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Case Study



Unilever recently announced two ambitious new commitments contributing to a waste-free


These additional commitments are just a few ways in which Unilever is decoupling growth
from our environmental impact, as set out in the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan.

Throughout the FMCG industry, plastic is a material delivering high quality yet affordable
products to every segment of the society. However, the linear take-make-dispose model
means most plastic rarely gets a second use.

Here at Unilever our responsibilities don’t end when our products are sold. Instead, we are
leading the way in ensuring plastic waste doesn’t get into the environment and that we
change to a truly circular plastics economy. We are responsible & accountable, to make sure
that plastic waste doesn’t get into the environment and we really achieve a circular economy.

We must all play a crucial role in eliminating plastic waste - designers, researchers, suppliers,
manufacturers, marketeers, partners, consumers. Every stakeholder, including you!

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The Ask:

We need you – top thinkers from all over India – to become changemakers. Unilever needs
you to not only think, but re-think about how to get drastic with plastic!

Propose a Technology-driven solution which helps Unilever close the loop on plastic, or as
we say create a #circulareconomy

How can Technology enable Unilever to reach its ambitious goals? What is the ecosystem of
tools and technology that can help Unilever in this regard? For more information visit:

Please note that this is an Information Technology case study and not a strategy one!!

Evaluation Criteria:

Understanding the core challenge & comprehensiveness of approach 30%

Practicality of the solution 30%
Innovation through Technology 40%


To know more about circular economy:

More details on the what Unilever is doing on Plastic is here:

For more information on how Unilever is already tackling this problem visit:

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