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Cake Soap… Skin Bleaching in Jamaica (A documentary)

According to National Health Science, skin lightening or skin bleaching

is a cosmetic procedure that aims to lighten dark areas of skin or achieve a
generally paler skin tone. It’s usually used to improve the appearance of
blemishes such as birthmarks and dark patches or melasma.
In the online video by JoyDailyTv it shows a documentary about the
strange growing trend in Jamaica that leave them shocked. The said video
was shot over a year in that country to prove that the Cake soap is an effective
soap to achieve a lighter skin tone to the Jamaican. But the question is, why
is the country that have over 90 percent of the population is black, desires a
whiter skin?
One Jamaican said that bleaching skin can really catch a whiter skin.
The result is sometimes whiter than the original white people. They even think
that having a whiter skin makes them prettier, feel younger and feel good.
Other Jamaican even bleach their selves’ everyday just to achieve a more
satisfying whiter look. When there are people who are satisfied, there are also
people who are not. They tried bleaching because they want a whiter skin, but
the result are they have a white skin but there are parts of them that stayed
in their original color like their knuckles. Bleaching changes one color. It may
sometimes pink, sometimes red, sometimes black. Depends on the people
who are using it. Black men tends to like brown or those who have a whiter
skin, while white men tends to like black girls.

In conclusion, a lot of Jamaican girls who used bleaching creams wants
to satisfy their selves’ just to feel attractive. They can get more attention if
they have a whiter skin. They need to be reassured that having black
complexion is still pretty and attractive. It’s okay to have a whiter skin, but
make sure that you do it for the right reason not just because your skin color
is inferior to lighter or whiter skin.

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