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‘Welcome to Happy Face Yoga Congratulations and thank you for choosing the Happy Face Yoga Facial Toning Program! I hope you are as excited as I am about our fabulous process to strengthen, tone and develop the facial muscles which will restore or maintain a radiant, youthful look to your face and complexion. Happy Face Yoga is especially designed to stimulate the fifty- seven muscles which construct our face and neck. This program is a simple, non-invasive way to erase fine lines and wrinkles, reduce sagging skin and promote the production of healthier, more resilient cells. This precise exercise program gives you the benefits of a face-lift without the danger and expense of surgery. In reality, you are your own surgeon, operating on yourself everyday, fine-tuning your face little by little. Once you have learned the techniques you have them at your finger tips for the rest of your life. The system is easy to learn and works for anyone who uses it, regardless of age, fitness level, gender or ethnicity. These highly specialized exercises lift, firm and tone all 57 muscles of the face and neck, literally turning back the hands of time and restoring a firm, smooth, glowing facial appearance. You are about to start a carefully planned program of natural face-lifting and facial contour perfection and rejuvenation. I’m sure you will be thrilled with the “youthful new you” that you're about to experience. So sit up straight, relax your body, take a deep slow breath,..........and smile and have fun! Frequently Asked Questions How much time will it take before I will see results? You'll see results within a matter of weeks as some of the muscles tone, and some begin to increase in size. Other problems usually take several weeks to several months. When should I do my Happy Face Yoga exercises? Facial Toning exercises can be done anytime — morning, afternoon, or evening. It is best to exercise when you are least fatigued. It is also good to rest after prolonged exercises. Many people find that the late afternoon is convenient. Yet others people exercise before bedtime as a form of relaxation. Then off to bed to let the blood circulate and the sensory nerves in the face relax. The exercises can also be broken up and done in short intervals throughout the day — in traffic, in line at the grocery, during a bathroom break, whenever! But exercising should never be done when the face is tired or the muscles feel rubbery. How does Facial Toning Exercises compare to a face-lift? Face lifts are expensive, painful and time consuming for the recovery process. Scaring sometimes occurs, and muscles are merely shortened to give lift to the face. Nothing is done for facial toning. The muscles remain weak and in time will begin to sag, once again. Also, when the skin is stretched for the lift, it becomes thinner, and if a person has a thin face, it imparts a bony look. The skin can also appear transparent. Using Happy Face Yoga exercises to help lift the face allows the muscles to have more substance, and gives a firmer, healthier appearance. What effect will these Facial Exercises have on my skin? The supply of blood to a contracting muscle is ten times greater than normal. Resistance aided training brings a vigorous supply of blood to the surface. This blood carries vital oxygen and nutrients to the skin and growing tissue, while carrying away old and damaged cells. Whenever muscle fiber is challenged, it can only result in better skin tone due to the increase in vitality and resiliency. Is 60 years old too old to start Facial Exercises? No! No age is the wrong age. When proper facial exercise involving the scalp, face and neck is started at any age, the muscles still have the ability to be restored to good tone and give a firmer, younger appearance. Starting at a young age will stop lines and wrinkles from ever appearing! Lhave very dry skin. Will the exercises benefit dry skin? Yes. Exercise effects and regulates many different cells and glands. This stimulation of the muscles can help activate the oil glands to produce needed moisture. Will my face get sore from doing the exercises? Yes again. In the beginning, like any other muscle exercise, you will feel some soreness. In time that will go away. 1) 2) 3) 4) Here’s Some Tips for Facial Success! Exercise Daily, Your success will be dependent upon your discipline to exercise on a daily basis. Outstanding results can and will be achieved in several weeks to several months. After these results are obtained, the muscles will be strong and elastic. Once the muscles are toned properly, days can be omitted with no harm, or a short maintenance program of every other day can be developed to keep your face and your neck at their firmest and smoothest. Water, Water, Water. Water is the ultimate moisturizer for the skin. It also ferries nutrients and oxygen to every cell in the face and body, while flushing out the toxins and other wastes that accumulate. Water is the single most important element to keep our skin firm and hydrated, and our muscles toned and healthy. