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Tropical Medicine and International Health doi:10.1111/tmi.


volume 18 no 6 pp 783–793 june 2013


Diagnosing tuberculous meningitis – have we made any

Jennifer Ho1, Ben J. Marais2,3, Gwendolyn L. Gilbert1,2 and Anna P. Ralph2,4,5

1 Centre for Infectious Diseases & Microbiology – Public Health, Westmead Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia
2 Sydney Emerging Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia
3 Division of Paediatrics and Child Health, Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW, Australia
4 Global and Tropical Health Division, Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, NT, Australia
5 Department of Medicine, Royal Darwin Hospital, Darwin, NT, Australia

Abstract Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) comprises a significant proportion of TB cases globally and causes
substantial morbidity and mortality, especially in children and HIV-infected patients. It is a
challenging condition to diagnose due to its non-specific clinical presentation and the limited
sensitivity of existing laboratory techniques. Smear microscopy and culture are the most widely
available diagnostic tools yet are negative in a significant proportion of TBM cases. Simplified and
more affordable nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) are increasing in use in resource-limited
settings but have not been optimised for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. Novel diagnostic methods
such as CSF interferon-gamma release assays and various biomarkers have been developed but
require further evaluation to establish their utility as diagnostic tools. There is an urgent need for
further research into optimal diagnostic strategies to decrease the morbidity and mortality as a result
of delayed or missed diagnosis of TBM. In this review, we discuss current and novel diagnostic tests
in TBM and areas where future research should be prioritised.

keywords tuberculosis, central nervous system, diagnosis, novel diagnostics, cerebrospinal fluid

predominance, increased protein content and low glucose

concentration), clinical and radiological criteria are
Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) results in the highest rates required to optimise the diagnosis (Thwaites et al. 2002;
of morbidity and mortality out of all forms of tuberculosis Marais et al. 2010). Atypical CSF findings have been
(WHO 2012). It is of particular concern in young chil- described in children (Yarmis et al. 1998; Stark 1999),
dren, in whom it comprises up to 33% of all cases of TB and the sensitivity and specificity of neurological symp-
(Soeters et al. 2005). Outcomes of infection include death toms and signs are particularly low in this vulnerable pop-
in up to 50% of cases (Ruslami et al. 2013). Survivors can ulation (Kumar et al. 1999). A large proportion of TBM
suffer substantial neurological sequelae including develop- cases remain undetected and probably die without access
mental delay in children, seizures, hydrocephalus, and cra- to appropriate treatment (WHO 2011a). Molecular tech-
nial nerve palsies (Thilothammal et al. 1994; Yarmis et al. niques are routinely employed in developed countries and
1998). Improved clinical outcomes are dependent on increasingly in less wealthy settings. The sensitivity of
timely diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment at these assays is highly variable, however, and, in many
optimal doses (Kennedy & Fallon 1979; Garg 1999; Rus- cases, offers little advantage over smear microscopy per-
lami et al. 2013). Despite this, current diagnostic methods formed by an experienced technician (Pai et al. 2003;
are limited in sensitivity due to the paucibacillary nature Thwaites et al. 2004a). The inadequacy of current labora-
of this form of TB, and hence, the need for large volumes tory diagnosis of TBM has encouraged a plethora of stud-
of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that are impractical in most ies investigating novel diagnostic assays for TBM in the
cases especially in children. Smear microscopy and culture past decade. While many are promising, studies evaluating
are often negative in TBM, and a combination of consis- these assays are often small, and methods may be less suit-
tent CSF findings (moderate pleocytosis with a lymphocyte able in resource-constrained, TB endemic settings.

