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Cambridge University Press

978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
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in Use
Edición en español
Gramática básica de la lengua inglesa

Cuarta Edición
con versión eBook y respuestas

Raymond Murphy
con Fernando García Clemente

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United Kingdom

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Fourth Edition © Cambridge University Press 2016
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Essential Grammar in Use first published 1994
Second edition 2000
Third edition 2008
Fourth edition 2016
Legal deposit: M-2898-2016
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-84-9036-103-0 Edition with answers and Interactive eBook
ISBN 978-84-9036-250-1 Edition without answers
ISBN 978-1-107-48060-5 Interactive eBook
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© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
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Índice general
Agradecimientos vii
A los estudiantes viii
A los profesores x
eBook interactivo xi
El presente
1 am/is/are (afirmación y negación)
2 am/is/are (interrogación)
3 I’m hungry / It’s cold etc.
4 I am doing (present continuous)
5 are you doing? (present continuous, interrogación)
6 I do/work/like etc. (present simple, afirmación)
7 I don’t … (present simple, negación)
8 Do you … ? (present simple, interrogación)
9 I am doing (present continuous) y I do (present simple)
10 I have … y I’ve got …
El pasado
11 was/were
12 worked/got/went etc. (past simple)
13 I didn’t … Did you … ? (past simple, negación e interrogación)
14 I was doing (past continuous)
15 I was doing (past continuous) y I did (past simple)
Present perfect
16 I have done (present perfect 1)
17 I’ve just … I’ve already … I haven’t … yet (present perfect 2)
18 Have you ever … ? (present perfect 3)
19 How long have you … ? (present perfect 4)
20 for since ago
21 I have done (present perfect) y I did (past simple)
La voz pasiva
22 is done was done (voz pasiva 1)
23 is being done has been done (voz pasiva 2)
Formas verbales
24 be/have/do (present y past)
25 Verbos regulares e irregulares
El futuro
26 What are you doing tomorrow? (presente con significado futuro)
27 I’m going to …
28 will/shall 1
29 will/shall 2
Verbos modales, imperativo etc.
30 might
31 can y could
32 must mustn’t don’t need to
33 should
34 I have to …
35 Would you like … ? I’d like …
36 Do this! Don’t do that! Let’s do this! (imperativo)
37 I used to …


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

here y it
38 there is there are
39 there was/were there has/have been there will be
40 It …
Verbos auxiliares
41 I am, I don’t etc.
42 Have you? Are you? Don’t you? etc.
43 too/either so am I / neither do I etc.
44 Negaciones: isn’t, haven’t, don’t etc.
La interrogación
45 is it … ? have you … ? do they … ? etc. (la interrogación 1)
46 Who saw you? Who did you see? (la interrogación 2)
47 Who is she talking to? What is it like? (la interrogación 3)
48 What … ? Which … ? How … ? (la interrogación 4)
49 How long does it take … ?
50 Do you know where … ? I don’t know what … etc.
El estilo indirecto
51 She said that … He told me that …
–ing y to …
52 work/working go/going do/doing
53 to … (I want to do) e –ing (I enjoy doing)
54 I want you to … I told you to …
55 I went to the shop to …
Go, get, do, make y have
56 go to … go on … go for … go –ing
57 get
58 do y make
59 have
Pronombres y posesivos
60 I/me he/him they/them etc.
61 my/his/their etc.
62 Whose is this? It’s mine/yours/hers etc.
63 I/me/my/mine
64 myself/yourself/themselves etc.
65 –’s (Kate’s camera / my brother’s car etc.)
A y the
66 a/an … 1
67 a/an … 2
68 train(s) bus(es) (singular y plural)
69 a bottle / some water (contable/incontable 1)
70 a cake / some cake / some cakes (contable/incontable 2)
71 the
72 go to work go home go to the cinema
73 I like music I hate exams
74 the … (con nombres de lugares)


