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Christmas Day Symbols

Christmas is the most widely celebrated festival world over, and also the most popular festival
globally. Apart from traditions, customs and rituals, there are some of the interesting and
enjoyable information on the different icons and symbols that are associated with Christmas. In
fact, these things have become so common with the celebration of Christmas, through these
symbols people come to know that Christmas has come. For, these are what Christmas mean to
the masses, at least symbolically. Following are some of the symbols that have been eventually
attached to the Day celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ.

2. The Star: As we all know from the Biblical story, the star was one of the most important
factors as it guided the three wise men to Christ’s birthplace. The star serves as a heavenly symbol
which made the prophecy come true. It also marks as a hope for mankind

1.The Fir Tree: You certainly love to decorate a fir tree as the Christmas tree. But the Fir tree too
serves as a Christmas symbol. The green colored tree symbolizes the everlasting life and the light.
After knowing its symbolic importance, you will now love to decorate the Fir tree like a bride.

4.The Red Color: The Red color symbolizes the immense sacrifice made by the savior, Christ. The
Red color marks the sad diminution of goodness over cruelty to save the mankind. It points out to
the most uneventful event as stated in the Holy Bible.

5.The Candy Cane: This is a cute stick which looks like the shepherd’s crook, which is used to bring
back the lambs back to their fold.

3. Mistletoe
A symbol of love, peace and goodwill, Mistletoe is an aerial parasite that has no roots of its own
and lives off the tree that it attach itself to. It is believed that the plant had special healing powers
for everything from female infertility to poison ingestion.

Christmas Stocking

Children all over the world continue the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings. Originally,
children simply used one of their everyday socks, but eventually special Christmas stockings were
created for this purpose.

Christmas Toys

Children anywhere in the world are excited and joyous on receiving Christmas toys as a gift.
Available in almost infinite variety of choices, Christmas toys are for every age of childhood, and
there are many different kinds for each age.

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