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 18 no 6 pp 783–793 june 2013

J. Ho et al. Diagnosing tuberculous meningitis

Comparisons of TBM diagnostic studies are hindered by prolonged slide examination (30 min) (Thwaites et al.
the lack of a clear reference standard, low study subject 2004b). However, these criteria are rarely achieved in
numbers and heterogeneity in both study design and spe- practice. Despite being the most practical and universally
cific diagnostic platforms. There is an urgent need for sim- adopted test for TB diagnosis, there have been few
ple, affordable and effective techniques to enhance advances towards improving smear microscopy. Recently
detection and treatment of this debilitating disease. Our described fluorescent microscopy using small membrane
objective in this review is to describe the utility and limita- filters (Fennelly et al. 2012) and modified ZN stain using
tions of current laboratory methods for TBM, discuss cytospin and Triton (a detergent) processing of CSF sam-
recent advances, and propose best practice approaches ples (Chen et al. 2012) have provided promising avenues
and future research priorities. for further developments in this field.

Search strategy and selection criteria Culture

References were obtained using PubMed from the last Culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) from the
15 years using the search strategy ‘tuberculous meningi- CSF of TBM patients is slow and insufficiently sensitive to
tis’ and ‘diagnosis’. References that included laboratory be used as a ‘rule out’ diagnostic test, although it repre-
diagnostic techniques were included. Relevant references sents the most definitive ‘rule-in’ test – usually in retro-
cited from these initial references were also reviewed. spect (Tortoli et al. 1999; Venkataswamy et al. 2007).
Studies with low subject numbers (<10 cases) or unsuit- Culture is essential for phenotypic drug susceptibility test-
able study design, such as no controls, were excluded. ing (DST) and to confirm resistance detected by more
Additional references concerning specific aspects of labo- rapid molecular techniques (WHO 2011c). Reduced turn-
ratory diagnosis (microscopy, interferon-gamma release around times have been achieved using broth-based cul-
assay, etc.) were further obtained by searching PubMed ture compared with solid media for the isolation of MTB
using these subject headings specifically combined with (13 days vs. 26 days) (Tortoli et al. 1999) and DST
‘tuberculous meningitis’. (Tortoli et al. 2002). For CSF samples, both liquid and solid
culture media should be used for optimal detection and
should be incubated for longer periods (up to 8–10 weeks)
than routine culture (Venkataswamy et al. 2007). The
Detection of acid fast bacilli (AFB) in patient samples sensitivity of CSF culture for MTB varies (60–70% in
using Ziehl–Neelsen (ZN) staining is the most widely adults) (Hosoglu et al. 2002; Thwaites et al. 2004b) and
employed technique for diagnosing TB. It remains the only is considerably lower in children (Yarmis et al. 1998; Van
laboratory test for TB diagnosis in many resource-limited Well et al. 2009). As with microscopy, sensitivity can be
TB endemic regions and forms an integral part of the increased by culturing the deposit of relatively large
WHO diagnosis and treatment algorithm (WHO 2010a). volumes of CSF (Thwaites et al. 2004b). Laboratories that
Fluorescent microscopy using fluorochrome dye (aur- culture MTB and perform DST are required to meet spe-
amine-O or auramine-rhodamine) has improved the sensi- cific biosafety level requirements beyond those of routine
tivity of microscopy over conventional ZN staining (by microbiological testing to protect staff from aerosol trans-
approximately 10%) and significantly decreased the time mission and to prevent environmental contamination.
required to examine each slide (Steingart et al. 2006). These include negative pressure ventilation, lockable doors
Cheaper light-emitting diode fluorescent microscopes have and restricted access, personnel protective equipment
enabled wider adoption of this technique (WHO 2011b; including N95 masks, specific waste management and
Das & Selvakumar 2012). AFB microscopy is, however, emergency plans for spills and accidents. All specimens
insensitive in extrapulmonary TB especially TBM, with that are processed for MTB culture and all culture manip-
sensitivity rates of about 10–20% (Thwaites et al. 2000), ulation must be performed inside a certified and main-
although this figure varies considerably (0–87%) (Kennedy tained biological safety cabinet. In addition, quality
& Fallon 1979; Hosoglu et al. 2002; Bhigjee et al. 2007), assurance systems must be in place to ensure accurate and
and is highly influenced by the clinical case definition used reliable results (WHO 2004). In developing nations, these
for diagnosis, the volume of CSF sent and the skill of the considerable infrastructure requirements are generally
technician examining the slide. The sensitivity of smear only met in national reference laboratories, further hinder-
microscopy in TBM can be maximised by examination of ing timely identification and DST results.
the spun deposit of large volume CSF samples (>6 ml), In an attempt to overcome some barriers to conven-
several CSF specimens collected over a few days and tional culture, WHO has endorsed the microscopic

