal basis. Never mind that,
even neighboring life has rules, there are norms that we must obey. And when we look at the
development of law in Indonesia, there are still many people who do not really understand what is
meant by law, for example, the prevalence of crime and violence. In addition, reason chose the
law department when we graduated and became law graduates with a SH degree, the field of law
degree work is very broad, besides those mentioned above we can become notaries, legal
consultants, work in legal staff in companies, diplomats, officials government, lecturers, POLRI,
ARMY, judges, or prosecutors and many more that we can certainly do. Depending on the choice
we will choose later. The last reason I chose law is because law is a favorite department in every
university and there are also many SH graduates in Indonesia, thus encouraging me to be able to
study harder and be able to compete with future law graduates.

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