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

Determinantes y pronombres
75 this/that/these/those
76 one/ones
77 some y any
78 not + any no none
79 not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no–one/nothing
80 somebody/anything/nowhere etc.
81 every y all
82 all most some any no/none
83 both either neither
84 a lot much many
85 (a) little (a) few
Adjetivos y adverbios
86 old/nice/interesting etc. (adjetivos)
87 quickly/badly/suddenly etc. (adverbios)
88 old/older expensive/more expensive
89 older than … more expensive than …
90 not as … as
91 the oldest the most expensive
92 enough
93 too
Orden de las palabras en la frase
94 He speaks English very well. (orden de las palabras en la frase 1)
95 always/usually/often etc. (orden de las palabras en la frase 2)
96 still yet already
97 Give me that book! Give it to me!
Conjunciones y oraciones compuestas
98 and but or so because
99 When …
100 If I had … If we went … etc.
101 a person who … a thing that/which … (oraciones de relativo 1)
102 the people we met the hotel you stayed at (oraciones de relativo 2)
103 at 8 o’clock on Monday in April
104 from … to until since for
105 before after during while
106 in at on (preposiciones de lugar 1)
107 in at on (preposiciones de lugar 2)
108 to in at (preposiciones de lugar 3)
109 under, behind, opposite etc.
110 up, over, through etc.
111 on at by with about
112 good at … , interested in … etc. of/at/for etc. (preposiciones) + –ing
113 listen to … , look at … etc. (verbo + preposición)
Verbos con adverbio (phrasal verbs)
114 go in, fall off, run away etc. (phrasal verbs 1)
115 put on your shoes put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

Apéndice 1 Voz activa y voz pasiva 233
Apéndice 2 Lista de verbos irregulares 234
Apéndice 3 Verbos irregulares en grupos 235
Apéndice 4 Contracciones (he’s / I’d / don’t etc.) 236
Apéndice 5 Ortografía 238
Apéndice 6 Phrasal verbs (take off / give up etc.) 240
Apéndice 7 Phrasal verbs + objeto (put out a ire / give up your job etc.) 241
Apéndice 8 Cuantificadores (very/much/many etc.) 242
Ejercicios complementarios 243
Guía para el estudio 262
Soluciones a los ejercicios 272
Soluciones a los ejercicios complementarios 299
Soluciones a la guía para el estudio 301
Indice analítico 302


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

Kamae Design
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© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

A los estudiantes (que trabajen sin ayuda de profesor)

Essential Grammar in Use, Cuarta edición
en español es un libro de gramática Índice general
inglesa de nivel elemental. Consta de Agradecimientos
A los estudiantes
115 unidades que abordan distintos A los profesores
eBook interactivo

puntos gramaticales. Las unidades El presente

1 am/is/are (afirmación y negación)
2 am/is/are (interrogación)
aparecen en una lista al principio del libro 3 I’m hungry / It’s cold etc.
4 I am doing (present continuous)
(Indice general). 5 are you doing? (present continuous, interrogación)
6 I do/work/like etc. (present simple, afirmación)
7 I don’t … (present simple, negación)
8 Do you … ? (present simple, interrogación)
No estudies todas las unidades en el 9 I am doing (present continuous) y I do (present simple)
10 I have … y I’ve got …
orden en que aparecen. Es mejor que El pasado
11 was/were
selecciones las unidades que necesites. 12 worked/got/went etc. (past simple)
13 I didn’t … Did you … ? (past simple, negación e interrogación)

Por ejemplo, si tienes diicultades con el 14 I was doing (past continuous)

15 I was doing (past continuous) y I did (past simple)

uso del present perfect (have done/ Present perfect

Índice analítico
16 I have done (present perfect 1)
17 I’ve just … I’ve already … I haven’t … yet (present perfect 2)
have been etc.), estudia las Have66,you
18 a/an
a y som
19 How
67 ever … ? (present perfect 3)
long have
e 69–7 0 you … ? (present perfect 4)liares ver verb
about 111E os auxiliares
unidades 16–21. for since ago
20 abo
ve 109E
I have
away run away
done (present perfect) y I did (past
ss 110
/ throw away etc.
 ) 114,
Apéndic e7
directo e indirecto
He said that … /
, estilo
back He told me to … told me that … 51
voz apasiva
y pasiva, voces
Apéndice 1
come back / give
( back etc. do/does 58 54B
adjetivos 86
was done (voz pasiva 1) bad (bad at) 114–115, Apéndice 7
Estudia el Indice general o el Indice is done
22 adje
23 com
tivos y adverbios
is being done (qui
parativos hasck/q
(older / more expely) 87 (voz pasiva
…) 112A
2) o de am/
be (infinitiv
don’t/doesn’t en
44B, 52B
do/does en la inter
la negación 7, 24D
, 41C,
88–90 nsive) am/is/are 1–3
analítico (que aparece al inal del libro) Formas verbales rogación 8, 24D
superlativ am/is/are + -ing 45B, 52B , 41C,
os (the oldest / (  do y make 58
expensive) 91 the most 4–5, 14A, 24A, 27, )
was/were 11 52D down 110
get + adjetivo (get
para buscar la unidad o las unidades adjetivos/determin
(my/your/her etc.)
tired etc.) 57B
antes posesivos
61–6 3
was/were + -ing
24A–B, 52D
( )
sit down / put dow