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 18 no 6 pp 783–793 june 2013

J. Ho et al. Diagnosing tuberculous meningitis

observation drug susceptibility (MODS) assay (WHO advantage over microscopy and culture, once antitubercu-
2011d). This is a simple and inexpensive liquid culture lous therapy has commenced with DNA remaining
alternative for detection of MTB and DST in which detectable for up to a month after starting treatment
processed specimens are inoculated into broth media, (Donald et al. 1993; Thwaites et al. 2004a).
with and without antibiotics and examined frequently, Limitations of PCR tests for MTB detection include
after 5–7 days incubation, for the presence of cording in cost, the need for laboratory infrastructure, trained tech-
control tubes. In respiratory samples, MTB can be nical staff and careful quality control to prevent cross-
detected by MODS in a median of 7–9 days (Moore contamination, detect inhibition and monitor assay per-
et al. 2006a; Ha et al. 2010; Shah et al. 2011) with sen- formance. In 2010, the WHO endorsed the use of Xpertâ
sitivities and specificities of 85–87% and 93–97%, MTB/RIF (Cepheid, CA, USA), a rapid fully automated
respectively, against standard culture (Ha et al. 2010; NAAT for use on sputum specimens in resource-con-
Shah et al. 2011). In TBM patients, MODS on CSF speci- strained TB endemic countries, at concessional pricing
mens compares favourably (sensitivity 65% and specific- (WHO 2011e). The main advantages of Xpertâ MTB/
ity 100% against clinical reference standard, with mean RIF over pre-existing molecular assays are its simplicity
CSF volume 4.6 ml) with conventional culture methods in of use – it requires minimal technical expertise and bio-
a significantly shorter detection time (median 6 days) safety requirements and the low rates of cross-contamina-
(Caws et al. 2007). In addition to more timely identifica- tion (Banada et al. 2010; Boehme et al. 2010; Van Rie
tion and DST results, other advantages are cost, ease of et al. 2010; Lawn & Nicol 2011). Another key advan-
use and the ability to perform this technique without the tage is its ability to rapidly detect rifampicin resistance
infrastructure required and with no greater risk of cross- and hence predict multidrug resistant disease (MDR). Of
contamination than with conventional culture. (Moore note however, increasing rates of rifampicin monoresis-
et al. 2006b; Ha et al. 2010; Shah et al. 2011) Further, tance have been reported in recent studies in more than
larger studies into the diagnostic utility of MODS in TBM one-third of total rifampicin resistant cases (Anisimova
are required, including studies in children. Its performance et al. 2012; Mukinda et al. 2012). Moreover, although
for DST in CSF has not been demonstrated and is likely to initial validation studies reported 100% specificity for the
be less successful than for sputum due to the paucibacil- detection of rifampicin resistance (Boehme et al. 2010),
lary nature of this disease and the clumping of bacilli more recent studies have shown specificity to be much
within CSF (Thwaites et al. 2004a; Caws et al. 2007). lower than this (Carriquiry et al. 2012), prompting modifi-
cations in product software (FIND 2011). So, while Xpertâ
MTB/RIF technology has allowed increased decentralisa-
Nucleic acid amplification tests
tion of drug-resistance detection, all detected rifampicin
The first NAATs for use on CSF specimens were resistant isolates should ideally be confirmed with conven-
described over two decades ago (Kaneko et al. 1990; tional DST to detect false-positive results and in addition,
Shankar et al. 1991), and there have been numerous in- concomitant isoniazid testing is required to avoid potential
house polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays developed misassignment of MDR disease (WHO 2011c).
since. The design and performance of these are heteroge- Xpertâ MTB/RIF has been extensively evaluated for
neous, however, which makes comparing them difficult. MTB detection in sputum specimens and performs well
This issue was highlighted by a meta-analysis of the diag- on smear-positive samples (sensitivity 98% compared
nostic accuracy of commercial and in-house NAATs for with 68% in smear-negative samples; specificity 98%)
TBM diagnosis (Pai et al. 2003). Commercial assays were (Steingart et al. 2013). Preliminary studies on a range of
found to be insensitive at detecting MTB in CSF samples extrapulmonary TB samples have also been promising in
(sensitivity 56% and specificity 98%), whereas no useful smear-positive samples (sensitivity 96–100% vs. 37–90%
comparative information could be obtained for in-house in smear-negative specimens; specificity 98–100%)
PCRs (Pai et al. 2003). Subsequently, a number of in- (Armand et al. 2011; Causse et al. 2011; Hillemann et al.
house PCRs using a variety of targets (IS6110, INS, pro- 2011; Vadwai et al. 2011; Tortoli et al. 2012). For CSF
tein b, rpoB, MPB64) and testing platforms have samples specifically, further studies are required as the
described, with improved overall performance, especially few that have been performed have small subject num-
with the use of multiplex PCRs, compared with commer- bers, variable results (sensitivity 27–86%, specificity
cial assays (sensitivity 71–94% and specificity 88–100%) 99–100%) (Vadwai et al. 2011; Tortoli et al. 2012) and
(Kulkarni et al. 2005; Bhigjee et al. 2007; Rafi et al. have not been performed in high TB-burden settings. The
2007; Huang et al. 2009; Sharma et al. 2010; Kusum use of a composite reference standard, combining micro-
et al. 2011; Chaidir et al. 2012). NAATs have a distinct biological, clinical, radiological and/or histological

