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Sunspots......Large spots appear to have no affect......Small spots could be “quite

deadly”......Rapidly changing “spots” most lethal of all

For Severe storms......1 of the 4 inner Planets (Mercury...Venus...Earth...Mars) must

be at a hard angle in degrees......0 = conjunction......90 = square......180 = opposition
with another Planet further from the Sun than itself......In addition, at least 2 other
Planets must be in a harmonic relationship with the 1st pair......These harmonics are

180 = 2 circles joined by a line = opposition

120 = a triangle = trine

90 = a square = square

72 = Q = quintile

60 = * = sextile

Mercury is likely to be the trigger of all magnetic storms........Storm seem to begin

after Mercury has moved into a hard angle ( 0....90....180 degrees ) with another

Planetary perihelia and nodal points (when Planets cross the plane of Earths orbit
around the Sun) ......especially the point midway between ascending and
descending nodes which are a......very sensitive area

When a sunspot appears a flare is on its way!

©Richard Crabtree November 2008

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