114–115, Apéndic etc. ( )
es 6–7
something/anybod have/has been ( ng 105
apropiadas. adjetivo + preposici
adverbios 87
y etc. + adjetivo
(good at etc.) 112
voz pasiva 22–2
will be 28
 ) 16–1
Apé ndice 1
9 each othe
early 87C
r 64D
orden de las pala because 98 either
bras (always/usuall been
often etc.) 95 y/ either y too 43A
advise (advise som have/has been ( either (of ) 83
ebody to …) 54B  ) 16–1
afraid (afraid of been y gone 18C 9 enjoy
…) 3A, 11B, 112A
after 99, 105 there has/have been enjoy -ing 53B
ago 20B before 99, 105 39B
enjoy myself/yours
all begin (begin to enough 92 elf etc. 64A
… o begin -ing)
all y every etc. 81 behind 109A 53C
enough y too 93D
all (of ) 82 below 109E estilo indirecto ver
orden de las pala beside 109A ever
directo e indirecto,
bras 95 best 91B
along 110 Have you ever …
already 96C better 88D superlativo + ever 18
already +  between 109A orde
 17B n de las palabras
orden de las pala bit (a bit older / every 81 95
bras 95 a bit bigger etc.)
also (orden de las born 22C 89D everybody/every
palabras) 95 both 83 one/everything/
always everywhere 81C
always +  orde n de las palabras exclamaciones (Wh
 6C but 98 95
orden de las pala
bras 95 expect (somebod at a …!) 67A
am/is/are 1–3 by 111C y to …) 54B
am/is/are + -ing by detrás de la voz famous (famous
(  pasiva (I was bitte for …) 112A
4–5, 24A, 27, 52D ) a dog) 22D n by far
there is/there are by myself / by your How far is it? 40A
38 self etc. 64C , 48D
an ver a by (= al lado de, far → further 88B
cerca de) 109C fast 87C
and 98 can/can’t 31
angry (with/ab fed up (fed up with
out) 112A caso posesivo 65, few/a few 85 …) 112A
another 66A comparativos (old
Apéndice 4.5
any er / more expensive finish (finish -ing)
88-90 etc.) for 53B
any y some 77 condicional (if …)
not + any 78 99–100 for ten minutes / for
If I do … 99 20, 104D three years etc.
any y no 78 If I did … 100

Si no sabes con Guía para el estudio Guía para el estudio


3.10 Where on Sunday afternoon? I couldn’t ind you. 21 7.4 Before Maria came to Britain, she understand much English. 31
unidades A you were
Voz pasiva
B you have been C was you D have you been E were you
A can
B can’t C not D couldn’t E doesn’t
walk home last night. There were no buses. 32, 34
A have to B had to C must D must to E must have
necesitas estudiar, 4.1

This house
A is built
B is building
100 years ago.
C was building
to the party last week.
D was built E built
22, 24

22, 24
7.6 I
A must B mustn’t
go yet. I can stay a little longer.
C must not D don’t need E don’t need to

usa la Guía para el 4.3

A didn’t invite
D wasn’t invited
B didn’t invited C weren’t invited
E haven’t been invited
born? ’ ‘In Cairo.’ 22

It’s a good film. You
A should to
What time
B ought to C ought
go and see it.
D should
go to the dentist tomorrow?
E need


estudio que 4.4

A you are

A is being repaired
B you were
My car is at the garage. It
B is repairing
C was you D are you
C have been repaired
E were you

D repaired E repairs
23 7.9
A you must
A don’t have to
B you have to C have you to D do you have to
wait long for the bus – it came in a few minutes.
B hadn’t to C didn’t have to D didn’t had to E mustn’t

aparece al inal del 4.5 I can’t ind my keys. I think

A they’ve been stolen B they are stolen
C they’ve stolen D they’re being stolen
23 7.10 ‘
A Are you liking
some coffee? ’ ‘No, thank you.’
B You like C Would you like D Do you like