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and always bring a water bottle to class to keep the face hydrated. Posture, As you prepare to do each exercise, move back in your seat and sit up straight. Pull your naval back toward your spine and relax. This posture acts as an anchor and will allow you to focus on the individual facial muscles that you are exercising. Visualization. Visualize and feel the energy coursing through your muscles as they work. Picture in your mind these muscles lifting and starting to tone your face. Use your “mind-muscle connection” to achieve the best possible results. 5) 8) 7) 8) Feel The Burn, When holding some of the poses in our program you should strive to achieve a tight, achy feeling in the muscle. This muscle “burn” is created by a build up of lactic acid in the muscle and it’s a good sign that the muscle is being worked to it’s capacity. Remember the saying, “no pain, no gain”. Ache Away. To relax the muscles and relieve the “burn” after some exercises, press your lips together and blow, like a baby blowing bubbles. Make sure that you vibrate your lips. This will help to release the lactic acid burn we discussed above. Concentrate, Concentrate on the muscles that are being worked. Bring energy into that area. Clear your thoughts while exercising. Concentrate on the muscles, instead of what you may be having for lunch! You'll be delighted by the results. Slowly Now. Slow and careful movements are best. Faster results will be achieved from s/ower exercise movements. Never rush through the poses. If you don’t have time to move slowly and concentrate, do the exercises at another time. Slow and Steady Firms the Face. Use a Mirror, When practicing at home, always try to use a mirror — at least until you have memorized each movement and are confident you are doing it correctly. Good Habits for Facial Care and Rejuvenation As we continue our facial toning exercise program for rejuvenating your face, it is important that other choices, preventative measures, and basic corrective practices be incorporated into our daily routines. Along with the exercises, the following good habits will only add to your progress of a more radiant, youthful you! Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Low water intake is known to be one of the main culprits in speeding up the aging of the skin. Most of the signs of aging are the result of sun damage. If you are going to be outside, always wear a protective layer of at least SPF 30 sunscreen to ward off ultraviolet radiation. Stay in the shade during peak hours. Protect your skin from sudden changes in the temperature. Windy days can be harmful to your skin, and the wind can hasten sunburn. The wind, even a cool wind, dries out the oil and moisture of your skin, leaving it dry and unprotected. Try to maintain a healthy diet. Vegetables and fruits high in fiber are always a safe choice for a healthy lifestyle, so try to eat five portions a day. An unhealthy diet, such as one high in fat, salt, and sugar, will not give us the nutrients to build muscle effectively. We will talk more about nutrition and diet will be discussed later. Exercise your body as well as your facial muscles. You should exercise at least three times a week for thirty minutes or more. Exercise makes you look and feel better. Aerobic exercise increases blood circulation which, in turn, enhances the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your skin. After a good workout, your skin will take on a healthy glow. Consider moderate forms of exercise such as light resistance weight training, swimming, walking, or yoga classes. Everyone should get at least seven to eight hours of sleep a night to look, feel and be their best. Sleep refreshes and nourishes the skin, Lack of sleep robs us of the essential rest and recuperation our skin needs to look our best. To avoid nighttime wrinkles, don’t sleep with your face deep down into a pillow. Try to initiate your sleep without a pillow if possible. Or sleep on a flat pillow instead of a large soft pillow. You cannot look your best unless your face is absolutely clean. Clean your skin carefully twice a day with soap and water. This may sound basic, but I’ve found so many who neglect this simple concept! Wash nightly to rid the facial surface of dead cells and stale creams and makeup. You'll soon look and feel more refreshed. I’ve heard of a simple fountain of youth that you can use at home or carry with you. It’s a mineral water spray! Mix a pint of mineral water with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a clean glass spray bottle. It’s important that the bottle is glass. Mist your face a least three times a day! And do your Happy Face Yoga exercises for at least fifteen minutes every day. At first, more time will be needed, but you will soon become very comfortable and develop your own routine and program to meet your facial needs. Keep a happy, positive attitude about life. Looking good, feeling good and getting healthier is our most important journey in life. For people who are wanting to look as young as they feel, the Happy Face Yoga program is the way! Suggestions on How To Best Learn The Exercises First, don’t feel you have to learn all these exercises a once! Remember, the muscles of the face are like a patchwork quilt. Working on one area will help the overall canvas! And it takes time. Most practice daily. I’ve had many students who have taken my six-week course, then have contacted me six-months later