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Ref/TESPL/2014/231 Date:- 02/09/2014

Cancer of Cut practice that is ruining Medical profession NOW grips industrial
boilers user industry

The cancer of cut practice that is ruining Medical profession has already assumed alarming propositions.
What is really amazing is the well organized manner in which it operates. Medical Representatives,
Medical shops, Medicine manufacturers and Doctors operate this corrupt system very “harmoniously”
and methodically. The process is run with excellent database and recordkeeping.

The Industrial Boiler manufacturers, their regional offices and well developed network of Sales and
Service franchaises have nicely adopted this cut practice method to win over business and create an
army of sycophants / propagandists who will go out of way to hide truth, spread rumors or falsehood
and enjoy fruits of corruption. The Franchaises thoroughly spoil habits of boiler operators and
maintenance executives by making them “partners” in the cut practice. These corrupt operators and
managers are widely publicized and projected to market as authentic “opinion leaders” and “experts”
in boiler technology who in reality serve the vested interests of those who pay them through cut

Corrupt Boiler Inspectors and their partners viz. boiler repair service providers are also part of the cut
practice cartel, who also present themselves as “opinion leaders and experts”.

The concept of service franchise is profitable only when product is so engineered that sale of lot of spare
parts and services can be easily thrusted upon the customer who has no choice but to seek such services
and buy spare parts from the OEM.

To make this business appear fair and justifiable, the service franchise works hand in glove with the
plant operators, maintenance technicians and even the lower level managers.

The inflated annual budgets for spares and maintenance proposed by service franchise are promptly
forwarded by maintenance managers for sanction.

The inflated budget for maintenance and spare parts generates enough revenue for the service
franchisee and OEM so as to grease the palms of plant operators and maintenance staff.

Such service franchise and their OEM is always in the “good books” of plant operators and maintenance
Vital factors like fuel efficiency, spares consumption, running cost etc. are seldom brought to the
attention of the top management. The plant operators and Maintenance team in collusion with the
service franchaisee and OEM makes all efforts to justify to their top management how good these
ordinary products are.

Such “happy” and “satisfied customers”, i.e. plant operators and maintenance managers leave no
opportunity to reciprocate their obligation towards service franchise by recommending procurement of
the same equipment not only to their management but also for the prospective buyers. They are paid
to create confusions about truly meritorious products and to falsely blow up below average ordinary
products of the franchaisee.

These “happy” maintenance managers would go out of way to reject an efficient and maintenance free
equipment. Obviously they do not want to lose their revenues earned out of cut practice.

The vicious cycle keeps expanding with growing population of such inefficient equipments and “happy”
maintenance managers.

A cancer detected at last stage would invariably cause death! as cures are implemented too late.


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