Formas verbales 7.11 Please . Stay here with me. 36
5.1 It , so we didn’t need an umbrella. 24 A don’t go B you no go C go not D you don’t go
A wasn’t rained B wasn’t rain C didn’t raining D wasn’t raining 7.12 Dave in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket. 37
5.2 Somebody this window. 25 A working B works C worked D use to work E used to work
A has broke B has broken C has breaked D has break here y it
Futuro 8.1 Excuse me, a hotel near here? 38
6.1 Andrew tennis tomorrow. 26 A has there B is there C there is D is it
A is playing B play C plays D is play 8.2 a lot of accidents on this road. It’s very dangerous. 38
6.2 out tonight? 26 A Have B It has C There have D They are E There are
A Are you going B Are you go C Do you go D Go you E Do you going 8.3 I was hungry when I got home, but anything to eat. 39
6.3 ‘What time is the concert tonight?’ ‘It at 7.30.’ 26 A there wasn’t B there weren’t C it wasn’t D there hasn’t been
A is start B is starting C starts D start E starting 8.4 three kilometres from our house to the city centre. 40
6.4 What to the wedding next week? 27 A It’s B It has C There is D There are
A are you wearing B are you going to wear 8.5 true that you’re going away? 40
C do you wear D you are going to wear A Is there B Is it C Is D Are you
6.5 I think Kelly the exam. 28
Verbos auxiliares
A passes B will pass C will be pass D will passing
9.1 I haven’t got a car, but my sister . 41
6.6 to the cinema on Saturday. Do you want to come with us? 28
A have B is C has D hasn’t E has got
A We go B We’ll go C We’re going D We will going
6.7 ‘ you tomorrow, OK? ’ ‘OK, bye.’ 29 9.2 I don’t like hot weather, but Sue . 41
A I phone B I phoning C I’m phoning D I’ll phone A does B doesn’t C do D does like E likes

6.8 tomorrow, so I can’t meet you. 29 9.3 ‘Nicola got married last week.’ ‘ Really?’ 42
A I work B I’ll work C I’m working D I’ll working A Is she? B Got she? C Did she? D Has she?

6.9 It’s a nice day. for a walk? 29 9.4 You haven’t met my mother, ? 42
A Do we go B Shall we go C Are we go D We go E Go we A haven’t you B have you C did you D you have E you haven’t

Verbos modales, imperativo etc. 9.5 Ben doesn’t watch TV. He doesn’t read newspapers . 43
A too B either C neither D never
7.1 to the cinema this evening, but I’m not sure. 30
A I’ll go B I’m going C I may go D I might go 9.6 ‘I’d like to go to Australia.’ ‘ ’ 43
A So do I. B So am I. C So would I. D Neither do I. E So I would.
7.2 ‘ here?’ ‘Yes, of course.’ 30, 31
A Can I sit B Do I sit C May I sit D Can I to sit 9.7 Sue much at weekends. 44
A don’t B doesn’t C don’t do D doesn’t do
7.3 I’m having a party next week, but Paul and Rachel . 31
A can’t come B can’t to come C can’t coming D couldn’t come

264 265

Guía para el estudio (páginas 262–271)


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

Cada unidad tiene dos Unidad

4 I am doing (present continuous)
4.1 ¿Qué están haciendo estas personas? Completa las frases usando los verbos siguientes:

páginas. La izquierda A
I’m eating. We’re running.

have lie

play sit


4 5 6

contiene información y
la derecha ejercicios.
She’s eating. It’s raining. They’re running. 1 She’s eating an apple. 4 on the floor.

Estudia la página de la She isn’t reading.

El   se forma así:

am/is/are + doing/eating/running/writing etc.
The sun isn’t shining. They aren’t walking.

2 He
3 They
Completa las frases usando uno de estos verbos:
for a bus.
on the table.

izquierda y luego haz los he

I am (not)

is (not)
I’m working. I’m not watching TV.
Maria is reading a newspaper.
She isn’t eating. (o She’s not eating.)
build cook go have

Please be quiet. I ’m working .


‘Where’s John?’ ‘He’s in the kitchen. He

stay swim


3 ‘You on my foot.’ ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’

ejercicios de la página de it
are (not)
–ing The bus is coming.
We’re having dinner.
You’re not listening to me. (o You aren’t listening …)
The children are doing their homework.
Look! Somebody
We’re here on holiday. We
‘Where’s Sue?’ ‘She
in the river.
at the Central Hotel.
a shower.’
a new hotel in the city centre at the moment.

la derecha. B El   expresa un hecho o una acción en curso:

I’m working
8 I now. Goodbye.