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J. Ho et al. Diagnosing tuberculous meningitis

findings may enable a more accurate interpretation of the defines a positive result has not been determined (Tuon
utility of Xpertâ MTB/RIF in diagnosing extrapulmonary et al. 2010; Xu et al. 2010). For TBM diagnosis, ADA
TB, where culture confirmation, the historical ‘gold stan- measurements on CSF may contribute to other supportive
dard’, may be absent in true TB disease (Vadwai et al. diagnostic findings once other pathogens have been ruled
2011). An important emerging challenge, given the wide out and, by optimising the defined cut-off value used
global rollout of Xpertâ MTB/RIF for use on pulmonary (Tuon et al. 2010; Xu et al. 2010). However, in HIV
specimens, is to demonstrate how access to this assay can patients, this test is not useful for distinguishing TBM
impact on patient outcomes, as the existing paradigm in from other clinically similar neurological illnesses (Corral
high TB-burden settings is to institute TB therapy for et al. 2004).
cases of clinically suspected TBM even in the absence of Interferon-gamma (IFN-c) plays a major role in the
microbiological confirmation. Whether Xpertâ MTB/RIF immune response to MTB, stimulating macrophage activ-
can, cost-effectively, improve time to initiation of appro- ity and lymphocyte Th1 differentiation (Farrar & Schrei-
priate treatment, patient outcomes, recognition of alter- ber 1993). It has been used in a similar fashion to, and
native diagnoses, resource allocation and epidemiological often in conjunction with, ADA to aid in the diagnosis of
understanding through improved case notification, pleural (Jiang et al. 2007; Khan et al. 2013), pericardial
requires further investigation. (Burgess et al. 2002; Reuter et al. 2006) and peritoneal
Another simple, rapid and cost-effective NAAT that (Sharma et al. 2006) TB with good sensitivity and speci-
has been used for TB diagnosis is loop-mediated isother- ficity. The quantification of IFN-c in CSF as a diagnostic
mal amplification (LAMP) (Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd, tool in TBM holds much promise, yet has only received
Tokyo, Japan). This technology operates at isothermal preliminary attention in recent years (Juan et al. 2006;
conditions without the need for sophisticated equipment Patel et al. 2011). The measurement of unstimulated
or skilled personnel, making it an attractive and feasible IFN-c, on unprocessed CSF, when combined with crypto-
option in resource-limited settings (Boehme et al. 2007). coccal antigen testing and gram stain, in a high HIV-
It has been used for the diagnosis of a variety of infec- prevalence setting, has been shown to be 92% sensitive
tious diseases (Parida et al. 2008; Mori & Notomi and 100% specific in diagnosing TBM (Patel et al. 2011).
2009). In smear-positive sputum, samples LAMP has Further, larger studies in different settings are required to
good sensitivity and specificity (98% and 94–100%, validate these findings. IFN-c measurements share similar
respectively), but it is less sensitive in smear-negative sam- accuracy and may have a complementary role to ADA in
ples (49–56%) (Boehme et al. 2007; Mitari et al. 2011). A diagnosing TB, however, may be limited in low-resource
