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Instructions: Use 1 or max of 2 pages to write your review/critique base on the following

questions as mention below. Use 1.5 spacing per line.

Submit a print copy using short bond paper/s on or before September 30.

1. Describe and discuss

The microbiological concept and principles from our lecture that best suited to the sample
article. Also, add other “principles or concepts of natural sciences”. (20-30 sentences)

2. Describe, discuss, and explain

The important scientific development/technology as a contribution of the given article.
(20 - 25 sentences)

3. In your “opinion” what are the other aspect of the study “Biology” where the
method/techniques of the example article can be applied or applicable? (10-20 sentences)

Note: Rubrics matrixes will be applied for your own score. This your Output 1.0

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