Observa el dibujo y escribe frases sobre Jane usando She’s -ing o She isn’t -ing.
1 (have dinner) Jane isn’t having dinner.
she’s wearing a hat 2 (watch TV) She’s watching TV.
they’re playing football 3 (sit on the floor) She
I’m not watching TV 4 (read a book)
5 (play the piano)
6 (laugh)
pasado ahora futuro 7 (wear a hat)
I’m working/playing/eating etc. equivalen a ‘estoy trabajando/jugando/comiendo’ etc., pero en español Jane 8 (drink coffee)
también se usa a veces con el mismo valor el presente de indicativo (trabajo/juego/como):
4.4 ¿Qué ocurre en este momento? Escribe frases verdaderas.
Please be quiet. I’m working. … Estoy trabajando. 1 (I / wash / my hair) I’m not washing my hair.
Look, there’s Sarah! She’s wearing a brown coat. … lleva puesto … 2 (it / snow) It’s snowing. o It isn’t snowing.
The weather is nice. It’s not raining. … No llueve. / No está lloviendo. 3 (I / sit / on a chair)
‘Where are the children?’ ‘They’re playing in the park.’ … juegan / están jugando … 4 (I / eat)
(al teléfono) We’re having dinner now. Can I call you later? … estamos cenando … 5 (it / rain)
You can turn off the television. I’m not watching it. … No la veo / estoy viendo. 6 (I / learn / English)
Diferencias entre el inglés y el español: 7 (I / listen / to music)
They are sitting on the sofa. Están sentados en el sofá. 8 (the sun / shine)
She’s standing by the window. Está de pie junto a la ventana. 9 (I / wear / shoes)
Brian’s lying in the sun. Brian está tumbado al sol. 10 (I / read / a newspaper)
 (→ Apéndice 5): 4.5 Traduce al inglés. vaqueros = jeans
come → coming write → writing dance → dancing 1 Pablo está sentado en el sofá y Sandra 5 Apaga la televisión. No la estás viendo. apagar = turn off
está de pie. 6 Ana está tumbada en la cama. en la cama = in bed
run → running sit → sitting swim → swimming piscina = swimming
lie → lying 2 Llueve mucho ahora. 7 Laura no está de pie. Está sentada allí. pool
3 Hoy mi hermana lleva una blusa y 8 Paul está nadando en la piscina. lista de la compra =
vaqueros. 9 Lisa está escribiendo la lista de la compra. shopping list
4 Javier está leyendo un libro.
am/is/are ➜ Unidad 1 are you doing? ( , interrogación) ➜ Unidad 5 I am doing (

Información Ejercicios
) y I do ( ) ➜ Unidad 9 What are you doing tomorrow? (presente con significado futuro) ➜
8 Unidad 26 9

Verifica tus respuestas con ayuda de las Soluciones. Soluciones a los ejer
cici os
Las Soluciones a los ejercicios aparecen en las páginas En muchos ejercicios

señalados como ‘modelo

se pueden usar las formas
he’s etc.). En el Apéndi
ce 4 encontrarás las
completas del verbo
contracciones. Algunos
(I am, it is, she will, he
ejercicios pueden tener
has etc.) o las contrac
ciones (I’m, it’s, she’ll,
de respuesta’) y las traducc más de una respuesta

272–298. consulta con tu profeso

r o profesora.
iones pueden no coincidi
r exactamente con las

11 My sister isn’t / is
correcta (aparecerán
que tú hagas. En caso
de duda,

1.1 not very happy

today. She’s / She is 3.2
2 they’re 12 My house is old sad.
Si es necesario, estudia nuevamente la página de la 3 it isn’t / it’s not
4 that’s
5 I’m not
6 you aren’t / you’re
the centre.
but it’s big and it’s in 3 Is it
4 He’s / He is
5 I’m / I am o it’s / it
6 Is she
not 7 they’re / they are

izquierda. 1.2
2 ’m/am
3 is
4 are
6 are
7 is … are
2 F
3 H
4 C
6 E
7 B
8 I
8 Are you
9 I’m / I am o It’s / it
10 is he

8 ’m/am … is 5 A 11 It’s / It is … It’s /

5 ’s/is 9 D It is
2.2 3.3
1.3 2 I’m / I am hungry.
3 Is your job interest o I’m not / I am not
2 I’m not / I am not ing? hungry.
4 Are the shops open
3 He’s / He is / He isn’t today? 3 I’m / I am in a hurry.
/ He’s not 5 Where are you from? o I’m not /I am
4 they’re / they a not in a hur

No olvides los ocho Apéndices al final Apéndice 2

Lista de verbos irregulares (→ Unidad 25)
Apéndice 3
Verbos irregulares en grupos

del libro (páginas 233–242). Te darán infinitivo

be (ser/estar)
beat (batir)
past simple
let (dejar/permitir)
lie (tumbarse)
past simple
  y participio pasado iguales:
→ cost
→ cut
→ let
→ put
  y participio pasado diferentes:
→ broke
→ chose

información sobre la voz activa y la become (volverse) became become light (encender) lit lit hit → hit shut → shut speak → spoke spoken
begin (empezar) began begun lose (perder) lost lost hurt → hurt steal → stole stolen
bite (morder) bit bitten make (hacer) made made wake → woke woken
blow (soplar) blew blown mean (significar) meant meant
break (romper) broke broken meet (encontrar) met met lend → lent lose → lost

