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Charles Mingus

He was born in Nogales, Arizona, on April 22, 1922 and died in Cuernavaca on
January 5, 1979. Mingus was a double bassist, pianist and composer. Mingus was
also known for his work as an activist against racism. He died due to a
degenerative muscular disease.
Se crio en el área de Watts, en Los Ángeles (California). Su familia tenía
antecedentes suecos y afroamericanos por parte de sus abuelos paternos y
nacionalidades chinas y británicas por parte de sus abuelos maternos. A pesar de
esto, creció en un entorno familiar estricto y discriminatorio.
En vida, el contrabajista publicado más de 20 discotecas, sin embargo, la mayoría
de las discotecas publicado en Mingus se lanzaron años después de su muerte.
He studied the trombone at first, but given the incompetence of his teacher,
diverted his attention to the cello. A friend of his, aware of Mingus's anti-racist
ideas, warned him that he was rehearsing with an instrument more typical of whites
than blacks, which led him to study the contrabass.

In life, the contrabajista published more than 20 nightclubs, however, most of the
discotheques published in Mingus were released years after his death.

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