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select nume, prenume from studenti where bursa=(select max(bursa) from studenti)
/ nume from studenti where (an, grupa) in (select an, grupa from studenti
where nume='Arhire')
/ nume, grupa from studenti s, note n where s.nr_matricol=n.nr_matricol and
(grupa, valoare,an) in (select grupa, min(valoare),an from studenti s, note n where
s.nr_matricol=n.nr_matricol group by grupa, an)
/ nume, avg(valoare) from studenti s, note n where
s.nr_matricol=n.nr_matricol group by s.nr_matricol,nume having avg(valoare)>(select
avg(valoare) from note)
/ * from(select s.nume, avg(n.valoare) from studenti s, note n where
s.nr_matricol=n.nr_matricol group by s.nr_matricol,s.nume order by avg(valoare)
desc) where rownum<4
/ s.nume, avg(n.valoare) from studenti s, note n where
s.nr_matricol=n.nr_matricol group by s.nr_matricol, s.nume having
avg(valoare)=(select max(avg(valoare)) from note group by nr_matricol)
/ nume, prenume from studenti s, note n where s.nr_matricol=n.nr_matricol
and valoare=(select valoare from studenti s, note n, cursuri c where
s.nr_matricol=n.nr_matricol and n.id_curs=c.id_curs and s.nume='Ciobotariu' and
s.prenume='Ciprian' and c.titlu_curs='Logica') and s.nume<>'Ciobotariu'

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