voz pasiva, los verbos irregulares, las

2 → drove
bring (traer) brought brought pay (pagar) paid paid send → sent shoot → shot drive driven
build (construir) built built put (poner) put put spend → spent get → got ride → rode ridden
buy (comprar) bought bought read (leer) (reed)* read (red)* read (red)* build → built light → lit rise → rose risen
catch (coger) caught caught ride (montar) rode ridden sit → sat write → wrote written
chose chosen burn → burnt

contracciones, la ortografía, algunas

choose (escoger) ring (sonar/telefonear) rang rung
come (venir) came come rise (levantar) rose risen learn → learnt keep → kept beat → beat beaten
cost (costar) cost cost run (correr) ran run smell → smelt sleep → slept bite → bit bitten
cut (cortar) cut cut say (decir) said said hide → hid hidden
do (hacer) did done see (ver) saw seen feel → felt

locuciones verbales (phrasal verbs) draw (dibujar) drew drawn sell (vender) sold sold leave → left
meet → met 3
drink (beber) drank drunk send (enviar) sent sent eat → ate eaten
drive (conducir) drove driven shine (brillar) shone shone dream → dreamt fall → fell fallen
eat (comer) ate eaten shoot (disparar) shot shot mean → meant forget → forgot forgotten
fall (caer) fell fallen show (mostrar) showed shown give → gave given

y el uso de los cuantificadores. feel (sentir)

ight (luchar)
ind (encontrar)
fly (volar)
shut (cerrar)
sing (cantar)
sit (sentarse)
sleep (dormir)
→ brought
→ bought
→ fought


forget (olvidar) forgot forgotten speak (hablar) spoke spoken 4

think → thought blow → blew blown
get (→ Unidad 57) got got spend (gastar/pasar) spent spent grow → grew grown
stand (estar de pie) stood stood catch → caught
give (dar) gave given know → knew known
go (ir) went gone steal (robar) stole stolen teach → taught
throw → threw thrown
grow (crecer) grew grown swim (nadar) swam swum fly → flew flown
hang (colgar) hung hung take (tomar/llevar) took taken 4 draw → drew drawn
have (tener) had had teach (enseñar) taught taught sell → sold show → showed shown
hear (oír) heard heard tear (rasgar) tore torn tell → told
hide (esconder) hid hidden tell (decir) told told
hit (golpear) hit hit think (pensar) thought thought find → found 5
→ begin → began begun
hold (sujetar) held held throw (tirar) threw thrown have had
→ drink → drank drunk
hurt (herir) hurt hurt understand (entender) understood understood hear heard
→ swim → swam swum
keep (mantener) kept kept wake (despertar) woke woken hold held
know (saber/conocer) knew known wear (llevar puesto) wore worn read → read ring → rang rung
leave (dejar/irse) left left win (ganar) won won say → said sing → sang sung
lend (prestar) lent lent write (escribir) wrote written run → ran run
pay → paid
* pronunciación make → made

Estos verbos pueden ser regulares (-ed) o irregulares (-t): 6 → came

stand → stood come come
infinitivo past simple / participio pasado infinitivo past simple / participio pasado understand → understood become → became become
burn burned o burnt learn learned o learnt
dream dreamed o dreamt smell smelled o smelt

234 235

También hay unos Ejercicios Ejercicios complementarios Ejercicios complementarios

  (I’m working) y   (I work) Unidades 4–9 was/were y   (I worked / did you work? etc.) Unidades 11–13

complementarios detrás de los 8 Completa las frases.

1 2 Do you often go 3
10 Completa las frases usando sólo una palabra.
1 I got up early and had a shower.
2 Tom was tired last night, so he to bed early.
Please be quiet. (you/often/go) to the (you/cook)?

Apéndices (páginas 243–261) I’m working (I/work). cinema? 3 I this key on the floor. Is it yours?
4 Kate got married when she
5 Helen is learning to drive. She
6 ‘I’ve got a new job.’ ‘Yes, I know. David
her first lesson yesterday.
7 ‘Where did you buy that book?’ ‘It was a present. Amy it to me.’

que aparecen relacionados en la 8 We hungry, so we had something to eat.

9 ‘Did you enjoy the film?’ ‘Yes, I
10 ‘Did Andy come to your party?’ ‘No, we
it was very good.’
him, but he didn’t come.’
11 Observa las preguntas y las respuestas de Joe. Escribe frases sobre Joe cuando era pequeño.

página 243. 4
Jack (play)
the piano very well.
now. Goodbye!
Can I take this umbrella? When you were a child …
Were you tall?

No. 1 He wasn’t tall.

