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Bloggers can be highly influential.

On the one hand, we read their pieces because we value

their opinions and ideas, but on the other, do we really know their motivations? In the UK, like many
countries, there are strict rules about what you can and cannot claim in a conventional
advertisement. However, there is a growing trend of social media and public relations agencies
approaching bloggers to get them to “blogvertize” on their behalf. The agencies also insist that such
bloggers make no mention of the fact that they are being paid to make positive statements about
certain products and services. In the UK, under the Advertising Code, if such an arrangement came
to the attention of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), the blogger could be subjected to
investigation for having composed misleading advertising, but the blame would ultimately rest on
the advertiser. The ASA clearly states that if money has changed hands, it is an advertisement and
should be identified as such.

5-8 Have you encountered this type of blog posting before? Was it clear that the post was an
advertisement? How might the fact that the blogger is being paid for an opinion change your view?
Write a brief report of your observations.

Yes,I have

Yes,it was clearly post for advertisement.

Basically, some Paid Oppinion will making suggestion since it was review and briefly used by the
Bloggers. This move is actually used by some brand with Entertainer and Artist Blogger to enchant
their effect.However, not every use of this method works on some people.The main focus of its Paid
Opinion will boost consumer curiousity and actually buy it.

5-8(2) Bagaimana membangun social media yang efektif?

(a) Mengorganize content dari social media menjadi beberapa bagian,sehingga kita tau apa
yang akan kita harapkan dari consumer.
(b) Social Media harus memiliki account master yang up-to date,sehingga dapat dengan cepat
mengolah data dan informasi yang masuk
(c) Social media dibuat menjadi real-time Customer service untuk meningkatkan flexibilitas
pemecahan masalah yang mungkin terjadi
(d) Briefly update dari segala informasi yang mencakup kebutuhan pelanggan
(EX : Iklan,Service,Advice dan up to date information given)

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