small study evaluating the use of LAMP on CSF for TBM settings due to technical and financial constraints (Reuter
diagnosis demonstrated good performance (sensitivity et al. 2006; Sharma et al. 2006).
88% and specificity 90%) with better sensitivity than
nested-PCR (Nagdev et al. 2011). Unlike PCR however,
Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs)
LAMP cannot be multiplexed, hence simultaneous drug-
resistance detection is only possible with selected isother- The measurement of interferon-gamma release in whole
mal amplification methods. It is unclear how LAMP tech- blood (QuantiFERON-TB© Gold In Tube [(QFT-IT);
nology would be incorporated into TB testing algorithms Cellestis Limited Chadstone, Vic., Australia] or peripheral
in laboratories that have existing Xpertâ MTB/RIF instru- blood mononuclear cells (T-SPOT.TB; Oxford Immuno-
ments, but, given preliminary data suggesting superior sen- tec, Abingdon, UK) in response to stimulation with spe-
sitivity to PCR in extrapulmonary samples (Nagdev et al. cific MTB antigens, to diagnose latent TB, has been
2011; Yang et al. 2011), further larger studies will be incorporated into screening guidelines in many low-inci-
valuable to determine its role in this setting. dence, high-income countries instead of, or together with,
tuberculin skin testing (TST) because of its high specific-
ity and need for only one healthcare visit (Denkinger
Adenosine deaminase and interferon-gamma activity
et al. 2011; National Institute for Health & Clinical
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is an enzyme that is widely Excellence 2011). However, evidence to support the use
distributed in tissues and body fluids and has been used of IGRAs to diagnose active TB has been less compelling.
in the diagnosis of pleural, meningeal and pericardial TB Meta-analyses have concluded that IGRAs cannot be
(Segura et al. 1989). Measurement of this enzyme is sim- used to rule out active disease or to reliably distinguish
ple and affordable, but the evidence to support its utility latent from active TB (Diel et al. 2010; Sester et al.
in TB diagnosis is inconclusive. Measurement of ADA 2011; Rangaka et al. 2012). The use of IGRAs directly
has not been standardised, and the cut-off level that on CSF specimens has been evaluated for the diagnosis of

786 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Table 1 Comparison of conventional and novel diagnostic tests for tuberculous meningitis performed on CSF specimens

Diagnostic test in Level of Sensitivity Specificity Reference

CSF specimens evidence* % % standard† Comments References

Conventional diagnostic tests

Ziehl–Neelsen A III-2 10–20 100 5 Highly dependent on volume of sample plus time Steingart et al. (2006);
(ZN) smear to examine slides and may be lower in clinical Thwaites et al. (2000)
microscopy practice than research settings

© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Use of fluorescent microscopy increases sensitivity
Culture: liquid A III-2 60–70 100 6 Shorter time to detection with liquid media Thwaites et al. (2004b);
and solid media Increased sensitivity with larger volumes Hosoglu et al. (2002)
In-house A III-2 71–94 88–100 1,2 or 4 Assays highly heterogeneous Rafi et al. (2007);
Sharma et al. (2010);
Tropical Medicine and International Health

Kusum et al. (2011);