Did you like school? Yes. 2 He liked school.
Were you good at sport? Yes. 3 He
Did you play football? Yes. 4
Did you work hard at school? No. 5
Did you have a lot of friends? Yes. 6
Did you have a bike? No. 7
Were you a quiet child? No. 8

7 8 9 12 Completa las preguntas.

Excuse me, What’s this word? How
(I/not/watch) TV very much. (we/look) for
the museum. (you/pronounce) it?
1 Did you have a nice holiday? Yes, it was great, thanks.
2 Where did you go ? To Amsterdam.
3 there? Five days.
4 Amsterdam? Yes, very much.
5 ? I have friends in Amsterdam, so I stayed with them.
6 good? Yes, it was warm and sunny.
7 back? Yesterday.

13 Pon el verbo en la forma correcta (afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa).

1 It was a good party. I enjoyed it. (I / enjoy)
9 Selecciona las expresiones correctas.
2 ‘ Did you do the shopping?’ (you / do) ‘No, I I didn’t have time.’ (I / have)
1 ‘ Are you speaking / Do you speak English?’ ‘Yes, a little.’ (Do you speak es la forma correcta) 3 ‘Did you phone Adam?’ ‘No, I’m afraid .’ (I / forget)
2 Sometimes we’re going / we go away at weekends. 4 I like your new watch. Where it? (you / get)
3 It’s a nice day today. The sun is shining / shines. 5 I saw Lucy at the party, but to her. (I / speak)
4 (You meet Kate in the street.) Hello, Kate. Where are you going / do you go? 6 : a nice weekend? (you / have)
5 How often are you going / do you go on holiday? : Yes, I went to stay with some friends of mine.
6 Emily is a writer. She’s writing / She writes books for children. 7 Paul wasn’t well yesterday, so to work. (he / go)
7 I’m never reading / I never read newspapers. 8 ‘Is Mary here?’ ‘Yes, five minutes ago.’ (she / arrive)
8 ‘Where are Mark and Laura?’ ‘They’re watching / They watch TV in the living room.’ 9 Where before he moved here? (Robert / live)
9 Helen is in her office. She’s talking / She talks to somebody. 10 The restaurant wasn’t expensive. very much. (the meal / cost)
10 What time are you usually having / do you usually have dinner?
11 Joe isn’t at home at the moment. He’s visiting / He visits some friends.
12 ‘Would you like some tea?’ ‘No, thank you. I’m not drinking / I don’t drink tea.’

