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Positive Affirmations

1. I wake early in the morning at 4:00 am daily with full of energy and gratitude,
and do Sadhana every day.
2. I plan my day in advance and execute the entire tasks in time. I am a very
good decision maker.
3. I am always happy and having a smile on my face.
4. My body language always reflects the confidence and excitement.
5. My Aura is becoming stronger and stronger every moment and influencing
others in a positive manner.
6. I radiate beauty, charm, grace, love and success. I am a powerhouse of
positive energy.
7. I am a prosperous leader and creating leaders.
8. I attract my Ideal customers and distributers with my energy every day. My
ideal prospects come to me easily.
9. People who are eager to contribute to my abundance surround me.
10. My business and my network are growing exponentially every day, one city
to another, one country to another…
11. I have a network of 5 lakhs customers and distributers.
12. I have abundance of health, wealth and happiness.
13. Money flows freely and abundantly into my life/accounts. Success and
money comes to me easily.
14. I appreciate everything I have, and therefore I manifest more abundance.
15. My efforts are being supported by the universe; my dreams manifest into
reality before my eyes.
16. Every cell and every organ on my body is healthy and functions at its
optimum scale.
17. I have balanced body weight that is 75Kg and fresh breath.
18. I have perfect eye sight and sharp memory.
19. I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.
20. I love my wife and she loves me unconditionally and we have lovely
romantic life.
21. My partner is kind, compassionate and understanding.

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