with a great story about how someone had asked them if they had a facelift! This can happen to anyone, if you practice daily! Don’t give up, the results happen slowly, but they do happen! So here’s a suggestion on how you might go about utilizing the Happy Face Yoga facial toning program. In six weeks, you should be able to learn the exercises, and start to see and ‘feel some great results. Week 1 — Start the program by learning the first 5 or 6 exercises. Practice each exercise, the complete sequence of each exercise, every day. Try to memorize each exercise, so that by the end of the week you’ll be able to perform each exercise without having to reread the instructions. Your facial muscles will be on their way to strengthening and toning, and on the path towards youthful vitality! eek 2 — Learn the next 3 or 4 exercises. If you practiced #1 - #6 in the first week, now learn #7 — #10 in week two. Practice these exercises daily, incorporating 2 or 3 of the exercises of your choice from week 1 into your new daily routine. Remember to practice daily, using the instructions less and less! Week 3 — Learn another 3 or 4 exercises. Perhaps # 11 —13. Incorporate these with 3 or 4 of the exercises you already have learned. Which ever exercises you chose, I always try to start my routine with The Lion & The Happy Face Lifter. Make these 2 exercises part of your regular daily routine! Week 4 — Practice The Lion, The Happy Face Lifter, and 3 or 4 exercises that you have already learned that fit your particular needs or wants, and learn 3 or 4 more new exercises! Keep up the good work; you’re on your way! Week 5 — Learn the last few exercises and practice 5 or 6 you already know! Week 6 - Start your daily routine. Your daily routine can now be as many of the exercises as you see fit for your own personal daily program. I would say most people chose around 7 or 8 exercises that they like or feel they need. You should start seeing a youthful new you soon! #1 The Lion —- Warming up the Facial Muscles This exercise helps tighten our facial and neck muscles and cleanses our breathing system. The Lion also helps to de-stress our face and chest. Smile! Inhale deeply and then exhale forcefully, forcing all the toxins out from your lungs. As you exhale, open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, roll your eyes up, and tighten all the muscles in your neck, chest, abdominal area, and buttocks. Now do it again, this time pressing the length of your middle and index fingers across the top of the forehead and sliding the fingers down the forehead in a tight band as you flex your eyebrows up during the exhalation. imes. Relax. Repeat it thr This exercise strengthens the entire face and brings a youthful vitality into your face, giving your face a natural lift against gravity. This is the best exercise to increase the blood circulation to every muscle in your face, neck, and scalp. And it also smoothes out any signs of stress on your face! This exercise is best done standing up. First smile! Form a long “O” with your mouth. Press your lips onto your teeth, then slowly fold your lips over your teeth. Give yourself a great smile raising your cheek muscles up! Now close your eyes and roll your eyeballs up toward your scalp. Adjust your mouth to make the “O” as small as possible. Smile again to further tighten those cheek muscles. Slowly tilt your head back. Now tighten your abdominals and buttocks, and lift your chest, contracting all your facial muscles. Slowly raise your hands up and over your head as you visualize lifting all fifty-seven facial muscles off your body, following your hands. Keep smiling and looking up, all 57 muscles lifting up towards the ceiling. Concentrate and focus by taking long, deep breaths. Hold the lift tightly for 0 seconds. Exhale as you let your hands and head drop down toward the floor. Slowly raise your body back up. A great exercise to do in the morning and one more time during your day! ‘#8 Scooping ~ jaw and neck firmer This exercise strengthens the group of muscles located on, around, and under your chin, including the Triangularis, Depressor Labii, Mentalis, Mylohyoid, Digastric, and the Platysma. Working these muscles will help you tone those sagging cheeks and droopy jowls. It also diminishes wrinkles on the sides of your chin and strengthens your jaw. Smile! Open your mouth and make an “Ahh” sound. Fold your lower lip and the corners of your lips into your mouth and hold them tightly. Extend your lower jaw forward. Using your lower jaw only, scoop up very slowly as you close your mouth. Visualize you are using your jaw to scoop up something very heavy. Pull your chin up about an inch each time you scoop, tilting your head backwards. Open and close your lower jaw for 10 repe repetition, your chin should be pointed toward the c extended and hold this position tightly for sides of your face lifting. ns, On the final ing. Keep the chin while visualizing the This exercise trains the Obicularis Occuli muscle, which surrounds the entire eye. It helps strengthen both the upper & lower eyelids, increasing blood circulation to the eye area and decreases the bulges under the eyes. This exercise also opens the area of the eye socket, creating bigger, brighter eyes. Smile! Place your middle fingers near the inner