Huang et al. (2009);
Kulkarni et al. (2005);
J. Ho et al. Diagnosing tuberculous meningitis

Bhigjee et al. (2007)

Commercial BI 56 98 1,2,3 or 4 Majority of commercial assays not licensed for Pai et al. (2003)
extrapulmonary samples
XpertâMTB/RIF C III-2 27–86 99–100 1 Requires further evaluation; very few studies, Tortoli et al. (2012);
small subject numbers Vadwai et al. (2011)
ADA CI 79–84‡ 84–91‡ 2 Variable results; possible additional Xu et al. (2010); Tuon
benefit to other diagnostic findings et al. (2010)
Newer and novel diagnostic tests
MODS B III-2 65 98–100 4 Requires further evaluation; shortens time to Caws et al. (2007)
achieve positive culture result
LAMP D III-2 88 90 2 Requires further evaluation Nagdev et al. (2011)
IGRAs D III-2 50–82§ 89–100§ 1 or 2 Requires further evaluation; may have a role Kim et al. (2008, 2010);
when combined with other rapid diagnostic Patel et al. (2010a,b);
tests, for example, gram stain and Juan et al. (2006)
cryptococcal antigen
Antigens and antibodies¶ D III-2 84–94 92–99 2 Requires further evaluation Kashyap et al. (2004);
Katti (2002); Mudaliar
et al. (2006);
Kashyap et al. (2005);
Katti (2001)
LAM D III-2 64 69 2 Requires further evaluation Patel et al. (2009,

NAATs, Nucleic acid amplification tests; ADA, Adenosine deaminase; MODS, Microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay; LAMP, Loop-mediated isothermal
amplification; IGRAs: Interferon-gamma release assays; PBMC, Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; LAM, Lipoarabinomannan; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

volume 18 no 6 pp 783–793 june 2013
Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 18 no 6 pp 783–793 june 2013

J. Ho et al. Diagnosing tuberculous meningitis

TBM, based on the premise that mononuclear cells local-

ised to infected sites produce more interferon than
peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (Kim et al.
2008), which has also been demonstrated in pleural (Losi

†Reference standard: 1 = Culture, microscopy, clinical and radiological diagnosis; 2 = Culture, microscopy and clinical diagnosis; 3 = Culture and microscopy;
et al. 2007) and alveolar fluid (Jafari et al. 2006; Dheda
et al. 2009) in thoracic TB. There is some evidence that
non-consecutive persons with a defined clinical presentation
comparison of CSF vs. PBMC IGRA levels (Kim et al.
III-2 A comparison with reference standard that does not meet
2008), or combinations of CSF IGRA with other CSF
consecutive persons with a defined clinical presentation
A study of test accuracy with: an independent, blinded

III-1 A study of test accuracy with: an independent, blinded

tests such as ADA (Kim et al. 2010), gram stain and

comparison with a valid reference standard, among

comparison with a valid reference standard, among

cryptococcal antigen (Patel et al. 2010a) or with MTB

the criteria required for Level II and III-1evidence

Study of diagnostic yield (no reference standard) PCR (Juan et al. 2006) may improve the diagnosis of
TBM. Further studies are warranted to confirm these

¶Various Mycobacterium tuberculosis – specific antigens and antibodies including 65kD heat-shock protein and antigen 85 complex.
findings. It will be necessary to overcome barriers such as
A systematic review of level II studies

expense, availability and fastidious sample handling

Quality of evidence

requirements before widespread use of IGRAs becomes

feasible in most TB endemic countries. The value of other
III-3 Diagnostic case-control study

§Heterogeneous studies: IFN-c-based assays used alone or in combination with PBMC IFNc values or other CSF tests.

cytokine readouts (such as TNF alpha, IL-2 and IL-17,

etc.) is currently under investigation and may add value
compared with an isolated interferon-gamma read-out.

Novel biomarkers
The search for novel biomarkers for TB screening, diag-
*Level of evidence: strength of recommendation and the quality of evidence (Merlin et al. 2009).

