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Manzano, Ina Isha

X- Nobility

Looking back on this class, I have realized just how much my writing has
improved since the beginning of the quarter and that first assignment. I went
from being a writer that was not confident in his work and over-thought
everything into someone who found his own writing style, and can quickly
and effectively write an essay. This portfolio was made so that I can show off
what I have learned from this class, and show off just how much I have improved
as a writer. The work that I selected show that I have made incredible progress
this term. In the beginning of the quarter there were many things that I had to
revise in my essays, and they took me twice as long to write as well. However,
by the end of the quarter writing, although not quite second nature to me, has
become much simpler and my writing in general has become much stronger as
There are many things that I have learned about myself this quarter. I
have learned that if I do not over-think my papers while I am writing them, and
stop trying to make them perfect , writing becomes much easier for me. This
portfolio not only shows everyone how I have progressed , but it also shows what I
have learned about myself as a writer. It contains not only my best works, but
also my mistakes, and through the work in here I am able to see the mistakes
that I commonly make while writing such as over-generalizing things and
writing about something before I completely understand it myself. However
there are also things that I realized woks well for me in my writing. Unlike
what I thought in the beginning of the quarter, I write much better when I make
a general outline and write out the paper without correcting myself as I go. In
this English subject, I have learned many things about myself and have
finally found a way of writing that works best for me.

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