sides of your eyes, resting just along the sides of the very upper part of your nose. Place your index fingers at the outside of the eyes near the temples. The fingers should be holding the Obicularis Occuli, the big circular muscle that surrounds your eyes, in place. Holding this muscle in place will help to strengthen it as you perform the following sequence. First, squint up your lower eyelids. Imagine you are looking up into the sun ona hot day. You should feel your eye muscles under your fingers pulse or tighten. Squint up and release ten 2s, keeping your upper eyelids as wide open as possible. At first, it may be very difficult to squint those lower eyelids up, but keep practicing, they will strengthen in time! Lastly, hold the final squint and think up, maintaining a strong squint with your lower eyelids. Try to keep your buttocks tight to help the squint. Keep smiling and breathing and hold for twe: . #5 Forehead Smoother This exercise trains the Frontalis, which is the muscle located on the forehead. This will lift the eyebrows, as well as strengthen and prevent drooping eyelids. It also releases tension, smoothing the wrinkles between the eyebrows, Smile! Place your index and middle fingers across your forehead at the hairline. Press the entire length of those fingers down firmly onto your scalp, then slowly slide your fingers down your forehead toward your eyebrows, flexing your eyebrows tightly upward. You are lifting your eyebrows up against the pressure of your fingers. You should feel a tight band of pressure across your ae Hold tight for 10 s, take a deep breath, and release. but on the third flex hold for 20 seconds. Gravity tends to age us all by pulling our cheeks down, which gives us that flat-faced appearance. This exercise is designed to lift the cheeks back up where they belong! It strengthens all the cheek muscles, including the Levator Labii Superiroris, Caninus, and Zygomaticus Major and Minor. This exercise will also help develop the upper lip. Smile! Open your mouth and form a long “O”. Fold your upper lip over your front teeth. Smile again to lift those cheek muscles up! Place your index fingers lightly on the top part of your cheek, right on top of the cheek muscles, directly under your eyes. Relax the cheek muscles, allowing them to return to their original, relaxed position. Smile again with the corners of your mouth to lift those cheek muscles back up. Visualize pushing the muscles up towards your eyes as you smile. You have just completed one “push-up”. Do tex of these “push-ups”. On the tenth “push-up”, hold your cheek muscles up as high as you can. Imagine that your cheeks are moving up from your face towards the ceiling. Take your index fingers and pull them an inch away from you face and move the fingers up toward the scalp area. This will help you visualize your cheek muscles moving up. Hold this position for 20 while looking up towards your fingers. If you tighten your buttocks during these 20 seconds it will help to push your cheek muscles even harder. Release and relax. R thi #7 The Top Furrow Remover This exercise will help bring a tresh, youthful look to the appearance of your face. It helps to fill in the depressed lines that run from your nostrils to the corners of your mouth. Smile! Open your mouth and form a long “O”. Fold your upper lip over your teeth and into your mouth. Feel the area from your nose to your mouth stretch out tightly. Press the entire length of your index fingers on the outside edges of the depressed lines, which are located between the cheekbone and your nose. You'll know when your fingers are in the correct position when you can feel your cheekbones on the sides of your index fingers. Press down very firmly onto that area. Keep smiling and feel the area tighten beneath your fingers. For added pressure, you might consider pressing your middle fingers down on top of your index fingers. Hold tight for twenty seconds. When in the pose, you might also consider trying to make a “bunny nose”. If you do this ever so slightly, it will help to further tighten the muscles under your fingertips! Remember to keep long, deep breathing! Exhaling, Repe: This exercise helps build the Orbicularis Occuli, which are the muscles around the eyes. It will also firm your lower eyelids, removing or preventing eye bags, and it will also help to widen your eyes. Smile! Open your mouth to form a long “O”. Fold your upper lip over your teeth. Squint your eyes, raising your lower eyelids up. Press the three fingertips of each hand under your lower eyelids, right on top of your cheekbones. Press the fingers tightly onto the cheekbones and pull slightly downward. Now try to close your eyes tightly, focusing on lifting the lower eyelids up towards the upper eyelids. You should feel your muscles tighten under your finger tips. Slowly open and close your eyes ten times, putting the emphasis on flexing the lower lids up. Hold the last flex tightly closed for #9 The Neck Smoother This exercise works and strengthens the Platysma muscle and is great for firming the chin, neck, and jaw line. It can greatly reduce double chins and, in some cases, make them almost invisible. Place one palm flat on your neck and slide that palm down until your wrist rests on your collarbone. Place your other palm on