4 = Clinical diagnosis; 5 = Culture and clinical diagnosis; 6 = Microscopy and clinical diagnosis.

nosis and treatment monitoring has come to the forefront

of attention in recent years (Parida & Kaufmann 2010;
‡Dependent on cut-off value used for positive result and method of ADA measurement.

McNerney et al. 2012). The deficiencies in our existing


strategies for diagnosing TBM make research into diag-


nostic biomarkers for this condition appealing. Biomar-

Recommended but other alternatives may be acceptable

kers are defined as measurable characteristics that

indicate normal biological or pathogenic processes, or
Insufficient evidence to support a recommendation

pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention

(Biomarkers working group 2001), and encompass ADA,
IFN-c and IGRAs, as described above. Other biomarkers
Strength of recommendation

Weakly recommended: seek alternatives

such as MTB-specific antigen, antibody (Katti 2001,

2002; Kashyap et al. 2004, 2005; Mudaliar et al. 2006)
cytokine measurements (Kashyap et al. 2010; Misra et al.
2010), gene-expression profiles and metabolomics
(Kumar et al. 2012; Maertzdorf et al. 2012), in TBM
Strongly recommended

patient have been described, but their feasibility and

Never recommended

clinical utility as diagnostic tools are unknown.

The detection of lipoarabinomannan (LAM), a MTB
cell wall lipopolysaccharide antigen, in urine is useful in
the diagnosis of TB in HIV patients with advanced
immunodeficiency and has recently been developed as a
low-cost lateral flow assay for use as a point-of-care test
[(Determine TB-LAM) Alere, Waltham, MA, USA] (Min-
Table 1 (continued)


ion et al. 2011; Lawn 2012; Peter et al. 2012). Prelimin-

ary investigations measuring CSF LAM for TBM
diagnosis in immunosuppressed HIV-infected patients
have shown improved diagnostic value (sensitivity 64%
and specificity 69%) compared with smear microscopy
(Patel et al. 2009, 2010b).

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 18 no 6 pp 783–793 june 2013

J. Ho et al. Diagnosing tuberculous meningitis

Table 2 Best practice recommendations for laboratory diagnosis Table 3 Components of a standardised clinical case definition
of tuberculous meningitis for tuberculous meningitis (Marais et al. 2010)

