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Assalamualaikum and very good morning to my lecturer and all my fellows friend.

Fresh water is the most important sources of life in the earth. Any living thing may survive
without food for days but it is impossible to imagine life without water and oxygen. Nowadays,
sources of clean water reducing years by years based on the graph of River Water Quality Trend
2005 – 2016. This because of increasing pollution of water that may reduce the amount of clean
water. There are many causes that distributed the pollution of water.

From the pie chart of causes water pollution in 2012, the main cause of water pollution was
sewage and waste water that involve 63% of water pollution. Uncontrolled and continuous
discharge of sewage water into the water bodies could increasing the pollution of water. Sewage
discharge contains water used in our sinks, toilets and other household activities. It contains various
chemicals and solid pollutants charcoal, mercury, plastic, glass etc. from different sources. This
untreated sewage dumped into the water bodies render the water harmful for humans as well as
aquatic species. The sewage water also carries harmful bacteria and chemicals that can cause
serious health problems.

Next, wastage from industries also contribute to water pollution. From the pie chart, we
could see that the percentage was 29%. Industries produce a huge amount of waste which contains
toxic chemicals and pollutants which can cause water pollution and damage to us and our
environment. They contain pollutants such as lead, mercury, sulphur, asbestos, nitrates, and many
other harmful chemicals. Many industries do not have a proper waste management system and
drain the waste in the fresh water which goes into rivers, canals and later into the sea. The toxic
chemicals have the capability to change the colour of water, increase the number of minerals,
change the temperature of water and pose a serious hazard to water organisms.

Other than that, agriculture industry is one of the polluter of natural water resources which
contribute 3% of causes water pollution. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used by farmers to
protect crops from insects and bacteria. They are useful for the plant’s growth. However, when
these chemicals are mixed up with water produce harmful for plants and animals. Also, when it
rains, the chemicals mix up with rainwater and flow down into rivers and canals which pose serious
damages for aquatic animals.

In conclusion, much is being done to control, monitor and rectify damage done
by pollutants. All parties should involve and act positively for make sure the problems of water
pollution would downscale and reduces. It is important to keep a close control over pollutants so
that we can maintain the environment in an acceptable condition for future generations. Lastly,
prevention is better than cure. Thank you

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