top of this hand to add pressure. Hold your hands tight and raise your chin up, slightly tilting your head back. Force your lower jaw out and roll the tip of your tongue up to the roof of your mouth. Now smile and feel your neck muscles tighten. Breathe deeply and hold this pose for fort Ae seconds. hbrty Relax and repeat th ‘ise one more time. This exercise helps tighten the three major muscles on the face — the Temporalis, the Obicularis Occuli, and the Zygomaticus Major. This will increase muscle growth to smooth the crow’s feet and erase the lines at the corners of the eyes. Smile! Form a long “O” with your mouth. Fold your upper lip over your teeth. Smile with the corners of your mouth and lift your cheek muscles up firmly. Place your fingers slanted upwards at the corners of your eyes. Apply a little pressure and pull down gently. Keep smiling. Contract the muscles and create resistance by squinting to force your lower eyelids up. Try to close your eyes tightly shut by using as much of your lower eyelid as possible. Feel the pressure at the corners of your eyes. Slowly open and close your eyes, forcing your lower eyelids up for ten flexes. On the last flex, hold the eyes tightly closed for « Remember to keep your mouth open and your upper lip pressed tightly over your teeth. #11 The Advanced Chin Press This exercise strengthens and tones all the deep muscle layers in the chin and neck area. It firms up the jaw line, diminishes jowls and pouches, and helps to eliminate double chins. Smile! Open your mouth to form a wide “Ah” and fold your lower lip over your teeth. Move your chin up by tilting your head slightly backwards and slowly slide your lower jaw out. Roll the tip of your tongue up to the roof of your mouth, tightening the muscles under the floor of your mouth. Place the heel of your palms at the base of your thumbs up and under your chin at the jowls area and apply pressure upwards. The pressure should be on the Mylohyoid muscles under your chin, not on the jawbone. Slowly open your jaw downward to create resistance. Keep smiling and breathe deeply. Feel the jowls area tighten. Hold for up to #12 The Advanced Temple Flexor As you know, the training of the Temporalis muscle is one of the most important facial exercises because it will tighten and strengthen the whole upper portion of the face. A strong and toned Temporalis will also help to smooth out crow’s feet. Smile! Open your mouth wide and fold both your upper and lower lips onto your teeth. Open your eyes wide, move your chin up and concentrate on tightening the Occipitalis muscle at the back of your neck, where the scalp ends, Smile as you try to open your mouth wider. Keep your lips pressed against your teeth. Move your mouth from a big “O” to a small “O” while flexing all your cheek, chin, and neck muscles. Concentrate on the temple region and visualize moving your ears backwards. Do this ten times. Place your fingers by your temples and feel the Temporalis muscle tighten every time you flex. Repeat the sequence three times. This exercise helps create a better cheekbone shape. It tightens all your cheek muscles and helps lift the middle part of your face. Smile without showing any teeth, while rolling your lips outward as if you were trying to show as much lip as possible. Try to smile with the corners of your mouth as you force all your cheek muscles up. You should feel a slight “burn” in your mouth corners. Place your index fingers at the corners of your mouth, just above the mouth corners, pressing firmly. Now slowly slide your index fingers up to your cheekbones, pressing deeply into the muscle, using very firm pressure. Maintaining that pressure, use your fingertips to lift those strands of muscle up and over the cheekbones, towards the corners of your eyes. When you get to the top of your cheekbones, stop, and press tightly, holding the muscles in place. Hold for twenty You should feel the muscles tightening in your cheeks. Be careful not to slide your fingers up to far, past your eyes, as you will lose the grip on those thin strands of muscle. For added pressure, and to help hold the grip in place, press your middle fingers on top of your index fingers. Keep long, deep breathing! Keep smiling with the corners of your mouth. The Joker This exercise lifts the middle and lower portions of the cheeks and lifts the corners of the mouth. It also helps strengthen and increase muscles which can fill out a thin, tired looking face. Smile! Open your mouth wide as if saying “Ah”, relaxing all the muscles on your face. Slowly make a “Eh” like a happy baby, bringing the corners of your mouth in and up towards your ears. You should feel a slight “burn” in your mouth corners. Smile, and keep your lips pressed tightly against your teeth. Keep the corners of your lips pressed tight into the mouth and up towards the ears. Visualize that you are making a face like “The Joker”. Make sure you are feeling a sharp, sore point at the upper corners 6f your mouth. Place your index fingers at both corners of your mouth, directly above your lips, and press firmly onto these areas to help create resistance. Hold tight for up to thi s. Keep long, deep breathing as you hold your “Joker” face. #15 The Advanced Jowl Eraser a mad

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