Diagnostic Component Features suggestive of tuberculous meningitis

test Best practice recommendation
Clinical criteria Duration of neurological symptoms >5 days
Microscopy Collect an adequate volume of CSF Systemic symptoms suggestive of TB
on CSF (>6 ml in adults) History of recent (within 1 year) close contact
Concentrate sample through cytospin technique with an individual with pulmonary TB
(or small membrane filter) Focal neurological deficits or altered
Use fluorescent microscopy consciousness
Ensure adequate time to examine each slide by CSF findings Clear in appearance
an experienced technician Pleocytosis (10–500 cells/ll) with lymphocyte
Culture Collect an adequate volume of CSF predominance (>50%)
on CSF (>6 ml in adults) Raised protein concentration (>1 g/l)
Use liquid in addition to solid media culture Low glucose concentration (<2.2 mM or
NAAT Use an in-house or commercial PCR which has CSF/plasma ratio <50%)
on CSF been validated for use in CSF Cerebral Hydrocephalus, basal meningeal enhancement,
Non–CSF Test non-CSF specimens (e.g. sputum, gastric imaging tuberculoma, infarct or pre-contrast basal
specimens aspirate, urine) to aid diagnosis of disseminated (CT or MRI) hyperdensity)
TB, or TBM with other sites of infection Evidence of TB Chest radiograph suggestive of active
elsewhere tuberculosis
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; TBM, tuberculous meningitis. Other radiological findings suggestive of TB
outside the CNS
AFB identified or MTB cultured from another
source, e.g. sputum, lymph node, gastric
A pragmatic approach aspirate, urine, bone marrow or blood
Positive MTB NAAT from non-CNS site
Table 1 summarises the accuracy and recommendations Exclusion of Alternative diagnosis confirmed using gram
for use of current and novel diagnostic techniques in alternative stain, culture, NAAT, antigen test (e.g.
TBM, and a summary of the optimal use of existing tech- diagnosis cryptococcus), serology (e.g. syphilis) or
niques is provided in Table 2. While optimising current histopathology (e.g. lymphoma)
techniques is desirable and logical, in the majority of AFB, acid fast bacilli; TB, tuberculosis; MTB, Mycobacterium
regions most affected by TBM, clinicians are limited to tuberculosis; CT, computer tomography; MRI, magnetic reso-
smear microscopy as the sole microbiological diagnostic nance imaging; CNS, central nervous system; NAAT, nucleic
test, and clinical acumen governs empiric antimicrobial acid amplification test; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.
treatment. The use of clinical prediction rules for differ-
entiating TBM from other forms of meningitis is sensitive to 60% of cases demonstrating changes consistent with
and specific (Kumar et al. 1999; Thwaites et al. 2002; active TB (Schutte 2001; Hosoglu et al. 2002; Van Well
Hristea et al. 2012) and can significantly enhance the et al. 2009). These adjuvant tests may also be diagnostic
utility of point-of-care diagnostic tests such as CSF LAM in TBM cases where CSF cannot be obtained, for exam-
(Patel et al. 2010a,b) and Xpert MTB/RIF (Vadwai et al. ple, when lumbar puncture is contraindicated, consent
2011). A standardised clinical case definition, which is for lumbar puncture is not provided, or there is technical
applicable irrespective of patient’s age, HIV status or failure resulting in inability to obtain CSF.
resource limitations, has been developed by a group of
experts in this field, and enables more accurate diagnosis
of TBM and consistency for study comparisons (Marais
et al. 2010). Components of this case definition are sum- While there have been encouraging developments in the
marised in Table 3. Sampling non-central nervous system diagnosis of TB in general, none has translated directly
(CNS) sites such as sputum, lymph nodes, urine, bone into significant improvements in TBM diagnosis. There
marrow and ascitic fluid can be particularly helpful in remains an important need for additional research to
diagnosing TBM (Hosoglu et al. 2002; Van Well et al. identify optimal diagnostic strategies. In contrast to spu-
2009), especially in children, where up to 68% of cases tum in pulmonary TB, CSF will invariably contain low
in one study were MTB culture positive from gastric aspi- organism numbers and limit our current diagnostic
rates (Doerr et al. 1995). Similarly, chest radiography modalities. Concentrating bacilli in CSF specimens and/or
provides valuable additional information in TBM with up designing methods to enhance the sensitivity of culture

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 18 no 6 pp 783–793 june 2013

J. Ho et al. Diagnosing tuberculous meningitis

and NAATs may overcome this.It seems logical that developing countries. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 45,
research priorities be focused on improving the sensitivity 1936–1940.
of XpertâMTB/RIF for use in TBM, given the expanding Boehme CC, Nabeta P, Hillermann D et al. (2010) Rapid molec-
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agement. Although the discovery of specific biomarkers tuberculous pericarditis. Chest 122, 900–905.
or gene-expressions profiles associated with TBM will Carriquiry G, Otero L, Gonzalez-Lagos E et al. (2012) A diag-
herald an innovative and exciting era, existing methods nostic accuracy study of Xpert MTB/RIF in HIV positive
for pathogen identification and DST will still be required patients with high clinical suspicion of pulmonary tuberculosis
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Tuberculosis is a challenging disease. It is entangled in Causse M, Ruiz P, Gutierrez-Aroca JB & Casal M (2011) Com-
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bution to several aspects of this paper. value for diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. European Journal
of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 23, 471–476.
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Corresponding Author Jennifer Ho, Centre for Infectious Diseases & Microbiology, Westmead Hospital, Level 3, Institute of
Clinical Pathology & Medical Research, Westmead Hospital, PO Box 533, Wentworthville 2145, NSW, Australia.
Tel.: +61 2 98458965; Fax: +61 2 98938659; E-mail:

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