246 247


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

A los profesores
Las características generales más importantes de este libro son:
es un libro de gramática. No se ocupa de otros aspectos de la lengua inglesa.
va dirigido a estudiantes de nivel elemental y no aborda cuestiones de gramática que normalmente no se aprenden
o enseñan en este nivel.
es a la vez un libro de consulta y de ejercicios. No es un libro de texto y no está organizado de un modo progresivo.
utiliza el español en las explicaciones y como referencia contrastiva entre las dos lenguas.
se dirige a los estudiantes y está concebido para el estudio individual.
Organización del libro
El libro consta de 115 unidades sobre distintos aspectos gramaticales. El material se organiza a partir de categorías
gramaticales (tiempos verbales, formas interrogativas, artículos, etc.). Las unidades no están ordenadas según criterios
de dificultad y, por tanto, deben usarse de acuerdo con las necesidades de los estudiantes: no aconsejamos seguir
estrictamente el orden en que aparecen. Las secciones Indice general e Indice analítico facilitan la consulta.
Cada unidad consta de dos páginas: en la izquierda aparecen las explicaciones con ejemplos y observaciones
contrastivas, en la derecha se encuentran los ejercicios correspondientes. Hay ocho Apéndices (páginas 233–242)
dedicados a voz activa y voz pasiva, verbos irregulares, contracciones, ortografía, locuciones verbales (phrasal verbs)
y cuantificadores. Puede ser conveniente dirigir la atención de los estudiantes a esta sección.
Al final del libro hay una serie de ejercicios complementarios (páginas 243 – 261). Estos ejercicios proporcionan práctica
globalizada al unir puntos gramaticales tratados en diferentes unidades (especialmente los relacionados con formas
verbales). Hay 35 ejercicios en esta sección con un índice en la página.
También al final del libro hay una Guía para el estudio que será de ayuda para que los estudiantes decidan qué unidades
han de estudiar – véase la página 262.
Finalmente, las Soluciones (páginas 272–298) permiten a los estudiantes comprobar sus respuestas a todos los ejercicios
del libro.
El libro es para estudiantes de nivel elemental, es decir, estudiantes con escaso conocimiento del inglés, aunque no
principiantes absolutos. Se dirige principalmente a los estudiantes de nivel elemental que hayan superado los estadios
iniciales de un curso para principiantes. También se podría usar por estudiantes de nivel intermedio bajo cuya gramática
sea más floja que otros aspectos de su inglés o que tengan problemas con áreas concretas de gramática básica.
Las explicaciones van dirigidas al estudiante de nivel elemental y por eso son tan sencillas y breves como es posible. El
vocabulario que se usa en los ejemplos y en los ejercicios también se ha restringido para que el libro pueda usarse en
este nivel.
Uso del libro
Se puede usar para el estudio individual (véase A los estudiantes), o como material complementario. En ambos casos
puede servir como libro de consulta de gramática elemental.
Si se usa en clase, puede servir para actividades de refuerzo o bien para repaso y recuperación. Se puede usar con toda
la clase o sólo con los estudiantes que necesiten apoyo o práctica adicionales.
A veces será conveniente usar en clase la página izquierda (presentación y explicación), aunque ha sido concebida para
estudio y consulta individual. En la mayor parte de los casos será mejor que el profesor o la profesora presente el punto
gramatical del modo que considere oportuno y los estudiantes realicen los ejercicios en casa, con la página izquierda
como referencia.
Habrá profesores y profesoras que prefieran usar el libro para actividades de revisión y recuperación. En tal caso se
orientará el trabajo individual o en grupo hacia la unidad o unidades apropiadas.
Al final de cada unidad hay un ejercicio de traducción basado en diferencias formales entre el inglés y el español. Se
facilita la traducción de algunas palabras o expresiones cuando se supone que los estudiantes pueden desconocerlas
o para evitar errores que no se relacionen con el punto gramatical que aborda la unidad (por ejemplo, la traducción
‘en barco = by boat’ aparece en una unidad que trata del present perfect). Estas traducciones se refieren únicamente al
contexto del ejercicio concreto. Así, por ejemplo, la traducción de ‘las arañas’ en el ejercicio 3.4.7 aparece como spiders
(y no como the spiders).
Este libro se ha elaborado considerando posibles dificultades gramaticales contrastando el inglés y el castellano, por
lo que puede ser útil para cualquier usuario de esta lengua como materna. El término ‘español’ se refiere al castellano
como se usa normalmente en España.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-8-490-36103-0 — Essential Grammar in Use Book with answers and Interactive eBook Spanish edition
Raymond Murphy , Fernando Garcia Clemente
More Information

Versión eBook interactivo

Se puede comprar este libro sin o con la versión eBook. El eBook contiene las mismas explicaciones y los mismos
ejercicios que la versión impresa pero en inglés. Es un complemento ideal para la versión en castellano y un recurso
perfecto para estudiar gramática en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.

1 am/is/are
My name is Lisa. I’m 22. My favourite colour is blue.

My favourite sports are

I’m American. I’m from Chicago. football and swimming.

I’m interested in art.

I’m a student.

My father is a doctor and I’m not interested in politics.

my mother is a journalist.

B positive negative
I am (I’m) I am not (I’m not)
he (he’s) he (he’s not or he isn’t)
she is (she’s) she is not (she’s not or she isn’t)
it (it’s) it (it’s not or it isn’t)
we (we’re) we (we’re not or we aren’t) Unit 1 Exercise 55
you are (you’re) you are not (you’re not or you aren’t)
they (they’re) they (they’re not or they aren’t)
the pictures.
Write sentences for the pictures. Use:
short form short forms

I’m cold. Can you close the window, please? angry cold hot
hot hungry
hungry scared
scared thirsty
I’m 32 years old. My sister is 29. I’m scared of dogs.
Steve is ill. He’s in bed.
My brother is scared of dogs. 1
It’s ten o’clock. You’re late again.
Ann and I are good friends.
Your keys are on the table.
I’m tired, but I’m not hungry.
Lisa isn’t interested in politics. She’s interested in art.
James isn’t a teacher. He’s a student. 2
2 Th
Those people aren’t English. They’re Australian.
It’s sunny today, but it isn’t warm.
They’re // They
They are
C that’s = that is there’s = there is here’s = here is
Thank you. That’s very kind of you. Here’s your key.
Look! There’s Chris. 3
‘Here’s your key.’ ‘Thank you.’
3 He

Thank you. He’s

He’s // He
He is
is hot.


am/is/are (questions)
+ present ➜ Unit➜
perfect 2 Unit
word Unit 37
➜ order a/an
➜ Unit
((still/already) ➜ Unit
65 94short forms ➜ Appendix 4 He’s // He
He’s He is
is scared.


They’re // They
They’re They are

66 66

She’s // She
She’s She is
is angry.

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ejemplos respuestas apuntes

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texto páginas diccionario

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